Common Contracts

1 similar Agent Agreement contracts

Agent Agreement • January 25th, 2021

AGENT AGREEMENT АГЕНТСКОЕ СОГЛАШЕНИЕ ليكولا ةيقافتا This Agent Agreement is effective from the date of [current date dd Month year]. Limited Liability Company “MANTRA TOURUS” represented by Dr. Rebel Hanna, the President, acting on the basis of the MOA, hereinafter referred to as the "Company", from one side, and[full name], the citizen of [country name], passport: [number] issued [place of issuance] [date of issuance] valid until [expiry date], residence address: [ ] or[company name], represented by [full name], [position], acting on the basis of [ ], hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”, from the other side, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as for the following terms and conditions: Настоящее соглашение о членстве вступает в силу [текущая дата dd месяц год].Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «МАНТРА ТУРУС» в лице Президента, д-ра Ребель Ханна, действующего на основании Устава, именуемое в дальнейшем «Принципал», с одной стороны,и[полн

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