Clinical Study Agreement Sample Contracts
ContractClinical Study Agreement • July 11th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 11th, 2024CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ concluded according to Section 1746(2) of Act No. 89/2012 Sb. Civil Code and Section 12(2) of Decree No. 226/2008 Sb. on Good Clinical Practice and Detailed Conditions of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products, as amended. uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkách klinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. AbbVie s.r.o., Metronom Business Center,Bucharova 2817/13, 158 00 Praha 5 – Nové Butovice 158 00, Czech Republic, ID: 24148725, VAT ID: CZ24148725, represented by Branislav Trutz, MD, General Manager and Executive ("AbbVie") desires to retain Faculty Hospital Olomouc, I.P.Pavlova 6, 779 00 Olomouc, DIČ CZ0098982 (the “Institution”) to collaborate with AbbVie and MUDr. Eva Karásková, Faculty Hospital Olomouc, I.P.Pavlova 6, 779 00 Olomouc, (the “Principal Investigator”) to conduct a clini
Standard Contracts
ContractClinical Study Agreement • February 21st, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 21st, 2024CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ concluded according to Section 1746(2) of Act No. 89/2012 Sb. Civil Code and Section 12(2) of Decree No. 226/2008 Sb. on Good Clinical Practice and DetailedConditions of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products, as amended. uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkáchklinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. AbbVie s.r.o., Metronom Business Center, Bucharova 2817/13, Stodůlky, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic, ID: 24148725, VAT ID: CZ24148725, represented by Branislav Trutz, MD, General Manager and Executive ("AbbVie") desires to retain Nemocnice Jihlava, p.o., Vrchlického 59, 586 33 Jihlava, Czech Republic, ID: 000 90 638, VAT ID: CZ00090638, represented by MUDr.Lukáš Velev, MHA, Director (the “Institution”) and (the “Principal Investigator”) to conduct a clinical study (the “Study”) in relatio
ContractClinical Study Agreement • September 11th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 11th, 2017CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ Protocol No: AM-111-CL-13-01 (“theProtocol”) Protokol č.: AM-111-CL-13-01(“Protokol”) Investigational medicinal product (“the IMP”): Hodnocený léčivý přípravek („Hodnocené léčivo“): Sponsor: Zadavatel: Auris Medical AG, , Falknerstasse 4, 4001 Basel, Switzerland acting by its legally authorized representative / jednající prostřednictvím svého zástupce: hereinafter “the Sponsor”, dále jen „Zadavatel“, represented upon the power of attorney (Appendix No. 5) given to: zastoupený na základě plné moci (Příloha č.5) udělené společnosti: EastHORN Clinical Services in CEE Limited Kyvelis 7, Office 102, P.C. 1087, Nicosia, Cyprus / KyprCourt Registration Number: HE253002 Tax ID / DIČ: CY10253002Urepresented by Malgorzata Szerszeniewska, MD, Executive Head /zastoupená MUDr.Malgorzata Szerszeniewska, jednatelem and a CRO: CRO: EastHORN Clinical Services in CEE LimitedKyvelis 7, Office 102, P.C. 1087, Nicosia, Cyprus / Kypr Court Registrat
ContractClinical Study Agreement • August 3rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2023CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT ZMLUVA O KLINICKOM SKÚŠANÍ between medzi PAREXEL International (IRL) Limited PAREXEL International (IRL) Limited and a Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou F.D. Roosevelta Banská Bystrica Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou F.D. Roosevelta Banská Bystrica Pfizer Protocol # C4221023 Protokol spoločnosti Pfizer č. C4221023 This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”)between Táto zmluva o klinickej skúšaní (ďalej„zmluva”) medzi PAREXEL International (IRL) Limited, with a place of business at 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay Dublin 2, Ireland (“CRO”) PAREXEL International (IRL) Limitedsídlom na adrese 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay,Dublin 2, Ireland (ďalej „CRO”) and a Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou F.D. Roosevelta Banská Bystrica,with a place of business at Námestie L. Svobodu 1, 975 17 Banská Bystrica, Slovak RepublicID Number: 00 165 549Represented by: Ing. Miriam Lapuníková, MBA- directorEstablished by the Charter of the Ministry of Health of t
A clinical study agreement between Regeneron and InovioClinical Study Agreement • November 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 24th, 2021
