Deposit Account AgreementDeposit Account Agreement • April 17th, 2024 • California
Contract Type FiledApril 17th, 2024 JurisdictionWelcome to Hanmi Bank. These terms, your signature card, consumer privacy policy, applicable Fee Schedule, rate and Truth in Savings Disclosures (Disclosure of Account Terms), and the other information we provide to you when you open your account, rep- resent our agreement with you and contain important information about your account. Please read them carefully. By signing our signature card, requesting an account, or main- taining an account, you acknowledge that you have reviewed, understand and agree to be governed by each, as the same may be amended by us from time to time. YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROVISION. NOTE; IF A DIS- PUTE ARISES BETWEEN US, THIS AGREEMENT MAY REQUIRE THE DISPUTE TO BE RESOLVED THROUGH ARBITRATION OR TRIAL BY JUDGE WITHOUT A JURY. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE “DISPUTE RESOLUTION” PROVISION FOR DETAILS.
Deposit Account AgreementDeposit Account Agreement • December 30th, 2022 • California
Contract Type FiledDecember 30th, 2022 JurisdictionWelcome to Hanmi Bank. These terms, your signature card, consumer privacy policy, fee schedule, rate and Truth in Savings Disclosures (Disclosure of Account Terms), and the other information we provide to you when you open your account, represent our agreement with you and contain important information about your account. Please read them carefully. By signing our signature card, requesting an account, or maintaining an account, you acknowledge that you have reviewed, understand and agree to be governed by each, as the same may be amended by us from time to time. YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROVISION. NOTE; IF A DISPUTE ARISES BETWEEN US, THIS AGREEMENT MAY REQUIRE THE DISPUTE TO BE RESOLVED THROUGH JUDICIAL REFERENCE, ARBITRATION OR TRIAL BY JUDGE WITHOUT A JURY. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE “DISPUTE RESOLUTION” PROVISION FOR DETAILS.
Deposit Account AgreementDeposit Account Agreement • March 7th, 2017 • California
Contract Type FiledMarch 7th, 2017 JurisdictionWelcome to Hanmi Bank. These terms, your signature card, consumer privacy policy, fee schedule, rate and Truth in Savings Disclosures (Disclosure of Account Terms), and the other information we provide to you when you open your account, represent our agreement with you and contain important information about your account. Please read them carefully. By signing our signature card, requesting an account, or maintaining an account, you acknowledge that you have reviewed, understand and agree to be governed by each, as the same may be amended by us from time to time. YOUR ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROVISION. NOTE; IF A DISPUTE ARISES BETWEEN US, THIS AGREEMENT MAY REQUIRE THE DISPUTE TO BE RESOLVED THROUGH JUDICIAL REFERENCE, ARBITRATION OR TRIAL BY JUDGE WITHOUT A JURY. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE “DISPUTE RESOLUTION” PROVISION FOR DETAILS.