PREDETERMINATION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTSettlement Agreement • December 14th, 2018
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2018Description of the Parties: Complainant alleged Respondents engaged in disability-based harassment and subjected him to different terms and conditions of rental due to his disability. Respondents deny discriminating against Complainant, but agree to settle this complaint by entering into this Predetermination Settlement Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”). Respondents own or manage the subject property, a 50-unit apartment complex, known as Oakwood Manor, located at 311 N. 12th Street, Denison, Iowa 51442.
PREDETERMINATION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT CP# 02-18-71618 HUD# 07-18-8507-8 PARTIES TO THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT RESPONDENTS STARLA STRUCK Oakwood Manor Denison, Iowa 51442 CARDINAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. West Allis, Wisconsin 53214 CCM- Oakwood Manor...Settlement Agreement • June 6th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJune 6th, 2018Description of the Parties: Complainant alleged Respondents engaged in disability-based harassment and subjected him to different terms and conditions of rental due to his disability. Respondents deny discriminating against Complainant, but agree to settle this complaint by entering into this Predetermination Settlement Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”). Respondents own or manage the subject property, a 50-unit apartment complex, known as Oakwood Manor, located at 311 N. 12th Street, Denison, Iowa 51442.