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENTClinical Study Agreement • April 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledApril 4th, 2024The UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, the national university of the Philippines, created through Act No. 1870 and operating under Republic Act No. 9500, represented herein by the Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Manila, DR. MICHAEL L. TEE, with office address at the 8th Floor, RCB Building, Philippine General Hospital, Manila, hereinafter referred to as the “INSTITUTION” ;
ContractClinical Study Agreement • October 7th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 7th, 2021CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ concluded according to Section 1746(2) of Act No. 89/2012 Sb. Civil Code and Section 12(2) of Decree No. 226/2008 Sb. on Good Clinical Practice and DetailedConditions of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products, as amended. uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkáchklinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve znění pozdějších předpisů. AbbVie s.r.o., Metronom Business Center, Bucharova 2817/13, Stodůlky, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic, ID: 24148725, VAT ID: CZ24148725, represented by Branislav Trutz, MD, General Manager and Executive ("AbbVie") desires to retain Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, Edvarda Beneše 1128/13, 305 99 Plzeň, Czech Republic, ID: 00669806 VAT ID: CZ00669806, represented by Director MUDr. Václav Šimánek, Ph.D (the “Provider of Medical Services”) to conduct a clinical study (the “Study”) in relation to Venet
ContractClinical Study Agreement • April 24th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2023CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT Entered into by Parties in accordance with Section 269 Par. 2 Act No. 513/ 1991 Comercial Code ofSlovak Republic as amended ZMLUVA O KLINICKOM SKÚŠANÍ Uzatvorená Zmluvnými stranami podľa § 269 odst.2 zákona č. č.513/1991 Zb..Obchodný zákonníkSlovenskej republiky v platnom znení AbbVie s.r.o., Karadžičova 10, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, RN: 46640231, RN for tax: 203529057, RN for VAT: SK2023529057, Legal Representative: Branislav Trutz, M.D., Company is registered in Trade Register of District Court Bratislava I. Part Sro, insertion no. 81375/B, date of registration 11.05.2012 (hereinafter also referred to as "AbbVie") is entering into agreement with Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou Nové Zámky, Slovenská ulica 11A, 940 34 Nové Zámky, Slovak Republic, RN: 1733611, State budgetary organization, registered in Slovak Statistical Register and in Trade register of District Court Nové Zámky under No. 404-9729 (hereinafter also referred to as “Institution”) to
Contract Type FiledJune 19th, 2015This Clinical Study Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into in the following day after the day of publication in the Central Register of Slovak republic (the “Effective Date”), by and between:
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENTClinical Study Agreement • July 17th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJuly 17th, 2018Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové (University Hospital Hradec Králové) - IV. Interní Hematologická klinika (4th Internal Clinic of Hematology)
ContractClinical Study Agreement • June 12th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 12th, 2019CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ This Clinical Study Agreement (this “Agreement”) when signed by all parties, will set forth certain agreements by and between IQVIA RDS Czech Republic s.r.o., having a place of business at Pernerova 691/42, 186 00 Praha 8 – Karlín, Czech Republic, Identification number: 247 68 651, Tax identification number: CZ24768651, represented by(“IQVIA” or “CRO”) and Fakultní nemocnice Brno, having a place of business at Jihlavská 20, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic,Identification number: 652 69 705, Tax identification number: CZ65269705, represented by(the “Institution”) and, born ,located at(the “Investigator”) to conduct the Study (as defined below) in relation to the Investigational Product(s) (as defined below)) effective as of the date of publication of this Agreement in the Register of Agreements (the “Effective Date”). Tato smlouva o klinickém hodnocení (dále jen„Smlouva“) bude po podpisu všech smluvních stran tvořit ujednání me
NON-GOVERNMENTAL CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT ("Clinical Trials")Clinical Study Agreement • August 17th, 1999 • Idt Inc • Texas
