Community Partnership Agreement Sample Contracts
MONTROSE COUNTY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 2022Community Partnership Agreement • December 28th, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 28th, 2021between the Board of County Commissioners of Montrose County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and San Miguel Basin Fair Board, a non-profit organization or governmental entity, hereinafter referred to as “Grantee.”
Standard Contracts
Revised as at March 2023, March 2024 and April 2024Community Partnership Agreement • May 8th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2024Words with specific meaning in relation to this Agreement are either defined within the text or as listed in Schedule 3 at the end of this document.
Community Partnership Agreement betweenCommunity Partnership Agreement • August 1st, 2022 • Maryland
Contract Type FiledAugust 1st, 2022 JurisdictionThis Community Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) effective, as of July 1, 2022, between the State of Maryland (“State”), acting by and through the Children’s Cabinet (“Cabinet”); and the County Commissioners of Calvert County, Maryland (“Subdivision”), acting by and through the Calvert County Family Network (“Board”), designated as the Local Management Board by the Subdivision pursuant to Section 8-301 of the Human Services Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
FY 2025 Community Partnership Agreement - Notice of Funding Availability Application CONTINUING Program/Strategy/InitiativeCommunity Partnership Agreement • January 20th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 20th, 2024Primary Result Area for this Program/Strategy/Initiative (select one): __ Babies Born Healthy __ Healthy Children __ Children Enter School Ready to Learn __ Children are Successful in School __ Youth will Complete School __ Youth have Opportunities for Employment or Career Readiness __ Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families __ Families are Economically Stable __ None of the Above - Requesting a Waiver
FY 2025 Community Partnership Agreement - Notice of Funding Availability Application NEW Program/Strategy/InitiativeCommunity Partnership Agreement • April 7th, 2024
Contract Type FiledApril 7th, 2024Primary Result Area for this Program/Strategy/Initiative (select one): __ Babies Born Healthy __ Healthy Children __ Children Enter School Ready to Learn __ Children are Successful in School __ Youth will Complete School __ Youth have Opportunities for Employment or Career Readiness __ Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families __ Families are Economically Stable __ None of the Above - Requesting a Waiver
Contract Type FiledMay 7th, 2014This is an agreement between the staff of Yeppoon State School, the parents/ caregivers/families of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’
Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • February 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 8th, 2022• Pictures/video recordings: Library staff may elect to take pictures and other recordings of the program for marketing and publicity purposes. Pictures and other recordings may be used on various library social media channels, including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; in press releases and on the library website.
NDA Healthy Families Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • September 5th, 2024
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2024Instructions: This agreement is a demonstration of a commitment to integrate service delivery through working relationships with other organizations or other departments within your agency. It is not a consultant agreement. Provide one Community Partnership Agreement form for each organization or other department within your organization with which you will be working in partnership Pursuant to the proposal submitted by In response to (Proposer Organization) the NDA Healthy Families Request for Proposals from the Department of Youth and Community Development, the proposer, if funded, will establish a partnership at the level with In the form and manner described below. (Partner)
St Joseph’s Primary School Alstonville School - Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • September 5th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2018This is an agreement between the staff of St Joseph’s Primary School, Alstonville, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students and their parents, caregivers and families.
MONTROSE COUNTY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 2020Community Partnership Agreement • October 19th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2020among the Board of County Commissioners of Montrose County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and West Region Wildfire Council, a non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as “Grantee”
MONTROSE COUNTY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 2020Community Partnership Agreement • December 12th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 12th, 2019This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2020 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Montrose County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and West End Family Link Center, a non-profit organization or governmental entity,
Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • April 12th, 2017
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2017Exchange Works is the needle exchange program of the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. This program is a harm reduction program aimed at reducing the risks of injection drug use to both those who choose to use as well as their families, partners and communities. These programs reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and C.
Community partnership agreement benefits Four Creeks community, King CountyCommunity Partnership Agreement • March 12th, 2016
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2016Improvements would soon come to a community park and a wetland that also helps control stormwater in the Four Creeks area of unincorporated King County under a new agreement announced by Executive Ron Sims.
MONTROSE COUNTY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 2022Community Partnership Agreement • April 18th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2022This Agreement is made and entered into this day of _ � 2022 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Montrose County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "County", and Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association (COPMOBA), a non-profit organization or governmental entity, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee."
AGENDACommunity Partnership Agreement • February 16th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2022
Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • November 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2020Charlie’s FreeWheels is pleased to partner with like-minded community organizations with a focus that aligns with that of CFW (i.e. equity, accessibility, youth-focussed programming). We strive to provide an accessible and 'safer' space during all of our operating hours including events hosted by community partners. We aim to have a space that is free from oppressive language and behaviour including but not limited to violence, sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, patriarchy and colonialism.
Statement of intentCommunity Partnership Agreement • August 15th, 2011
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2011This Community Partnership Agreement (CPA) represents a commitment by the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) to work with the community to ensure the construction and ongoing operation of the Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility is undertaken in the best interests of the community.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTCommunity Partnership Agreement • November 19th, 2010
Contract Type FiledNovember 19th, 2010This agreement is to detail the partnership between East Central Illinois Community Action Agency and the organization listed below to help us better serve our mutual customers.
