AGREEMENT FOR SALESale Agreement • August 31st, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 31st, 2018PS GROUP REALTY PVT. LTD (CIN No [U65922WB1988PTC044915], a company incorp orated under the Compa ni es Act, 1956 a nd ha vin g its registered offi ce at 1002 E M Bypass, P.S. Praga ti Maidan (p re vi ously – Til jala), P.O. Dha pa , Kolkata 700105 ha ving Permanent Account No. AA BC P5390E , acting through i ts Director Mr. Arun Kuma r Sanche ti (Aadhaar No. [838156261141]), son of Sri Su merma ll Sancheti , residing at 26B, Ca mac Stree t, Police Sta tion- Pa rk Stree t_, Post Offi ce- Pa rk Street_,Kol kata – 700 017 ha ving Permanent Account No. AKOPS4951L and autho ri zed vide Boa rd resolution dated [ _], he reinafter re ferred to as the "PROMOTER " (whi ch expression shall unless repugnant to the con text or mea ning thereo f be dee med to mea n and in clude its su ccessor-in-in terest, and permi tted assigns ) of the FIRST PART;