Contract Type FiledAugust 17th, 1999 Company Jurisdiction
Contract Type FiledSeptember 13th, 2019Sociální péče 3316/12A, 401 13 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, represented by Ing. Petr Fiala, managing director, ID: 25488627, TIN: CZ25488627, registered with the Business Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, Section B, folio 1550 (the “Institution”)
ContractClinical Study Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ This Clinical Study Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between: Tato Smlouva o klinickém hodnocení (dále jen„Smlouva“) se sepisuje a uzavírá mezi: Fakultní nemocnice Brno (University Hospital Brno)Jihlavská 20, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, IN: 65269705, TIN: CZ65269705, represented by Roman Kraus, MD, MBA, director, state-funded organization established by the decision of the Ministry of Health, without duty of registration in the commercial register, registered in the trade register kept by the municipal trade Office in Brno (the “Institution”) Fakultní nemocnice BrnoJihlavská 20, 625 00 Brno, Česká republika, IČ: 65269705, DIČ: CZ65269705, zastoupena MUDr.Romanem Krausem, MBA, ředitelem, státní příspěvková organizace zřízená rozhodnutím Ministerstva zdravotnictví, bez povinnosti zápisu do obchodního rejstříku, zapsána do živnostenského rejstříku vedeného Živnostenským úřadem města Brna (dále jen „Zdravo
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENTClinical Study Agreement • September 26th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 26th, 2020WHEREAS, Institution has appropriate facilities and personnel necessary to conduct the Study and will provide the services of principal investigator.
Clinical Study Agreement Protocol: DAL-301 Site: 18-105 XXXXX DalCor Pharma UK Ltd 12-MAY-2016 Version: 1.0 Country : Czech republic Smlouva o klinické studii Protokol: DAL-301 Centrum: 18-105 XXXXX DalCor Pharma UK Ltd 12-KVĚTEN-2016 Verze: 1.0 Země:...Clinical Study Agreement • October 19th, 2017
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2017CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT This clinical study agreement (“Agreement”), effective as of 12-MAY-2016 (the “Effective Date”), is entered into by and between Medpace, Inc., with its principal office and place of business at 5375 Medpace Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227, USA (“Medpace”), represented by XXXXX; Krajska nemocnice T.Bati, a. s., a clinical research site with its principal office and place of business at Havlickovo nabrezi 600, 762 75 Zlin, Czech Republic (“Institution”), represented by XXXXX, chairman of the board and XXXXX, Institution registered in the Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Brno, section B, Insertion 4437; and XXXXX, with his principal office and place of business at Krajska nemocnice T.Bati, a. s., Havlickovo nabrezi 600, 762 75 Zlin, Czech Republic (“Principal Investigator”). Medpace, Institution, and Principal Investigator are sometimes collectively referred to herein as parties (the “Parties”). WHEREAS, DalCor Pharma UK Ltd (“Sponsor”) is sponsoring a cli
ContractClinical Study Agreement • May 18th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 18th, 2017CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉ STUDII This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of its publication in the Agreements Register in accordance with Act no. 340/2015 Coll., on Agreements Register. The parties hereby agree that their rights and duties shall be governed by this Agreement from the date of the last signature (“Effective Date”) by and between, Oblastní nemocnice Příbram, a.s. located at Gen. R. Tesaříka 80, Příbram, ZIP 26101, Czech Republic, Identification Number 27085031, Tax Identification Number CZ27085031 (“Study Site”), havinghis work address at: Gen. R. Tesaříka 80, Příbram, ZIP 26101, Czech Republic (“Principal Investigator”), and Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., located at 399 Thornall Street, Edison, New Jersey 08837 (“DSI”). Study Site and DSI are each referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” Tato smlouva o klinické studii (dále jen„smlouva“) se uzavírá v okamžiku svého zveřejnění v registru smluv v souladu se zá
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020
