Higher Education Learning Agreement for StudiesHigher Education Learning Agreement for Studies • October 24th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 24th, 2019Student Last name(s) First name(s) Neptun/ETR code email address MINTA KITTI X1YZW2 minta.kitti@gmail.com Date of birth Nationality1 Sex[M/F] Study cycle (bachelor, master,doctorate)2 Field of education3 (ISCED code, degree programme) 01.01.2000 HU F bachelor 0410 Business and administration Sending Instituti on Name Erasmus code4 Countrycode Address, website Budapest Universityof Technology and Economics HU BUDAPES02 HU Műegyetem rkp. 7-9, Budapest 1111, Hungary Faculty/Department Contact person name5 Contact person email; phone Diána GALI; erasmus@mail.bme.hu; +36 1 463 2452; Receivin g Instituti on Name Erasmus code Countrycode Address, website Duale Hochschule Baden- WürttembergMosbach (DHBW) D MOSBACH01 DE http://international.dhbw-mosbach.de/ DHBW Mosbach Lohrtalweg 10 74821 Mosbach Faculty/Departmen t Contact person name6 Contact person email; phone Jennifer Loudon jennifer.loudon@mosbach.dhbw.de