BY AND BETWEEN PHIBRO ANIMAL HEALTH SA AS THE SELLER, ANDBusiness Purchase Agreement • February 18th, 2005 • Phibro Animal Health Corp • Pharmaceutical preparations
Contract Type FiledFebruary 18th, 2005 Company Industry
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • March 24th, 2021 • LiveWire Ergogenics, Inc. • Sugar & confectionery products • California
Contract Type FiledMarch 24th, 2021 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Business Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into on October 1, 2018, by and between Estrella Ranch Partners, LLC, having its principal office of business at 1600 N Kraemer Blvd, Anaheim California 92867(“Seller”), on the one hand, and Livewire Ergogenics, Inc., having its principal office of business at 1600 North Kraemer Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806, California (“Buyer”), on the other hand. Seller and Buyer are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” and are sometimes referred to individually as a “Party”.
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • June 22nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 22nd, 2022☐ - ALL tangible and intangible assets of the Business. Such assets shall include, but not be limited to, all inventory, receivables, trademarks, copyrights, leasehold interests, rights to purchase, business records, and the goodwill of the Business.
Simple business purchase agreementBusiness Purchase Agreement • June 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2023A Business Sale Agreement, also sometimes called a Business Purchase Agreement, is a document which the seller of a company and their chosen buyer can enter into when an entire business is being sold. Through a Business Sale Agreement, a seller and buyer can outline the terms and conditions of the business sale so that they have memorialized their entire understanding. A Business Sale Agreement contains provisions about the basic logistics of the sale, like pricing information, of course, but also contains the information required for an equitable relationship between the parties, such as liability allocation. A Business Sale Agreement is absolutely essential when two parties are discussing the sale and transfer of a business. Business sales can be structured through what is called an asset sale, which means that all of the assets of the business are sold, and therefore, control and ownership of the business is sold. They can also be structured through share sales, which means that all
EX-10.16 19 dex1016.htm BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT -UBIXO LIMITED-Business Purchase Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020THIS BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) dated as of July 12, 2010 (“Effective Date”), is entered into by and between Ubixo Limited (“Assignor”), a corporation incorporated in state of Antigua and Barbuda, and Ubixo Inc. (“Assignee”), a corporation incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • April 6th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 6th, 2020This Business Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of the day of , 20 (the “Effective Date”) by and between [name of entity 1], a [state of entity 1 formation] [type of entity 1: corporation/limited liability company/partnership/limited partnership/limited liability partnership] (the “Seller”) located at [address of entity 1] and [name of entity 2], a [state of entity 2 formation] [type of entity 2: corporation/limited liability company/partnership/limited partnership/limited liability partnership] (the “Buyer”) located at [address of entity 2].
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • November 5th, 2021 • E Med Future, Inc. • Surgical & medical instruments & apparatus • Florida
Contract Type FiledNovember 5th, 2021 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Business Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into on October 07, 2021, by and between Gary and Elizabeth Kompothecras, whose principal office of business at 4054 Sawyer Road, Sarasota, Florida 34233 ("Seller"), on the one hand, and E Med Future, Inc, having its principal office of business at 4054 Sawyer Rd, Sarasota, Florida 34233 ("Buyer"), on the other hand. Seller and Buyer are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties", and are sometimes referred to individually as a "Party".
Read Online Business Purchase Agreement And Joint Escrow InstructionsBusiness Purchase Agreement • November 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2020Thank you totally much for downloading business purchase agreement and joint escrow instructions.Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous times for their favorite books similar to this business purchase agreement and joint escrow instructions, but end up in harmful downloads.
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT dated as of May 7, 2007 between PAS TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Parent) PAS TURBINES IRELAND LIMITED (in the process of incorporation) (Buyer) SIFCO INDUSTRIES, INC. (Shareholder) and SIFCO TURBINE COMPONENTS LIMITED (Company)Business Purchase Agreement • August 10th, 2007 • Sifco Industries Inc • Aircraft engines & engine parts
Contract Type FiledAugust 10th, 2007 Company IndustryThis Business Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) is dated as of May 7, 2007 between PAS Technologies Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Parent”), PAS Turbines Ireland Limited, an Irish corporation in the process of incorporation and intended to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent (“Buyer”), SIFCO Industries Inc., an Ohio corporation (“Shareholder”) and SIFCO Turbine Components Limited, an Irish corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shareholder (“Company”).
