TTUHSC SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CONRAD 30 PHYSICIAN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTPhysician Employment Agreement • April 29th, 2021 • Texas
Contract Type FiledApril 29th, 2021 Jurisdiction(campus) to provide the benefits of Physician’s expertise in the area of clinical practice and generally improving access to quality health care to patients, including the poor and disadvantaged; and,
TTUHSC SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CONRAD 30 PHYSICIAN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTPhysician Employment Agreement • June 11th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledJune 11th, 2020 JurisdictionThis Physician Employment Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into at (City), County, Texas on , 20 , by and between (“Physician”) and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine (“University”).