ContractClinical Study Agreement • March 3rd, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 3rd, 2022CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ concluded according to Section 1746(2) of Act No. 89/2012 Sb. Civil Code and Section 12(2) of Decree No. 226/2008 Sb. on Good Clinical Practice and Detailed Conditions of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products, asamended. uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkách klinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve zněnípozdějších předpisů. AbbVie s.r.o., Metronom Business Center, Bucharova 2817/13, Stodůlky, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic, ID: 24148725, VAT ID: CZ24148725, represented by Branislav Trutz, MD, General Manager and Executive ("AbbVie") desires to retain Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava, 17. Listopadu 1790, 708 52 Ostrava - Poruba,Czech Republic, ID: 008 43 989, VAT ID: CZ00843989,Letter of Establishment by Ministry of Health of Czech Republic, dated as of 25 November 1990, OP-054- 25.11.90, represented by MUDr
ContractClinical Study Agreement • June 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJune 19th, 2018CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT – COMPASS SMLOUVA O PROVEDENÍ KLINICKÉ STUDIE – COMPASS This Site Agreement for the performance of a clinical trial (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is entered into and effective this 28th day of January 2015 (“Effective Date”) between Fakultní Nemocnice Olomouc, with its principal place of business atI. P. Pavlova 6 77520 Olomouc Czech RepublicCompany identification number: 00098892 VAT number: CZ00098892Represented by doc. MUDr. Roman Havlík, Ph.D., hospital director(hereinafter the “Institution”) Tato smlouva o provedení klinické studie (dále jen„Smlouva“) se uzavírá a nabývá účinnosti dne 28 měsíce leden 2015 („Datum nabytí účinnosti“) mezi Fakultní Nemocnicí Olomouc s hlavním sídlem na adreseI. P. Pavlova 6 77520 Olomouc Česká republika IČO: 00098892DIČ: CZ00098892Zastoupená doc. MUDr. Romanem Havlíkem, Ph.D., ředitelem(dále jen „Instituce“) -and- -a- Bayer Pharma AG, Muellerstrasse 178, 13353 Berlin, Germany (hereinafter “Bayer”) společností Bayer Pharma AG,
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ Protocol No: H15/02 (“the Protocol”) Protokol č.: H15/02 (“Protokol”) EudraCT No: 2015-004451-40 EudraCT No: 2015-004451-40 Investigational medicinal product (“the IMP”): Tetrahydrocannabinol...Clinical Study Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020represented by Malgorzata Szerszeniewska, MD, Executive Head / zastoupená MUDr.Malgorzata Szerszeniewska, jednatelem hereinafter “the CRO”, dále jen „CRO“, and a Provider of Health Care: Poskytovatel zdravotních služeb: Fakultní nemocnice v Motole státní příspěvková organizaceAddress / Adresa: V Úvalu 84, Praha 5, 150 06 Czech Republic / Česká republikaID / IČO: 00064203 Tax ID / DIČ: CZ 00064203represented by /jednající/zastoupená: Miloslav Ludvík, LLD. , Ing., MBA/ JUDr. Ing. Miloslavem Ludvíkem, MBA, ředitelem, na základě jmenování 27.4.2000/ director, based on designation on 27.4. 2000 hereinafter “the Provider” dále jen “Poskytovatel“ The above defined parties have concluded in accordance withprov. no. 1746/2 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter “Civil Code”), Act no. 378/2007 Coll., on Drugs and amendments of other related acts, as amended and prov. 12, section 2, Decree No. 226/2008 Coll., on Good Clinical Practice and detailed conditions for drug t
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT – COMPASSClinical Study Agreement • January 15th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 15th, 2019This Site Agreement for the performance of a clinical trial (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is entered into and effective this 4th day of July 2014 (“Effective Date”) between Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s. with its principal place of business at B. Němcové 585/54, České Budějovice, 37001, Czech Republic (hereinafter the “Institution”) represented by
ContractClinical Study Agreement • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ This Clinical Study Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the day of , 2016 (the “Effective Date”), by and between: Tato Smlouva o klinickém hodnocení (dále jen„Smlouva“) se sepisuje a uzavírá . 2016 (dále jen „Datum účinnosti“) mezi: Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady(University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady) Šrobárova 1150/50, 100 34 Praha 10, Czech Republic, IN: 00064173, TIN: CZ00064173,represented by Assoc. Prof. Robert Grill, MD, PhD, MHA, DirectorSpecific symbol: 31022 Reference number: KH 39/2016 (the “Institution”) Fakultní nemocnicí Královské Vinohrady Šrobárova 1150/50, 100 34 Praha 10, Česká republika, IČ: 00064173, DIČ: CZ00064173,zastoupenou Doc. MUDr. Robertem Grillem, PhD., MHA, ředitelemSpecifický symbol: 31022 Číslo jednací: KH 39/2016(dále jen „Zdravotnické zařízení”) and a PSI CRO Czech Republic s. r. o.V Parku 2343/24, 148 00 Praha 4 - Chodov, Czech Republic, IN: 28196775, TIN: CZ281
