Scheme Description ApprovalType Value£000 ProcurementRoute GREAT PLACE TO LIVE Highways BN962 Bus AgreementThis project funds schemes that are progressed through the Sheffield Bus Partnership’s investment work package. The partnership comprises the...Bus Agreement • September 11th, 2014
Contract Type FiledSeptember 11th, 2014Lower Don Valley Cycle RouteRemedial works to the Cobweb Bridge on the 5 weirs walk formed part of a wider programme of small scale projects on the Lower Don Valley Cycle Route with a total approval of £350k of which £60k had been expended by March 2014. The Cobweb Bridge Works were originally estimated at £95k for construction and procurement defaulted to Amey under the agreed waiver. Despite attempts to revise the quotation, the price could not be reduced below £306k – well above the approved amount. At this point it was decided to procure a competitive market price via Yortender/Constructionline without formal approval from Cabinet.The approved budget for the bridge element of the contract was £95k. The lowest tender price received from the revised open tender exercise was £218k.The scheme overall currently has remaining approval to spend of £290k which is sufficient to cover the costs of the contract but requires the deferral of the following elements of the wider scheme ra