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Common Contracts

33 similar Learning Agreement contracts

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mariana Ursache, ursache@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code(if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Dokuz EyulUniversity International Office TR IZMIR01 Turcia Banu Durukan Sali, banu.durukan@deu.edu.tr, tel. +90232 412 1659

Standard Contracts

Anexanr. 9
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019
Anexanr. 9
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019
Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial siManagementulAfacerilor ROIASI 05999853303 B-dulD.Mangeron nr.53 Romania Cristina Piroi, cpiroi@tex.tuiasi.ro, 0040 232230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone ErciyesUniversity International Office TRKAYSERI01 Turcia Betul Mete, Erasmus@erciyes.edu.tr, tel.+903524375820

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial siManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dulD.Mangeron nr.53 Romania Mariana Ursache, ursache@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Pamukale University International Office TR DENIZLI01 KinikilKampusu, Kat 1 TR-20070,Denizli Turcia Reyhan Keskin, reyhank@pau.edu.tr, tel. 90 2582962356

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial siManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dulD.Mangeron nr.53 Romania Mariana Ursache, ursache@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Anadolu University International Office TR ESKISEH01 26470Yunusemre Kampusu,Eskisehir Turcia Ozlem Onay, oonay@anadolu.edu.tr, tel.+902223350580, 4463

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentiv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguev) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vi to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical training/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date ofbirth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeron nr.53 Romania Antonela Curteza, acurteza@gmail.com, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone University of the Egean Department ofProduct and Systems DesignEngineering G ATHINE41 University Hill,Administration Building, Mytilene,81100 Grecia P. Kyiakoulakos, pank@syros.aegean.gr, tel. +30 2281097115

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentiv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguev) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vi to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical training/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mirela Blaga, mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro, tel. 0040 232 701221 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Technical University of Liberec, Textile Engineering CZ LIBEREC 01 Studentska2, 4617,Liberec, Czech Republic Republica Cehia Randa Tomehova, randa.tomehova@tul.cz, tel. +420 485353 541

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mariana Ursache, ursache@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Riga TechnicalUniversity International Department LV RIGA02 1KalkuStreet, RigaLV-1658 Letonia Ausma Vilumsone, ausma.vilumsone@rtu.lv, tel.+371 67089565

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mirela Blaga, mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro, tel. 0040 232 701221 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Marmara University Textile Engineering Department TR ISTANBU 05 GoztepeKampusu,34722 Turcia Muhammet Uzun, tel. +90 2163365770, m.uzun@marmara.edu.tr

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Luminita Ciobanu, lciobanu@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone University of Applied Sciences International Relations EE TALLINN06 62, ParnuRoad,10135, Tallin Estonia Triin Thalheim, triint@tktk.ee, Tel. +372 5270519

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Rodica Harpa, rharpa@tex.tuiasi, tel. 0040 232701148 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Kaunas University of Technology Faculty ofMechanical Engineering andDesign LT KAUNAS02 K. Donelaičiog. 73, Kaunas Lituania Sigita Urbanaviciute, sigita.urbanaviciute@ktu.lt, tel. +370 37300402

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mirela Blaga, mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro, tel. 0040 232 701221 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code(if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone School of Textiles and Design Textile Tehnology D REUTLIN 02 AlteburgStrasse 150,72762,Reutlingen Germania Monika Boening, monica.boening@reutlingenuniversity.de

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Cristina Racu, crisracu@tex.tuiasi.ro, tel. +40 232230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code (ifapplicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone University of Ghenr Department of Materials, Textiles and ChemicalEngineering B-GHENT 01 Technologiepark 70 A (formerly 907), 9052Zwijnaarde(Gent) Belgium Lieva van Langenhove, lieva.vanlangenhove@ugent.be

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • November 3rd, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution ‘’Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi Design Industrial si ManagementulAfacerilor (DIMA) ROIASI 05999853303 B-dul D.Mangeronnr.53 Romania Mirela Blaga, mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro, tel. 0040 232 701221 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ code(if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Ege University EngineeringFaculty, Department ofTextile Engineering TR-IZMIR 02 35100Bornova-Izmir,Turkey Turcia Guldemet Basal, guldemet.basal@ege.edu.tr

