WP1: Explainable AI Foundations Elaboration and XMANAIConcept Fusion D1.4: Final XMANAI MVP Deliverable Leader: Suite5 Due Date: 31/01/2023 Dissemination Level: Public Version: F1.0May 12th, 2023
FiledMay 12th, 2023This deliverable aims at bringing together the XMANAI concept by: (a) describing the different user journeys in Explainable AI for business users, data scientists and data engineers, (b) eliciting the backlog of technical requirements and aligning them with the business requirements and the user journeys, (c) consolidating the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that summarizes the expected features on which XMANAI shall focus (by the end of the project) for maximizing the expected added value to manufacturers while ensuring innovation from a scientific and technical perspective; and (d) defining the technical aspects regarding the concept of “X-By-Design” (Explainable by Design). It takes into account the feedback and experiences gained through the development and integration activities of the alpha release of the XMANAI Platform, as well as the initial implementation activities of the XMANAI Demonstrators, in order to finalise the specifications of the XMANAI solution.