ContractAgreement on Safeguards • January 30th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2018AGREEMENT ON SAFEGUARDS ةياقولا نأشب قافتا)ةيمسر ريغ ةمجرت( Members ءاضعلأا نا Having in mind the overall objective ofthe Members to improve and strengthen the international trading system based on GATT 1994; ع ت ع زهح تو عسحا ل اعد عده اهرا تع فعضت ذا؛1994 ت غ ىلر مئ قحا تح احا ةه جهحا م ظن Recognizing the need to clarify andreinforce the disciplines of GATT 1994, and specifically those of its Article XIX (Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products), to re-establish multilateral control over safeguards and eliminate measures that escape such control; ت ععغ اععراي م راععت ع ععميت ىععحا تععا زح ح اععقت ذا ت عع هحا ةا عع حا تعع ةاهايععحا اععرايقحا تععص خ 1994 ت ععايه و ااا هعع ا داععسح هايععئحا تااااععااج ةاععسر ىلر فااطلأا ةاا هو تا ااو تو ا ةا را ىحا )ةاازو؛تح احا و تلفت تهحا ا حااهحا ا اه ا ت ن ضحا Recognizing the importance of structuraladjustment and the need to enhance rather than limit competition in international markets; and ةا عع ىععحا تعا زح ح تععل لحا كع هحا تعع داح ا