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENTClinical Study Agreement • April 26th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 26th, 2022The UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, the national university of the Philippines, created through Act No. 1870 and operating under Republic Act No. 9500, represented herein by the Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Manila, DR. CARMENCITA D. PADILLA, with office address at the 8th Floor, RCB Building, Philippine General Hospital, Manila, hereinafter referred to as the “UNIVERSITY” ;
ContractClinical Study Agreement • November 22nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 22nd, 2020WHEREAS, Sponsor has authorized WCT and its Affiliates, pursuant to a contract with Worldwide Clinical Trials Limited, to coordinate and/or perform certain activities as the authorized agent of Sponsor, including, but not limited to, negotiation and execution of contracts, payments, monitoring, and audits required for the conduct of the Study.Schedule of terms used within this Agreement VZHLEDEM K TOMU, ŽE zadavatel na základě smlouvy s Worldwide Clinical Trials Limited, pověřil společnost WCT a její přidružené společnosti koordinací a/nebo prováděním určitých činností v pozici oprávněného zástupce zadavatele, zejména vyjednáním a uzavřením smluv, prováděním plateb, prováděním monitorování a auditů potřebných k provedení studie.Přehled výrazů použitých v této smlouvě Agreement: This Clinical Study Agreement comprising the terms and conditions and all amendments, attachments or exhibits hereto Smlouva: Smlouva o provedení klinické studie obsahující podmínky a všechny dodatky a přílohy k
Agreement Between Gonioscopy and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in Detecting Iridotrabecular AppositionClinical Study Agreement • September 20th, 2007
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2007Objective: To assess the agreement between findings obtained at dark-room gonioscopy and ultrasound bio- microscopy (UBM) in the diagnosis of iridotrabecular ap- position in light and dark conditions.
ContractClinical Study Agreement • September 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2020CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉ STUDII This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of 20-Dec-2016 (“Effective Date”) by and between, Ústav Hematologie a krevní transfuze located at U Nemocnice 2094/1, 128 20 Praha 2, Czech Republic (“Study Site”), located at U Nemocnice 2094/1, 128 20 Praha 2, Czech Republic (“Principal Investigator”), and Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., located at 399 Thornall Street, Edison, New Jersey 08837, USA (“DSI”). Study Site, Principal Investigator and DSI are each referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” Tato smlouva o klinické studii (dále jen„smlouva”) se uzavírá ke dni 20.12.2016 (dále jen „datum účinnosti”) mezi Ústav Hematologie a krevní transfuze na adrese U Nemocnice 2094/1, 128 20 Praha 2, Česká republika (dále jen „studijní pracoviště”), na adrese U Nemocnice 2094/1, 128 20 Praha 2, Czech Republic (dále jen „hlavní zkoušející”), a společností Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., se sídlem na adrese 399 Thornall
ContractClinical Study Agreement • January 11th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 11th, 2024Clinical Study Agreement This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is effective as of the date of the last signature (“Effective Date”) between IQVIA RDS Czech Republic, s.r.o., having a place of business at Pernerova 691/42, 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín, , Czech Republic, Identification number: 247 68 651, Tax identification number: CZ247 68 651, XXX (“IQVIA”); Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., having a place of business at 121 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02210 USA Tax identification number: 85-4136092 ], XXX (“Alexion”), XXX XXX, přednosta Interní hematologické a onkologické kliniky Fakultní nemocnice Brno (“Investigator“),and Fakultni nemocnice Brno having a place of business at Jihlavska 20, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, represented by MUDr. Ivo Rovný, MBA, Director, Identification number: 65269705, Tax identification number: CZ65269705 (“Institution”). Background Alexion desires Institution and Investigator (jointly, “Site”) to conduct the clinical study “A Long-term Extension (LTE) S
ContractClinical Study Agreement • July 12th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJuly 12th, 2017Smlouva o zabezpečení klinického hodnocení Agreement on Clinical Study PPD Investigator Services LLC.,se sídlem 929 North Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401, USAdále jen “PPD” PPD Investigator Services LLC.,with its registered address at 929 North Front St,Wilmington, NC 28401, USA further, “PPD” a and Fakultní nemocnice Brno se sídlem: Jihlavská 20, 625 00 Brno, Česká republika, jednající MUDr. Romanem Krausem, MBA, ředitelem nemocnice IČO: 65269705 DIČ: CZ65269705dále jen „poskytovatel“ Fakultní nemocnice Brno with its principal place of business at Jihlavska 20, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, represented by MUDr. Roman Kraus, MBA, hospital director Company ID no.: 65269705 Tax ID no.: CZ65269705further, the “Medical Facility“ a and XXXXXdále jen “zkoušející” XXXXXfurther, the “Investigator” dále jednotlivě jako „smluvní strana“ a společně jako “smluvní strany” each a “Party” and collectively “the Parties” uzavírají tuto s m l o u v u (dále jen „smlouva“) conclude this a g r e e m e n t (“
CLINICAL SCIENCESClinical Study Agreement • September 23rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 23rd, 2023Agreement of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II Macula Edema Module With Fundus Biomicroscopy in Diabetic Maculopathy
ContractClinical Study Agreement • September 6th, 2024
Contract Type FiledSeptember 6th, 2024CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉM HODNOCENÍ concluded according to Section 1746(2) of Act No. 89/2012 Sb. Civil Code and Section 12(2) of Decree No. 226/2008 Sb. on Good Clinical Practice and Detailed Conditions of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products, asamended. uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkách klinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve zněnípozdějších předpisů. AbbVie s.r.o., Metronom Business Center, Bucharova 2817/13, Stodůlky, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic, ID: 24148725, VAT ID: CZ24148725, registered in Commercial Companies Registry operated by Municipal Court in Praha, file number C 183123, represented by Mgr. Jan Balzer, Country Clinical Operations Manager, upon power of attorney, attached hereof ("AbbVie") desires to retain Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s., B. Němcové 585/54, České Budějovice 7, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, ID
HODNOCENÍClinical Study Agreement • March 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2021společností ICON Clinical Research Limited, DIČ: IE 8201978R se sídlem South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Irsko zastoupenou panem (dále jen
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. Občanského zákoníku a § 12 odst. 2 vyhlášky č. 226/2008 Sb., o správné klinické praxi a bližších podmínkách klinického hodnocení léčivých přípravků, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
ContractClinical Study Agreement • March 29th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2019CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENT SMLOUVA O KLINICKÉ STUDII This Clinical Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the date of its publication in the Register of Agreements in compliance with Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Register of Agreements. The Parties hereby agree that their mutual rights and obligations will be governed by this Agreement with effects from the date of the last signature hereof (“Effective Date”) by and between, Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc, located at I. P. Pavlova 185/6, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic, Identification number: 00098892, Tax identification number: CZ00098892, represented by prof. MUDr. Roman Havlík, Ph.D., Director (“Study Site”), and Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., located at 211 Mt. Airy Road, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920, United States (“DSI”) and IQVIA RDS Czech Republic s.r.o., having a place of business at Pernerova 691/42, 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín, Czech Republic, Identification number: 247 68 651, Tax identification number: CZ24768651, repres
CLINICAL STUDY AGREEMENTClinical Study Agreement • August 4th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2022Sokolska 581, 500 05 Hradec Králové – Nový Hradec Králové, represented by Prof. Vladimír Palička, MD, PhD., dr. h. c., director, ID: 00179906, TIN: CZ00179906 (the “Institution”)