Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

grant agreement No 101092646)
June 30th, 2023
  • Filed
    June 30th, 2023

AI Artificial Intelligence AOT Ahead-of-Time API Application Programmable Interface C-Cell Cloud-edge Cell CPU Central Processing Unit DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory EPC Enclave Page Cache GB Giga Byte GPU Graphic Processing Unit IoT Internet of Things JIT Just-in-Time JS JavaScript JVM Java Virtual Machine MEE Memory Encryption Engine MPI Message Passing Interface OMP Open MP OS Operating System PRM Processor Reserved memory SDK Software Development Kit SFI Software Fault Isolation SGX Software Guard eXtensions TCB Trusted Computing Base TDX Trust Domain eXtensions TEE Trusted Execution Environment TPU Tensor Processing Unit VM Virtual Machine WASI WebAssembly System Interface WASM WebAssembly WAST WebAssembly Text Representation

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