Corporate Sponsorship Agreement Sample Contracts
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 16th, 2022 • Oklahoma
Contract Type FiledMay 16th, 2022 JurisdictionSingle Event (Date: ) $100 Donor/Stop Sponsor $200 Start Location Sponsor $300 Host/End Location Sponsor $500 Entertainment Sponsor $ Special Event Sponsor
Standard Contracts
ARINC INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • August 27th, 2018 • Maryland
Contract Type FiledAugust 27th, 2018 JurisdictionThis Corporate Sponsor Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between (“Sponsor”) and SAE Industry Technologies Consortia, a Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation having an office at 16701 Melford Blvd., Suite 120; Bowie, MD 20715 (“SAE-ITC”). This Agreement contains the terms and conditions for non-airline corporate sponsorship of the AEEC, AMC and FSEMC—aviation industry activities (“Activities”) organized by ARINC Industry Activities (“ARINC-IA”), an industry program of SAE-ITC.
Corporate Sponsorship Agreement 2024Corporate Sponsorship Agreement • January 25th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 25th, 2024The company will also sponsor 1st place appetizer, side dish, entrée or dessert (available on first come, first served basis). - $250 add-on!
ContractCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 17th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2020 Jurisdiction
LETTER OF AGREEMENT CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • March 12th, 2020 • Ontario
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2020 JurisdictionThe Advertiser will be responsible for all costs of installation and affixing or placement, design, lighting (if any), maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of the sign at the end of the term of this agreement.
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2023 JurisdictionThis Income-Qualified Community Solar Pilot Program Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered on the day of , 2023 by and between Georgia Power Company (“Company”) and (“Sponsor”) (each, a “Party”, and collectively, the “Parties”). This Agreement will be effective as of the date on which all Parties have executed this Agreement.
ContractCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • January 5th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 5th, 2024
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 21st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 21st, 2021Tulane University may conditionally adjust the payment schedule for corporate sponsored students receiving sponsorship, full reimbursement, or partial reimbursement for tuition from their employer after the completion of coursework. To validate this payment schedule, students must submit the following information each semester at and within 30 days of priority registration for a future period of enrollment. In addition, students must provide the following:
LUG 2012 Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • December 8th, 2011
Contract Type FiledDecember 8th, 2011LUG 2012 will be held in Austin, Texas from Monday, April 23th 2012 through April 25th 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Austin. This 21/2 day event is the primary venue for discussion and seminars on open source parallel file system technologies with a unique focus on the Lustretm parallel file system. LUG 2012 is a user-led event whose or- ganizing committee is made up of representatives from Indiana University(IU), Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Lawrence Livermore Na- tional Laboratory (LLNL), and Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 19th, 2018This Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made between the Global Green Growth Institute (“GGGI” or the “Host”), an international organization established by the Agreement on the Establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute executed on January 17, 2013with its headquarters at 19th Floor, Jeongdong Building, 21-15 Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and Hanwha Q CELLS Corporation, a corporation formed and existing under the laws of Republic of Korea with its headquarters at 5F, Hanwha Building, 86 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (the “Sponsor”). The Sponsor and GGGI/Host shall hereinafter be referred to individually as the “Party,” and collectively as the “Parties.”
Contract Type FiledNovember 19th, 2021League, Inc. (the “OVYL”) to become a sponsor for ONE sport offered during the 2022 season for the cost of $250. NOTE: Any Player/Parent bringing a “ONE SPORT” Corporate Sponsor will receive a discounted signup fee. The Fundraising fee of $50 will be waived for one child in the 2022 season. This incentive also pertains to a business wanting to Sponsor a child and/or family.
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • March 22nd, 2018
Contract Type FiledMarch 22nd, 2018We, the undersigned business would like to be a sponsor of the 32nd FOBANA Convention of FOBANA 2018 that will be held on July 27 to 29, 2018 in Atlanta, GA. For the most up to date information, please visit our web site at for details.
TNT Tournament Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • November 8th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 8th, 2021Thank you for considering a donation to our 25th Annual TNT Tournament. Please complete this form (or attach a business card) and return it by December 1st along with your payment, to the NSWC Front Desk – Attn: Sarah Grant
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • January 9th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 9th, 2023The Chambersburg Noontime Lions Club, host of the area’s #1 Trout Derby is seeking the support of our local business community. For the past 24 years our Annual Trout Derby has generated over $460,000 that we have put right back into our community in the form of eye glasses, scholarships, Food Bank donations, special projects, and non-profit charitable contributions.
