0000950123-16-022799 Sample Contracts
DATED 21 MAY 2012Indemnification Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company Industry
Standard Contracts
DATED 13 NOVEMBER 2012Indemnification Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company Industry
Policy AgreementPolicy Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses • New York
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company Industry JurisdictionThis draft document is not a contract or an offer to enter into a contract. Only the document as executed by IFC and the other parties hereto will contain the terms that bind them. Until the document is executed by IFC and the other parties hereto, neither IFC nor the other parties hereto intend to be bound.
AGREEMENTLease Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company IndustryBy and between MAROFRAMA S.A., with its principal place of business at Av. Córdoba No. 1886, 12th floor, office “B”, C1055AAU, Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires, herein represented by Mr. Alejo Ferrari, DNI No. 16.899.839, as the Attorney, with sufficient authority to enter into this agreement, according to the General full power-of-attorney granted on October 14, 2009, through the Deed No. 207, Page 379, before the clerk Juan M. Garcia Migliaro, notary public registered with Registry No. 10 of the District of San Martin, on the one part (hereinafter “Lessor” or “MAROFRAMA”) and NS3 INTERNET S.A., headquartered at SUIPACHA 1111, 11th FLOOR of Ciudad Autônoma de Buenos Aires, herein represented by Mr. Alberto Martin Calvo, DNI 20.416.421, as the Chief Executive Officer, with sufficient authority (hereinafter the “Lessee” or “NS3”), on the other part (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties” and severally as the “Party”), and:
DATED MARCH 20, 2015Indemnification Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company Industry
March 20, 2015Management Rights Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company Industry
NON-COMPETE AGREEMENTNon-Compete Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company IndustryBy this private instrument (the “Agreement”) and in the best form of law, on one side, NS2.com Internet S.A., a company organized under the laws of Brazil, with principal offices at Rua Vergueiro, 396, Liberdade, CEP 01504-000, in the City of Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, registered with the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (CNPJ/MF) under No. 09.339.936/0001-16, herein represented by its legal representatives (“NS2”) and, on the other side, Marcio Kumruian, a Brazilian citizen, married, businessman, bearer of the Identity Card RG No. 24.122.221-7 SSP/SP, registered with the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (CPF/MF) under No. 168.764.418-73, resident and domiciled in Sao Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Maria Figueiredo, 527, apt. 192, Paraíso, CEP 04002-003 (the “Executive”).
Private Instrument of Second Deed of Simple Debentures Not Convertible into Shares, in a Single Series with Collateral for Public Distribution with Restricted Placement Efforts of NS2.com Internet SA. Between NS2.com Internet S.A. And Oliveira Trust...Private Instrument of Second Deed of Simple Debentures Not Convertible Into Shares • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company IndustryThis Private Instrument of Second Deed of Simple Debentures Not Convertible into Shares, in a Single Series with Collateral for Public Distribution with Restricted Placement Efforts of NS2.com Internet S.A. (“Deed” or “Debenture Deed” and “Debentures”, respectively) is executed in accordance with the terms and conditions below.
Private Instrument of Built-to-Suit Property Lease Agreement and Other Covenants entered into by and between FW2 LOGÍSTICA E EMPREENDIMENTOS IMOBILIÁRIOS S.A. as Developer Lessor and NS2.COM INTERNET S.A. as Lessee and, RCA Gerenciamento e...Private Instrument of Built-to-Suit Property Lease Agreement • December 15th, 2016 • Netshoes (Cayman) Ltd. • Retail-catalog & mail-order houses
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2016 Company IndustryThe table below consolidates the terms defined throughout this Agreement, indicating the item in which they are defined.