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 28th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of educationiii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone “GHEORGHE ASACHIi” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IASI INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND BUSSINES MANAGEMENT/ ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT RO IASI05 29 Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron Blvd., Iasi, 700050,Romania ROMANIA Conf.dr.ing. Cristiana ISTRATE cristiana.istrate@tuiasi.ro; +40 232 230491/ Prof.dr.ing. Mirela BLAGA; mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro;+40 232 230491 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code(if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Radom Academy of Economics - PL RADOM04 Romualda Traugutta 61,26-610Radom, Poland POLAND Paulina Marcinkiewcz; pmarcinkiewicz@wsh.pl; 48483632290 ext.45

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 28th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the ReceivingInstitution upon successful completion Stage/ Practical training/ Research activity spring 2 Total: Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring; term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the ReceivingInstitution upon successful completion Practical trainning/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Universidade do Vigo Faculty of Sciences/Department of Applied Physics E VIGO01 EdificioMiralles Campus Universitario E-36310-Vigo SPANIA Luis Lugo Latas; luis.lugo@uvigo.es

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Kazimierz Wielki University Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Technical Sciences PL BYDGOSZ01 Jana KarolaChodkiewicza 30, 85-064Bydgoszcz, Polonia POLONIA Mariusz Winiecki, winiecki@ukw.edu.pl

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical trainning/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical trainning/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL CLEROMENT II Mechnaical engineering F CLERMONT02 49 bdFrançois Mitterrand, CS 6003263001Clermont-Ferrand FRANCE Mechel Grediac; michel.grediac@univ- bpclermont.fr

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring;term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical trainning/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone University ofChemical Technology and Metallury Departament of materials BG SOFIA20 bul "Sv.Kliment Ohridski" No 8, Sofia 1756 BULGARIA Emil Mihailov; emil@uctm.edu; +35928163361

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone UNIVRSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR Departament of mechanics P COVILHA01 ReitoriaConvento de Santo Antonio, 6201-001Covilhã PORTUGALIA Hoao Manuel Messias Canavilhas; vrensino@ubi.pt; +351275242056

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. to [month/year] …………… Table A Before the mobility Componentv code(if any) Component title at the Receiving Institution(as indicated in the course cataloguevi) Semester[e.g. autumn/spring; term] Number of ECTS credits (or equivalent)vii to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion Practical trainning/ Research activity II 3 Total: … Web link to the course catalogue at the Receiving Institution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information]

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Engineering manufacturing and construction G ATHINE 02 ZografouCampus 9, Iroon Polytechniou Str 15780Zografou GRECIA Antonia Moroupolu; amoropul@central.ntua.gr

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40729031511 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Facultes des Science et Technologies F LYON01 BâtimentLippmann - rez de chaussée 16, rue Enrico Fermi 69622 VilleurbanneCedex FRANCE Floriane Duthel; +3304 72 43 29 40

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Obuda University Banki Donat ofMechanical and Safety Engineering HU BUDAPES16 Budapest,Bécsi út 96/B, H -1034 UNGARIA Ildico Marosi; ildico.marosi@kgk.uni-obuda.hu

Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement • September 4th, 2019

Student Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityi Sex [M/F] Study cycleii Field of education iii Sending Institution Name Faculty/Department Erasmus+ codeiv (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone/ Erasmus+ Faculty coordinator; email; phone TECHNICALUNIVERSITY “GHEORGHE ASACHIi”from IASI STIINŢA ŞI INGINERIA MATERIALELOR RO IASI 05999853303 Iaşi, Bd. Prof. Dimitrie Mangeron nr.41 ROMÂNIA Gheorghe Bădărău; gheorghe.badarau@tuiasi.ro;+40232230009 Receiving Institution Name Faculty/ Department Erasmus+ code (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone INSTITUT FRANCAIS de MECHANIQUE AVANCEE Mechanical engineering F CLEROMNT25 Campus deClermont- Ferrand, les Cézeaux B.P 265,AUBIERE FRANCE Xavier Balandrou; xavier.balandraud@ifma.fr