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 9th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2019The representative is signing this Sponsorship Agreement on behalf of the company to bind in agreement with the Eagle Touchdown Club. Unless otherwise noted, this is a 1- year commitment for the company to sponsor the EHS Football Program at the selected Sponsorship Tier and corresponding dollar amount.
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 17th, 2020 • California
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2020 JurisdictionThis is a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”), dated as of , 20 between Client, a California nonprofit corporation (“Client”), and [insert legal name], a [insert the type of entity and jurisdiction of organization] (“Sponsor”).
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • August 3rd, 2010 • United EcoEnergy Corp. • Non-operating establishments • Virginia
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2010 Company Industry JurisdictionThis Agreement is made effective November 1, 2010 between the American Diabetes Association, an Ohio non-profit corporation with its principal office located at 1701 N. Beauregard Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22311 ("ADA"), and the Epic Wound Care, Inc. ("Company" or "Epic Wound Care"), a Nevada corporation, with its principal place of
February 23, 2020Corporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 20th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2019
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • June 6th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 6th, 2011Through our unique sponsorship opportunities, your company will be able to choose a level of involvement that will meet your business needs and budget considerations, and generate goodwill by directly impacting families right here in your community- your friends and neighbors.
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 17th, 2020 • California
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2020 JurisdictionThis is a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”), dated as of , 20 between , a a [California nonprofit corporation] (“Client”), and
Mercer Island Football Booster Club Corporate Sponsorship Agreement 2019-2020Corporate Sponsorship Agreement • July 11th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJuly 11th, 2019 Featured recognition on home page of MI Football website, featured recognition on 5’x5’ stadium banner, recognition on program wide Islander Nation email blasts
COrpOrATE SpONSOrShip AgrEEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • August 26th, 2015
Contract Type FiledAugust 26th, 2015pAyMENT iNfOrMATiON (Please indicate credit card details for deposit below. if left blank, you will be invoiced.) n VISA n MASTERCARD | n AMEX | Name on Card | | | Card Number Expiry Date | | | Signature Date Signed
TNT Tournament Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • October 3rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 3rd, 2023Thank you for sponsoring our 26th Annual TNT Tournament. Please complete this form and return it to by December 1st with your payment (options included below).
ContractCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • September 2nd, 2016
Contract Type FiledSeptember 2nd, 2016
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • June 7th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 7th, 2017In recognition of the efforts of Julia’s Warriors Run for Hope 5k run/walk and 1 mile walk, benefiting The Julia Bargman Hope Foundation, we will make a contribution of:
Corporate Sponsorship Program 24-25 Agreement FormCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 9th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2024Business/Personal Information (For returning Corporate Partners; If no information has changed since last year, fill in the name of your business and then skip to the Sponsorship Information section.)
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • April 12th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2023This Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated as of , is made by and between The CCSU Foundation, Inc., a Connecticut nonstock corporation (the “Foundation”), Central Connecticut State University represented by its 1 (the “University”) and the (the “Sponsor”).
ContractCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 26th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 26th, 2022
ContractCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • May 8th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2020
Corporate Sponsorship AgreementCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • October 31st, 2023 • Rhode Island
Contract Type FiledOctober 31st, 2023 Jurisdiction
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • February 21st, 2019 • New Jersey
Contract Type FiledFebruary 21st, 2019 JurisdictionThis is a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”), dated as of , 20 between Reform It Now, Inc. (doing business as Autism Citizen, Inc.), a New Jersey nonprofit corporation (“Client”), and , a corporation (“Sponsor”).
Corporate Sponsorship Agreement for the 2016 California Brewers Festival September 17th, Discovery ParkCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • June 17th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJune 17th, 2016This agreement (“Agreement”) is entered by and between the Point West Rotary Foundation (“Affiliate”) and Corporate Sponsor (“Sponsor”) to set forth the terms and conditions upon which Sponsor agrees to be a local sponsor of the 2016 California Brewers Festival.
Corporate SponsorshipCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • January 28th, 2025
Contract Type FiledJanuary 28th, 2025A Corporate Sponsorship is an agreement between Glenbrook High School District 225 and an individual, a group, company or community-based organization in which the sponsor provides financial support or in-kind gifts in exchange for donor recognition.
CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENTCorporate Sponsorship Agreement • February 17th, 2016
Contract Type FiledFebruary 17th, 2016(Print all names of persons attending the program – two maximum for each sponsorship amount. Additional people may attend if they pay non-member fee.)
Corporate Sponsorship Agreement 2022Corporate Sponsorship Agreement • February 1st, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 1st, 2022The company will also sponsor 1st place appetizer, side dish, entrée or dessert (available on first come, first served basis). - $250 add-on!