FiledJanuary 15th, 2020An affiliation agreement is a central part of the “affiliation” relationship between VA and another institution and may involve patient care, education, and research. An Affiliation Agreement is the legal document that enables the clinical education of trainees at a VA or non-VA medical facility. Affiliation agreements are required for all education or training that involves direct patient contact, or contact with patient information, by trainees from a non-VA institution. VA and the affiliated educational institution have a shared responsibility for the academic enterprise. An affiliation agreement must be in place before trainees in non-Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education programs receive clinical training at VA facilities and before trainees in VA-sponsored programs receive training at non-VA facilities. An Affiliation Agreement must conform to the language of one of the forms; found on page 3. VA General Counsel must approve any deviation from these forms. To request a de