0001424884-17-000044 Sample Contracts
TECHNOLOGY LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEENTechnology License Agreement • June 15th, 2017 • Q BioMed Inc. • Pharmaceutical preparations • Oklahoma
Contract Type FiledJune 15th, 2017 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Technology License Agreement (“Agreement”) is by and between the Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, an autonomous research institute under the Govt. of India, located at Thycaud (PO), Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State 695014, India (“RGCB”), the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, a nonprofit corporation, located at 825 NE 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104 ("OMRF") and QBiomed, Inc, a for-profit corporation, with offices at 501 Madison Ave, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10022 and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Q BioMed Cayman SEZC, a Cayman corporation (collectively, "COMPANY"). OMRF, RGCB and COMPANY shall be individually referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to as “Parties” in this Agreement.