NEW BEDFORD HOMELESS SERVICE PROVIDER NETWORK (HSPN) Membership Agreement.2020August 20th, 2020
FiledAugust 20th, 2020T he mission of the City of New Bedford’s Continuum of Care, as articulated through its Homeless Service Provider Network [HSPN], is to advocate on behalf of individuals and families experiencing homelessness by enlisting the cooperation of homeless providers, allied resources and community partners in order to improve the accessibility of existing public resources, maintain statistical data on the homeless population and provide supportive services and empowerment strategies allowing these individuals and families to be reintegrated into the community through a compassionate Continuum of Care. The HSPN is committed to the concept that each person is entitled to live in dignity. This signed pledge of commitment to participate in the HSPN and its acceptance by the HSPN Executive Board serves as the basis of membership in the HSPN.