Common Contracts

1 similar Solid Waste Management Services Agreement contracts

Solid Waste Management Services Agreement
Solid Waste Management Services Agreement • February 23rd, 2022

This Solid Waste Management Se1·vices Ag1-eement (the "Agreement"), made and ente1-ed into this 28th day ofJanuary, 2022 by and between Brown County, Wisconsin, a Wisconsin body corporate ("Brown County"), thl'Ough its Port & Resou1·ce Recove1-y Department and the Oneida Nation (the "Oneida Nation" 01· "Nation"), a fede1·ally 1-ecognized Indian Tl'ibe. Brown County and the Oneida Nation shall collectively be t•efet'l'ed to herein as "the Pa11ies.11 Capitalized te1ms used in this Agreement a1·e defined in Section 1.

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