Contract Type FiledJuly 18th, 2005 Company
Willoughby ArmsBusiness Purchase Agreement • October 7th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 7th, 2024This pub is the hub of the community and is very well supported by locals, with an excellent food offering. The Willoughby Arms has an approximate 60/40 wet/dry split in trade and food sales are driven by its excellent reputation, making it a destination for diners in the area.
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (SANTA MONICA)Business Purchase Agreement • March 1st, 2007 • Macquarie Infrastructure CO LLC • Wholesale-petroleum & petroleum products (no bulk stations) • California
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2007 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (together with the exhibits and schedules hereto, this “Agreement”) is entered into as of December 21, 2006 (the “Effective Date”), by and between DAVID G. PRICE, a resident of the State of California, individually and as trustee for the David G. Price 2006 Family Trust dated January 13, 2006 (“Seller 1”), DALLAS P. PRICE-VAN BREDA, a resident of the State of California, individually and as trustee for the Dallas Price-Van Breda 2006 Family Trust dated May 3, 2006 (“Seller 2” and together with Seller 1, the “Prices”), SUPERMARINE AVIATION, LIMITED, a California corporation (“Seller 3” and together with Seller 1 and Seller 2, the “Sellers”), and MACQUARIE FBO HOLDINGS LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Buyer”). Unless otherwise defined in the Agreement, capitalized terms used in this Agreement are defined in Exhibit “A.”
Business Purchase AgreementBusiness Purchase Agreement • May 27th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2024
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • March 12th, 2021 • California
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2021 JurisdictionThis Business Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of the 19 day of January, 2018 (the “Effective Date”) by and between DOROTHY C MILLER, located at 3530 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 (the “Seller”) and FRED M JOHNSON, located at 4328 Oak Avenue, Deerfield, IL 60015 (the “Buyer”).
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • July 21st, 2021 • Carsmartt, Inc. • Services-computer processing & data preparation • Florida
Contract Type FiledJuly 21st, 2021 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Binding Business Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into on June 19, 2021, by and between Alfredo Pignata (“Seller”), on the one hand, and Smartt, Inc., (“Buyer”), on the other hand. Seller and Buyer are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” and are sometimes referred to individually as a “Party”.
Business Purchase Agreement And Joint Escrow Instructions | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eBusiness Purchase Agreement • February 15th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 15th, 2021Eventually, you will no question discover a extra experience and success by spending more cash. still when? reach you allow that you require to get those every needs taking into account having significantly cash? Why don’t you try to acquire something basic in the beginning? That’s something that will lead you to comprehend even more re the globe, experience, some places, similar to history, amusement, and a lot more?
Business Purchase AgreementBusiness Purchase Agreement • July 20th, 2012 • Integrated Device Technology Inc • Semiconductors & related devices
Contract Type FiledJuly 20th, 2012 Company Industry
BUTCHER & BEAsTBusiness Purchase Agreement • January 16th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 16th, 2023The Butcher and Beast is located in the affluent, highly desirable village of Heighington, some 4 miles from the historic city of Lincoln and is one of Batemans’ top food and drink pubs, with a stunning outside eating and drinking area, which has won the Batemans’ floral display competitions more than any other pub. The excellence of the pub is matched only by the fine attributes of this beautiful village. It is a community and destination food and drink pub, with bar, lounge, snug and restaurant areas. A warm and enticing atmosphere is created by the open fires.
AMENDED AND RESTATED BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • January 30th, 2024 • Arvana Inc • Blank checks • Florida
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2024 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS AMENDED AND RESTATED BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made effective as of January 26, 2024, between Arvana Inc., a Nevada corporation ("Arvana"), Down 2 Fish Charters, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (“Down2Fish”), and LCF Salons, LLC a Utah limited liability company (“LCF”), as set forth on the signature page hereto. Arvana, Down2Fish and LCF may be referred to herein collectively as the “Parties” and separately as a “Party”.
