CONTRACT TO PURCHASE AGRICULTURAL LANDContract to Purchase Agricultural Land • November 15th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 15th, 2024This agreement is entered into between: Seller(s) Michael G. O’Donnell a 50% interest and Michael G. O’Donnell, as Trustee of the Trust established for Devon Jean O’Donnell by articles II, IV and V of the will of Ann O’Donnell Ilten dated August 7, 2007, a 25% interest and Michael G. O’Donnell, as Trustee of the Trust established for Luciana O’Donnell by articles II, IV and V of the willof Ann O’Donnell Ilten dated August 7, 2007, a 25% interest Mailing Address c/o Hertz Real Estate Services, PO Box 9, Geneseo, IL Zip 61254 , and Buyer(s) Mailing Address Zip Contract(s) to purchase the following described real estate commonly known as: O’Donnell Farm Parcel Identification Number(s): 13-20-100-003 And legally described as: The West 75 acres of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, T16N, R3E of the 4th P.M.; situated in the County of Henry, in the State of Illinois (or see legal description attached) including any improvements, and the following listed fixtures located thereon: (or see