Common Contracts

1 similar Account Agreement contracts

California Employment Development Department Digital Account Agreement
Account Agreement • May 12th, 2020 • North Carolina

By using or allowing another to use your California Employment Development Department Digital Account, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this California Employment Development Department Digital Account Agreement (“this Agreement”). This Agreement discloses the terms and conditions of your California Employment Development Department Digital Account and you are not entitled to any rights or benefits given to deposit account customers or debit card holders at Bank of America, N.A. unless such rights or benefits are contained in this Agreement. Please read this Agreement and the Fee Disclosure and Other Important Disclosures ("Fee Disclosure") carefully and keep it for future reference (the Fee Disclosure can be accessed via the account website or the initial email you received). In this Agreement: “Account” means the account accessed by your Account; “Account” or “Government Prepaid Digital Account” means the Government Prepaid Digital Account issued by us on behalf o

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