Record of officer decisionSection 278 Agreement • May 28th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 28th, 2019Decision title: Section 278 Agreement for improvements to C1190 at Stretton Sugwas by Oakwrights Date of decision: 28 May 2019 Decision maker: Acting Assistant Director Highways & Transport Authority for delegated decision: Directorate scheme of delegation: updated 1 November 2018 Directorate: Economy and Place, section 61.To act on behalf of the council in respect of the legislation specified in the foregoing:Traffic Management Act 2004, Road Traffic Act 1988 Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport (Traffic Manager designate) and The Traffic Manager may in making arrangements to ensure that the authority has: (a) determined specific policies or objectives in relation to different roads or classes of road in their road network; (b) monitored the effectiveness of – 117 Ward: Credenhill Consultation: N/A Decision made: For the above to be signed and sealed by an authorised officer on behalf of Herefordshire Council to complete an Agreement under Section 278 Agreement Highway