CITY OF EUGENE - STANDARD CONTRACT PROVISIONSStandard Contract Provisions • August 15th, 2016 • Oregon
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2016 JurisdictionThe following provisions, if applicable, are hereby included in and made a part of the attached contract between the City of Eugene and the Contractor named thereon as provided for in the Eugene Code, 1971, the Eugene Public Contracting Rules, the revised statutes of the State of Oregon, and Federal laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines. The Contractor AND EVERY SUBCONTRACTOR shall include these provisions in every subcontract SO THAT THESE PROVISIONS WILL APPLY TO, AND BE BINDING ON EVERY SUBCONTRACTOR. Failure to comply with any of the applicable provisions below shall be a material breach of the contract and may result in debarment of the Contractor or subcontractor from City contracts for up to three (3) years.