ContractApril 29th, 2021
FiledApril 29th, 2021EC EP COUNCIL Draft agreement ANNEX I ANNEX I IMPACT, RESULT AND OUTPUT INDICATORSPURUSANT TO ARTICLE 7 ANNEX I IMPACT, RESULT AND OUTPUT INDICATORSPURUSANT TO ARTICLE 7 ANNEX I IMPACT, RESULT,C ONTEXT*** AND OUTPUT INDICATORS PURUS UANT TO ARTICLE 7 ANNEX IIMPACT, RESULT, CONTEXT*** AND OUTPUT INDICATORS PURUSUANT TO ARTICLE 7 Assessment of the performance of the policy (multi-annual) - IMPACT Objectives and their respective impact indicators.* Assessment of the performance of the policy (multi-annual) - IMPACT Objectives and their respective impact indicators.* Assessment of the performance of the policy (multi-annual) - IMPACT Objectives and their respective impact indicators.* Assessment of the performance of the policy (multi-annual) - IMPACTObjectives and their respective impact indicators.* Annual performance review - RESULT* Annual performance review - RESULT* A nnual pP erformance review - RESULT* Only based on interventions supported by the CAP1 A nnual pPerformance rev