Common Contracts

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Agreement for Radiology Services Smlouva o radiologických službách
February 14th, 2022
  • Filed
    February 14th, 2022

This Agreement for Radiology Services (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the date of its publication in the Agreements Register according to Act no. 340/2015 Coll. on Agreement Register (the “Effective Date”), by and between Seagen Inc., a Delaware corporation, located at 21823 30th Drive SE, Bothell, WA 98021 USA (the “Company”) and Nemocnice Na Homolce, located at Roentgenova 37/2, 150 30 Praha 5, Czech Republic, represented by MUDr. Petr Polouček, MBA, Director (the “Service Provider”). Company and Service Provider are collectively referred to herein as “Parties”. Tato smlouva o Radiologických službách (dále jen „smlouva“) se uzavírá ke dni uveřejnění této smlouvy v registru smluv v souladu se zákonem č. 340/2015 Sb., o registru smluv (dále jen „datum účinnosti“), mezi společností Seagen Inc., společností zřízenou ve státě Delaware se sídlem na adrese 21823 30th Drive SE, Bothell, WA 98021 USA (dále jen „společnost“) a Nemocnice Na Homolce, se sídlem na adrese Roentgen

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