ContractContract • August 19th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2021SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD J 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDERUNDER DPAS (15CFR 7900) RATINGDO: A1 Page of Page 1 2. CONTRACT NO. 3. SOLICITATION NO.FA8212-21-R-0009 4. TYPE OF SOLICITATION SEALED BID (IFB)X NEGOTIATED (RFP) 5. DATE ISSUED6 JUL 2021 6.REQUISITION/PURCHASE NOFD20202100775 7. ISSUED BY FA8212 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If other than Item 7) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE, DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTINGAFSC PZABA6050 GUM LANE BLDG 1215HILL AIR FORCE BASE UT 84056-5825BUYER: Tyler Smith/ Phone: (801) 721- 4618 NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations “offer” and “offeror” mean “bid” and “bidder”. SOLICITATION 9. Sealed offers in original and copies for furnishing the supplies or services in the Schedule will be received at the place specified in Item 8, or if handcarried, in the depository located in until 4:00 (Hour) local time 5-AUG-2021 (Date).CAUTION- LATE Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals: Section L, Provision No 52.214-7 or 52.215-1. All offer