A Secure and Efficient Key Agreement Protocol Based on Certificateless CryptographyDecember 20th, 2012
FiledDecember 20th, 2012Almost all the certificateless two-party authenticated key agreement (CTAKA) protocols found in the literature, suffer either serious security problems or inefficient performance that involves high computational costs. In this paper, we design a secure and efficient CTAKA protocol. Within the proposed CTAKA protocol, the KGC publishes the public keys of the users in a public directory (LDAP server) that has a certificate to prove its identity to the users. The LDAP certificate is the only existing certificate within the scheme. Both the two communicating parties are able to compute a common secret per session key using a secure generated random number. The protocol is fully secure against type 1 attack and fully secure against type 2 attacks under the assumptions that the KGC is an honest party and each party within the network has the full capability to keep its secret values safe. Moreover, the setup of the protocol does not include pairings and the whole key agreement process requir