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Dated 2003Business Purchase Agreement • November 14th, 2003 • Orchid Biosciences Inc • In vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances
Contract Type FiledNovember 14th, 2003 Company Industry
Business Purchase AgreementBusiness Purchase Agreement • September 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2021As stated – the business is being sold “along with all it’s assets, shares, ownership interest, personal property, employees, leases, contracts, trademarks, copyrights, and any other tangible or intangible interest…”
Business Purchase Agreement And Joint Escrow Instructions | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eBusiness Purchase Agreement • February 15th, 2021
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CONTENTSBusiness Purchase Agreement • January 3rd, 2003 • Galen Holdings PLC • Pharmaceutical preparations
Contract Type FiledJanuary 3rd, 2003 Company Industry
Business Purchase Agreement And Joint Escrow Instructions | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eBusiness Purchase Agreement • February 15th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 15th, 2021Thank you very much for downloading business purchase agreement and joint escrow instructions. Maybe you have knowledge that, people have search hundreds times for their favorite readings like this business purchase agreement and joint escrow instructions, but end up in infectious downloads.
FORM OFBusiness Purchase Agreement • November 4th, 1997 • American Medical Providers Inc • Texas
Contract Type FiledNovember 4th, 1997 Company Jurisdiction
Business Purchase AgreementBusiness Purchase Agreement • September 10th, 2004 • Monolithic Power Systems Inc • Semiconductors & related devices • California
Contract Type FiledSeptember 10th, 2004 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Agreement is made and entered into on March 1,2004 (hereinafter referred to as “Effective Date”), between Monolithic Power Systems. Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “MPS”), a corporation duly incorporated and registered under the laws of California, U.S.A., having its main office and place of business 983 University Avenue Building A, Las Gatos, CA 95032, U.S.A., and Uppertech Hong Kong Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “UPPERTECH”), a corporation duly incorporated and registered under the laws of Hong Kong, having its main office and place of business at RM2801, 28F, Prosperity Centre, 25 Chong Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Business Purchase Agreement Need Witness SignatureBusiness Purchase Agreement • July 2nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledJuly 2nd, 2022It also details the terms of the sale, the parties are XYZ, directors or officers in contemplation of the filing of any such amendment or other document or in contemplation of the liquidation or dissolution of Purchaser. FAQ Legal Questions Signing legal documents & Legal. National insurance covering operating agreements that purchaser pursuant hereto shall terminate each explained when purchasing. Most States in Australia will not allow witnesses that are mentioned in your will, enter into an agreement with such successor escrow agent in substantially the form of this Agreement and give notice of such successor escrow agent to the Escrow Agent. Having a notarized document is not necessary, it can be useful in the event of a dispute over the validity of the agreement. Make sure that? The purchase agreements between businesses and witnessed by law there are purchasing a busy senior director and enforced by seller is needed to a very beneficial. Using an agreement provides for yourself p
PURCHASE OF VISTA SPECIALITY PHARMACY LLC AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • November 20th, 2018 • Smart Rx Systems Inc • Retail-drug stores and proprietary stores • Florida
Contract Type FiledNovember 20th, 2018 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Business Purchase Agreement relating to the Sarbe business and assetsBusiness Purchase Agreement • August 19th, 2011 • Digital Angel Corp • Communications equipment, nec
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2011 Company Industry
DATED as of 15 June 2012 TEEKAY CORPORATION as Vendor and TEEKAY TANKERS LTD. as Purchaser BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENT relating to the sale and purchase of the entire membership interests in Godavari Spirit L.L.C., Axel Spirit L.L.C., Mahanadi Spirit...Business Purchase Agreement • September 17th, 2012 • Teekay Tankers Ltd. • Water transportation
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2012 Company Industry
BUSINESS PURCHASE AGREEMENTBusiness Purchase Agreement • March 28th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 28th, 2022
Business Purchase Agreement And Joint Escrow InstructionsBusiness Purchase Agreement • February 15th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 15th, 2021As recognized, adventure as with ease as experience roughly lesson, amusement, as with ease as promise can be gotten by just checking out a books business purchase agreement and