ContractClinical Trial Agreement • April 8th, 2019
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2019CLINICAL TRIAL AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ Protocol # ARGX-113-1704 Protokol číslo ARGX-113-1704 This Clinical Trial Agreement (“Agreement”) dated as of the date of last signature and effective as of the date of publishing of this executed Agreement in Agreement Registry (“Effective Date”) between Tato smlouva o klinickém hodnocení (dále jen “smlouva”) ze dne připojení posledního podpisu s účinností k datu uveřejnění podepsané smlouvy v Registru smluv (dále jen “datum účinnosti”) se uzavírá mezi INC Research UK Limited with principal offices located in the United Kingdom at Farnborough Business Park, 1 Pinehurst Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7BF, United Kingdom ID Number: GB806650142, including its affiliates, subsidiaries, and specifically its parent company INC Research, LLC, xxxxxxxx (“INC Research”) společností INC Research UK Limited se sídlem ve Velké Británii na adrese Farnborough Business Park, 1 Pinehurst Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7BF, Spojené královs