Abstract—In the new paradigm of blockchain-powered intel- ligent edge, the key agreement is a significant problem which has not been extensively studied so far. Existing key agreement protocols in the traditional public-key setting are usually too...September 7th, 2021
FiledSeptember 7th, 2021This paper designs and realizes two novel ID-based key agreement protocols for the blockchain-powered intelligent edge, including an extended Canetti-Krawczyk (eCK) secure ID-based authenticated key agreement (AKA) protocol and a continuous after-the-fact leakage-resilient eCK (CAFL-eCK) secure ID-based AKA protocol. Both protocols do not involve any heavy pairing computation. Besides, the second one can resist side-channel attacks to the KGC and the communicating parties. A hybrid implementation of the two protocols can achieve high efficiency and strong security at the same time in blockchain-powered intelligent edge environments. This is demonstrated via a use case of a blockchain-powered smart home.