Common Contracts

1 similar Cooperation Agreement contracts

Cooperation Agreement • February 9th, 2017

COOPERATION AGREEMENTNUMBER: 0362205 12003 SMLOUVA O SPOLUPRÁCIČíslo: 0362205 12003 This Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement"), is concluded by and between: Tato smlouva o spolupráci (dále jen "Smlouva") je uzavřena mezi: (1) XXXXXX (1) XXXXXX (the "XXXXXX"); (dále jen společnost "XXXXXX"); and a (2) CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology of the Brno University of Technology, having its registered seat at Technická 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, the Czech republic, Identification No.: 00216305, Tax Identification No.: CZ00216305; (2) Středoevropským technologickým institutem Vysokého učení technického v Brně, se sídlem Technická 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, Česká republika, IČ: 00216305, DIČ: CZ00216305; represented by prof. Radimír Vrba, director; zastoupeným prof. Ing. Radimírem Vrbou, CSc., ředitelem; (the "CEITEC BUT"); (dále jen "STI VUT"); (the XXXXXX and the CEITEC BUT are hereinafter referred jointly to as the "Parties" and each individually as a "Party"). (společnost XXXXXX a S

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