Omaha District FY17 Sikes Act Cooperative Agreement(s)February 10th, 2017
FiledFebruary 10th, 2017Funding Agency : FundingInstrument: Cooperative Agreement US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District 1616 Capitol AveOmaha, NE 68102 Funding Opportunity No: CECT-NWO-CA-FY17 CFDA No: 12.632 Program Title: Omaha District FY17 Sikes Act Cooperative Agreement(s) Issue Date: 20170210 Application Due Date: 20170313 Overview:The United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issues this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to determine if an interested Institution of Higher Education/Non-Profit Educational Institution is qualified to enter into a cooperative agreement, with a period of performance not to exceed (NTE) five (5 ) years, with the Corps to collect, analyze, and apply environmental and cultural resource data; and implement land rehabilitation and maintenance for optimal management of public lands under control of the Department of Defense within a nationwide, including Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories. The DoD manages military installations and DoD public lands and must mana