Grant Agreement 641727Grant Agreement • April 22nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 22nd, 2020Deliverable Title Stream 1 control and historic coupled runs Brief Description Stream 1 coupled runs, both control and historic, completed at both high and low resolution WP number 6 Lead Beneficiary Johann Jungclaus (MPG) Contributors Katja Lohmann (MPG)Malcolm Roberts (Met-Office) Rein Haarsma (KNMI) Creation Date 03.05.2019 Version Number 1 Version Date 03.05.2019 Deliverable Due DateActual Delivery Date M43 (May 2019)M43 (May 2019) Nature of the Deliverable R - Report P - Prototype D - Demonstrator X O - Other Dissemination Level/ Audience X PU - PublicPP - Restricted to other programme participants, including the Commission servicesRE - Restricted to a group specified by the consortium, including the Commission servicesCO - Confidential, only for members of theconsortium, including the Commission services