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSCommunity Partnership Agreement • August 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 30th, 2023- Discussion on new MDE landfill methane gas emission regulations with a proposal from Md. Environmental Service to provide additional monitoring services
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTSCommunity Partnership Agreement • February 21st, 2019
Contract Type FiledFebruary 21st, 2019This process will be easier if you've had a good think about the following things first: What's the name of your group? (It will need to have a name)
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTCommunity Partnership Agreement • February 21st, 2025
Contract Type FiledFebruary 21st, 2025
Na Fianna & DCU Launch Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • October 20th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 20th, 2019Dublin City University and Na Fianna last Thursday unveiled a new community partnership, believed to be the first of its kind in Ireland. As part of this seven year agreement, DCU will be publicly recognised as the premium community partner of CLG Na Fianna, with the university logo in a prominent position on the back of all jerseys worn by the club’s teams, and will also play a central role in all Na Fianna’s educational activity.
Henrico County Public Schools Community Partnership Agreement FormCommunity Partnership Agreement • October 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 14th, 2021Partnerships will be evaluated annually. The partnership will remain in place for the current school year and will continue under the same terms until terminated by either partner or modified by both parties. The Henrico School Board reserves the right to terminate the agreement without penalty at any time if it determines that the agreement is having an adverse impact students' educational experience.
Community Partnership Agreement Form: Option 3Community Partnership Agreement • September 5th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2022This form was designed to help guide communication among faculty, students, and community partners. Please use it as you open up an ongoing conversation about your work together. Since face-to-face meetings are usually the best, we encourage partners to meet and chat in person. Feel free to contact Emily Seru, Associate Director for Academic Civic Engagement and Scholarship, if you would like support or have additional questions.
NDA Economic Development Community Partnership AgreementCommunity Partnership Agreement • September 5th, 2024
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2024Instructions: This agreement is a demonstration of a commitment to integrate service delivery through working relationships with other organizations or other departments within your agency. It is not a consultant agreement. Provide one Community Partnership Agreement form for each organization or other department within your organization with which you will be working in partnership Pursuant to the proposal submitted by In response to (Proposer Organization) the NDA Economic Development Request for Proposals from the Department of Youth and Community Development, the proposer, if funded, will establish a partnership at the level with In the form and manner described below. (Partner)
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTCommunity Partnership Agreement • August 10th, 2017
Contract Type FiledAugust 10th, 2017In compliance with the Federal McKinney-Vento Act and guidelines for Continuum of Care program grantees of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this agreement seeks to formalize collaboration between a HUD Continuum of Care grantee and educational services in the grantee’s community.
Contract Type FiledJuly 27th, 2020This Agreement is made and entered into this 24 th day of July , 2020 by and between the Board of County Commissioners of San Miguel County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as “County”, and the Office of the San Miguel County Sheriff, a non-profit organization, school district, or other governmental entity or agency, hereinafter referred to as “Grantee.”
The tools you wanted to help shapeCommunity Partnership Agreement • September 2nd, 2003
Contract Type FiledSeptember 2nd, 2003It is the result of broad-based, comprehensive and intensive community consultation and feedback conducted during the past year.
GCU Community Partnership Agreement:Community Partnership Agreement • March 29th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2017• Student Action Group for Engagement suggested multiple design and content changes, removing “Corporate Chat” and making more student friendly
ContractCommunity Partnership Agreement • June 14th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 14th, 2011This Agreement is between and the Information Systems and Technology division of the Polk County Schools and is for the express purpose of providing computer usage opportunities to the students of the Polk County Schools and other Polk County citizens. The Site understands that Polk County Schools is partnering with the above to:
Contract Type FiledMay 6th, 2023Pride Community Partnerships are formed with community organizations who play a participatory role in Pride Week events. A Pride Community Partnership calls on the various skills, resources, and insights unique to the individual organization, thus fostering a creative and festive experience, rich in the culturally diverse representation of San Diego’s LGBTQ community.
Community Partnership Agreement Deadline is August 31Community Partnership Agreement • August 1st, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 1st, 2022The Alexander County Schools Community Partnership application deadline is August 31, 2022. Community Partnership Agreements have been established by the school board as part of the school facility use policy. The agreement allows non-profits and incorporated churches to partner with schools providing volunteer hours for a reduced rate for student-related facility rental.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTCommunity Partnership Agreement • January 22nd, 2004
Contract Type FiledJanuary 22nd, 2004The Community Partnership Agreement represents a commitment by Mindarie Regional Council (MRC) to work with the community to ensure that its issues and concerns are understood and acted upon. The Community Partnership Agreement is a summary document that identifies the agreed outcomes and impacts of the project relative to the social issues.
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSCommunity Partnership Agreement • August 11th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 11th, 2023Public Comments: Members of the audience who have signed up to address the Board will be permitted to do so at this time and allotted 5 minutes.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTCommunity Partnership Agreement • October 28th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 28th, 2024and BSACAP Head Start for the coordination of comprehensive services to children and families enrolled in the any of the delegate or direct operated programs of the BSACAP Head Start.