Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

April 28th, 2024
  • Filed
    April 28th, 2024

Delivery will be disturbed agreement fordelivery Monitoring ofVendor’s Driver (Noer Rohmah 1,2019) R2 Government regulation to raise up the price 24 Medium Risk Transfer risk Transfer of risk by using murabahahfinancing (Camelia & Ridwan, 2018) Transfer of risk using investor (Utama &Ilahiyah, 2018) R17 errors in the classification of finished materials 24 Medium Risk Mitigating risk Making the layout of the material grouping before being put on theexisting rack Based on discussion Procurement ofhuman resources (Isyandi, 2004) Supervising employees (Noer Rohmah 1,2019)

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