You can prepare your own version of pages 1 and 2 of this contract. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or consented to by the copyright owners (including by way of guidelines issued from time to time), no other part of this...Real Estate Sale Contract • October 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2021TERM MEANING OF TERM NSW Duty: vendor’s agent Australian Real Estate Phone: 96495566 36 Auburn Rd, Auburn, NSW 2144 Fax: 96463333 co-agent vendor Nehd Ziml 39 Dawn St Greystanes NSW 2145 vendor’s solicitor Veronica Liu Conveyancing Phone: 02 9643 9889 Fax: 02 8580 6111 PO Box 1011, Auburn NSW 1835 Ref: VL:0694 date for completion 42nd day after the date of this contract (clause 15) land (address, 39 Dawn St, Greystanes, New South Wales 2145 plan details and title reference) Registered Plan: Lot 8 Plan DP231748 Folio Identifier 8/231748 VACANT POSSESSION subject to existing tenancies improvements HOUSE garage carport home unit carspace storage space none other: