Cloud Service Agreement Sample Contracts
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • June 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 7th, 2023USING THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on the Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1.1 posted at (“Standard Terms”), which is incorporated by reference. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable” and the correlating clause, sentence, or section does not apply to this Agreement. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in the Standard Terms. A copy of the Standard Terms is attached for convenience only.
Standard Contracts
ContractCloud Service Agreement • February 2nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 2nd, 2021This Cloud Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) governs Customer’s acquisition and use of Varicent’s Cloud Service. Capitalized terms shall have the meanings set forth on Exhibit 1 (Definitions) or elsewhere in this Agreement.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • October 20th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 20th, 2023Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms. If the Key Terms are included in the same document, you can replace the first sentence with “This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms included below.”] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
SAMPLE AGREEMENTCloud Service Agreement • August 15th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2023This Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on the Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1.0 posted at (“Standard Terms”), which is incorporated by reference. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable” and the correlating clause, sentence, or section does not apply to this Agreement. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in the Standard Terms. A copy of the Standard Terms is attached for convenience only.
Cloud Service Agreement Terms and ConditionsCloud Service Agreement • April 26th, 2023 • Massachusetts
Contract Type FiledApril 26th, 2023 JurisdictionThe Order Form, these Terms and Conditions, and any addenda attached hereto or referenced herein (each of which are hereby incorporated by this reference) (collectively, this “Agreement”), describe the relationship between the A.W. Chesterton Company (“Chesterton”) and one or more of its Affiliates identified on the Order Form and the Customer identified in the Order Form (“Customer”). This Agreement will become effective as of the date when the Order Form is executed by authorized representative of Customer (the “Effective Date”). Customer acknowledges and agrees that these terms and conditions for the Software Products and Cloud Service (each as defined below) (which may be updated from time to time) (“Terms and Conditions”) form a part of the Agreement and describe the rights, obligations, restrictions and liabilities of the parties with respect to the Software Products and Cloud Service. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Order Fo
InstaOn Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • June 24th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 24th, 2020
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • June 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 7th, 2023USING THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1 posted at (“Standard Terms”), which is incorporated by reference. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable” and the correlating clause, sentence, or section does not apply to this Agreement. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in the Standard Terms.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • October 19th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2023Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms. If the Key Terms are included in the same document, you can replace the first sentence with “This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms included below.”] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • February 23rd, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 23rd, 2024This Agreement has 4 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms (“Standard Terms”), and (4) the Service Level Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings or descriptions given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable”. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in these Standard Terms.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • October 20th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 20th, 2023Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms. If the Key Terms are included in the same document, you can replace the first sentence with “This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms included below.”] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
Agreement for the Picturepark Cloud Service (Content Platform)Cloud Service Agreement • March 30th, 2021 • New York
Contract Type FiledMarch 30th, 2021 JurisdictionThis Agreement governs the use of the Picturepark Content Platform software used as a Cloud Service and Documentation as defined herein.
A G R E E M E N TCloud Service Agreement • February 8th, 2019
Contract Type FiledFebruary 8th, 2019„Serbia Broadband – Srpske kablovske mreže“ d.o.o. Beograd, Branch SBB Solutions, Beograd, Serbia, company ID number: 17280554, represented by Srđan Tomašević, Director (hereinafter: the Provider)
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • June 7th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 7th, 2023This Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1 posted at (“Standard Terms”), which is incorporated by reference. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable” and the correlating clause, sentence, or section does not apply to this Agreement. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in the Standard Terms.
IBM Cloud Service Description: IBM Program Management on CloudCloud Service Agreement • May 15th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 15th, 2014
TOWNGAS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FIXED NETWORK LIMITEDCloud Service Agreement • December 11th, 2019 • Hong Kong
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2019 Jurisdiction
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • March 25th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 25th, 2024Provider will perform the Professional Services as detailed in a Cover Page, if any, and Customer will reasonably cooperate with Provider to allow the performance of Professional Services, including providing Customer Content as needed. Provider is not responsible for any inability to perform the Professional Services if Customer does not cooperate as reasonably requested.
GRANITENET SOFTWARE CLOUD SERVICE AGREEMENT FORMCloud Service Agreement • April 13th, 2022 • Indiana
Contract Type FiledApril 13th, 2022 JurisdictionThis agreement, made this day of , 2022, at West Lafayette, Indiana, by and between the Redevelopment Commission for the City of West Lafayette, Indiana (hereinafter referred to as the "WLRDC") and CUES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor").
IBM Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • May 20th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 20th, 2014
Picturepark Cloud AgreementCloud Service Agreement • August 24th, 2018 • New York
Contract Type FiledAugust 24th, 2018 JurisdictionThis agreement governs the use of the Picturepark software used as a Cloud Service and Documentation as defined herein.
DOC] Imanage Cloud Service Agreement Imanage WorksiteCloud Service Agreement • October 29th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 29th, 2020Recognizing the artifice ways to get this books imanage cloud service agreement imanage worksite is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. acquire the imanage cloud service agreement imanage worksite link that we manage to pay for here and check out the link.
IBM z Systems Beta Cloud Service for Early ProgramsCloud Service Agreement • January 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 6th, 2019This Service Description, the IBM Cloud Services Agreement applicable for Client's country (available at, and applicable Transaction Document, are the complete Agreement governing the Cloud Service.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • March 2nd, 2025
Contract Type FiledMarch 2nd, 2025This Agreement has 4 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms (“Standard Terms”), and (4) the Service Level Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized and highlighted words have the meanings or descriptions given on the Cover Page. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable”. All other capitalized words have the meanings given in these Standard Terms.
GCloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • July 15th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 15th, 2020This Cloud Service Agreement provides general agreement between Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association GRENA (identification number: 204931654, address: 4a Chovelidze str. 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia) (in future GCloud provider) and GCloud user (in future User) on terms of use of GCloud Services provided by GCloud provider.
IBM Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • June 5th, 2014
Contract Type FiledJune 5th, 2014
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • October 19th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2023Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms. If the Key Terms are included in the same document, you can replace the first sentence with “This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms included below.”] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • February 6th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 6th, 2022USING THIS AGREEMENTThis Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1 posted at (“Standard Terms”). If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized words have the meanings given in the Order Form or the Standard Terms. Order FormThe key business terms of this Agreement are as follows: Cloud Service The Cloud Service is [Enter a description of the hosted or SaaS products or services included in this agreement. For example, a list of product names, SKUs, or other description of what’s included] Affiliates are authorized to access Customer’s account. Subscription Start Date [Effective Date (below) or fill in custom start date]The date access to the Cloud Service starts Subscription PeriodLen
If you signed a separate Agreement to access the Perigon Cloud Service with the same account, and that agreement has not ended, the terms below do not apply to you. Instead, your separate Agreement applies to your use of the Product.Cloud Service Agreement • November 13th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 13th, 2024This Agreement is between Perigon, Inc. and the company or person accessing or using the Cloud Service. This Agreement consists of (1) the Key Terms below (including any attached or referenced policies and documents) and (2) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 2.0 posted at, which are incorporated by reference. If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Framework Terms, the Key Terms will control over the Standard Terms. Capitalized words have the meanings or descriptions given in the Cover Page or Standard Terms.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • February 12th, 2025
Contract Type FiledFebruary 12th, 2025Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms.] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • October 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2023Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms. If the Key Terms are included in the same document, you can replace the first sentence with “This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms included below.”] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
IBM z Systems Open Beta Cloud Service for Early ProgramsCloud Service Agreement • June 10th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 10th, 2019This Service Description, the IBM Cloud Services Agreement applicable for Client's country (available at, and applicable Transaction Document, are the complete Agreement governing the Cloud Service.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • February 12th, 2025
Contract Type FiledFebruary 12th, 2025Framework Terms [Drafting note: Fill in details about the applicable Key Terms.] This Order Form incorporates and is governed by the Framework Terms dated [enter Effective Date of Key Terms] between [enter name of Provider] and [enter name of Customer]. If there is any inconsistency between this Order Form and the Framework Terms, this Order Form will control for this Agreement.
Example: Create your own version and remove this note and the footer before using]Cloud Service Agreement • May 19th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 19th, 2023This Order is for the purchase of a subscription to the Cloud Service and Professional Services set forth below. Provision of the Cloud Service and all Professional Services set forth herein is subject to the Cloud Service Agreement referenced above. Capitalized terms not defined in this Order have the meanings given in the Cloud Service Agreement.
Cloud Service AgreementCloud Service Agreement • February 4th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 4th, 2022USING THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement has 3 parts: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on this Cover Page, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1 posted at (“Standard Terms”). If there is any inconsistency between the parts of the Agreement, the part listed earlier will control over the part listed later for that inconsistency. Capitalized words have the meanings given in the Cover Page or the Standard Terms.
Cloud Service TermsCloud Service Agreement • May 3rd, 2024 • New South Wales
Contract Type FiledMay 3rd, 2024 JurisdictionIMPORTANT NOTE: This is an agreement between Customer and Objective (as such terms are defined in clause 26.1 below). By executing an Order Form or clicking next to “I accept the terms and conditions” (or equivalent words) prior to accessing the Cloud Service, Customer is agreeing to these Cloud Service Terms ("Agreement").
If you signed a separate Agreement to access the Perigon Cloud Service with the same account, and that agreement has not ended, the terms below do not apply to you. Instead, your separate Agreement applies to your use of the Product.Cloud Service Agreement • October 11th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 11th, 2022This Agreement is between Perigon, Inc. and the company or person accessing or using the Cloud Service. This Agreement consists of: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on the Cover Page below, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Standard Terms Version 1.0 (“Standard Terms”). Any modifications to the Standard Terms made in the Cover Page will control over conflicts with the Standard Terms. However, if the Cover Page omits or does not define a highlighted word, the default meaning will be “none” or “not applicable”. Capitalized words have the meanings given in the Cover Page or the Standard Terms.