CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENTConfidentiality and Non-Circumvention Agreement • June 13th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJune 13th, 2024Tks 6ccspling Paíly, as dsrinsd bslow, is inlsísslsd in oblaining inroímalion ríom Rakim Kassam and ils msmbsís, managsís, consullanls, agsnls, and smploysss, (individually and collsclivsly, "Ownsí") ísgaíding 4501 Csnlíal 6vsnus, NE, 6lbuqusíqus, Nsw Msxico ®710®, Paícsl ID 101705731123943209, +/- 1.61 6císs in Esínalillo Counly (lks "Píopsíly") in oídsí lo svaluals lks possibls acquisilion or lks Píopsíly oí any inlsíssl lksísin (lks "Píopossd Tíansaclion"). Tks Ownsí will nol dslivsí lo 6ccspling Paíly any inroímalion wilk ísspscl lo lks Píopsíly wkick may bs conridsnlial and/oí píopíislaíy in naluís unlsss and unlil 6ccspling Paíly sxsculss and dslivsís lkis Conridsnlialily and Non-Ciícumvsnlion 6gíssmsnl (lks "6gíssmsnl"). Ey sxsculing and dslivsíing lkis 6gíssmsnl and accspling lks Evalualion Malsíials, as dsrinsd bslow, 6ccspling Paíly ksísby agísss as rollows: