Common Contracts

1 similar null contracts

April 17th, 2023
  • Filed
    April 17th, 2023

Date of Publication: To be confirmed Date of Review: 12 months from date of sign last off Document Version Control Version By Comments 1.01 (Draft) Sam Kirkland/Kevin Turner Changes made to include both Children and Adult Safeguarding as a singular approach to Information Sharing 1.02 (Draft) Sam Kirkland Minor changes following initial comments 1.03 (Draft) Jan Harrison Highlighted areas pages: 17:29:33 where the reference to ‘consent’ needs to be replaced by ‘’Notify’’ 1.04 (Draft) July 2019 Sam Kirkland/Kevin Turner Additional changes following July 2019 meeting 1.05 (Draft) November 2019 Sam Kirkland Additional changes following November 2019 meeting with Safeguarding leads 1.06 (Draft) December 2019 Sam Kirkland Dec 2019Incorporating changes from the Police and additional guidance for practitioners 1.07 (Draft)Sept 2020 Sam Kirkland Incorporating all comments from partners 1.08 (Draft) Dec 2020 Sam Kirkland Incorporating changes made to ‘Working Together 2018’ GDPR and information

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