Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

Contract For Transfer Of Water Share
August 15th, 2016
  • Filed
    August 15th, 2016

Item 1 water share owner Full names: Address: Telephone:Mobile Telephone: Contact Person: Item 2 water share owner's solicitor Name: Address: Telephone:Facsimile: Item 3 GBCMA GOULBURN BROKEN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENTAUTHORITY ABN 89 184 039 725 of 168 Welsford Street, Shepparton in the State of Victoria Item 4 water share owner's water share Identification Number(s) WEE ML Item 5 agreed volume of water share ML Item 6 consideration $ Total consideration payable on the settlement date Item 7 settlement date is the day the GBCMA complies with clause 6.3. Item 8 date of this contract The day of 2016

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