Dual Credit Agreement Sample Contracts
AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COLLEGEDual Credit Agreement • December 16th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledDecember 16th, 2020 JurisdictionThis Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Dallas College, a Texas political subdivision of higher education, ("Dallas College" or "College") and Irving Independent School District ("Irving ISD"), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Irving High School, Mac Arthur High School, Nimitz High School, Singley Academy, and Barbara Cardwell Career Preparatory Center, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "High School"). The High School and College may hereafter be individually referred to as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." The Parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to the following terms and conditions in order to provide eligible High School students (each a "Student" and collectively the "Students") with the lower division college courses ("Courses" or "Dual Credit Courses") enumerated herein:
Standard Contracts
AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • December 13th, 2019 • Texas
Contract Type FiledDecember 13th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Eastfield College of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) Rockwall Independent School District (hereinafter “Rockwall ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Rockwall High School and Rockwall Heath (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses” ) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter “Student” or “Dual Credit”) upon the following terms and conditions:
Navajo Technical University (NTU) DUAL CREDIT AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDINGDual Credit Agreement • April 2nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 2nd, 2021Welcome to NTU! We are very pleased to welcome new and returning students to the NTU Dual Credit Program. It is important that you understand the responsibility accepted when enrolling in college level coursework. You, your parents, and your high school have agreed that you have the academic abilities and maturity to take a college course at Navajo Technical University.
Agreement Between Dallas CollegeDual Credit Agreement • April 4th, 2024 • Texas
Contract Type FiledApril 4th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between Dallas College (“Dallas College” or “College”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, and Life School (“School District”), a Texas charter school district, on behalf of Life School of Oak Cliff (“High School”). The High School and College may hereafter be individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” The Parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to the following terms and conditions:
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2023Student who receives a minimum score on the respective end of course assessment(s) can receive dual credit at (INSERT COLLEGE NAME) in the respective courses, in accordance with Early Postsecondary Opportunities Policy 2:01:00:05.
DUAL CREDIT AGREEMENT AMARILLO COLLEGEDual Credit Agreement • April 5th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 5th, 2023In order to provide students of Ascension Academy with the most appropriate educational experiences, Amarillo College and Ascension Academy enter into this agreement to award dual credit for certain specific courses. Dual credit refers to the practice of awarding college academic credit at both institutions for a course completed at either institution. The following general requirements must be met in order for the student to receive credit for a dual credit course earned at Amarillo College.
DUAL CREDIT AGREEMENTDual Credit Agreement • August 11th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 11th, 2023
DUAL CREDIT CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • February 14th, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 14th, 2024High school students within the (BOARD OF EDUCATION/HIGH SCHOOL/SCHOOL SYSTEM) who pass the dual credit course(s) listed below may sit for the corresponding end-of-course assessment(s).
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,Dual Credit Agreement • November 23rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 23rd, 2020Your student is enrolled in a course that offers the opportunity to receive high school credit as well as college credit in a partnership with Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech). Within in this dual credit agreement there are few items of great importance; cost, benefit and expectations.
AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • October 6th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledOctober 6th, 2020 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Cedar Valley College of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Desoto Independent School District (hereinafter “ Desoto ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Desoto High School (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses” ) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter “Student” or “Dual Credit Student”) upon the following terms and conditions:
AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • October 29th, 2019 • Texas
Contract Type FiledOctober 29th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Dallas County Community College District ("DCCCD"), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Brookhaven College ("BHC") and Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District ( “CFBISD"), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of R. L. Turner High School, ("Turner High School"), BHC and Turner High School may be individually referred to as the "Party", and collectively "Parties.” The Parties enter into this Agreement for the purposes of allowing BHC to conduct lower division courses ("Courses" or "Dual Credit Courses") enumerated in this Agreement to eligible Turner High School students ("Student" or "Dual Credit Students") upon the following terms and conditions:
AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COLLEGEDual Credit Agreement • May 29th, 2024 • Texas
Contract Type FiledMay 29th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between Dallas College (“Dallas College” or “College”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, and Dallas Independent School District (“ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Franklin D. Roosevelt High School of Innovation (“High School”). The ISD, High School, and College may hereafter be individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.” The Parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to the following terms and conditions in order to provide eligible High School students (each a “Student” and collectively the “Students”) with the lower division college courses (“Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses”) enumerated herein:
Parent/Student Dual Credit Agreement FormDual Credit Agreement • December 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2018The Dual Credit Enrollment program at Collin College is a cooperative partnership between Wylie ISD and Collin College enabling high school students to earn college credits while completing the requirements for high school graduation. High School Official approval is required for dual credit courses and high school credit will only be issued if the student scores a 70 or higher in the course. All courses will transfer to programs of study at Collin College. Students interested in attending other colleges/universities are encouraged to contact those institutions directly for additional information about how these courses will transfer to those institutions. For detailed transfer information, visit www.collin.edu/transferu.
Contract Type FiledNovember 27th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Brookhaven, and North Lake Colleges of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District (hereinafter “CFBISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Creekview, Ranchview, Newman Smith, and R.L. Turner High Schools, (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses”) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter “Student” or “Dual Credit”) upon the following terms and conditions:
ContractDual Credit Agreement • October 25th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 25th, 2024(Name of ISD), located at (SCHOOL ADDRESS), (*ISD) and Cisco College, located at 101 College Heights, Cisco, Texas 76437 (“Cisco”) agree to articulate for the purpose of providing dual credit courses for (*ISD) students. All communications regarding teaching requirements, schedule changes, instructional problems, or any other issues related to this agreement will be channeled through Cisco’s Director of Dual Credit Programs and the designated dual credit contact for (*ISD).
AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COLLEGEDual Credit Agreement • November 30th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledNovember 30th, 2020 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Dallas College (hereinafter referred to as "Dallas College" or "College"), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, and Harmony Public Schools (hereinafter referred to as "Harmony Public Schools"), a Texas nonprofit corporation, on behalf of Harmony Science Academy - Dallas, Harmony Innovation - Garland, and Harmony School of Excellence - Dallas(hereinafter referred to as "High School"), hence forth individually referred to as the "Party", collectively the "Parties", for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter "Courses" or "Dual Credit Courses" ) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter "Student" or "Dual Credit") upon the following terms and conditions:
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 23rd, 2023who pass the designated minimum of two (2) courses in each program of study may sit for the corresponding end of course assessment(s).
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake and Richland Colleges of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Garland Independent School District (hereinafter “Garland ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Garland and Pace High Schools, (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses”) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter “Student” or “Dual Credit”) upon the following terms and conditions:
Dual Credit AgreementDual Credit Agreement • August 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 14th, 2020
AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • October 9th, 2019 • Texas
Contract Type FiledOctober 9th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake and Richland Colleges of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Dallas Independent School District (hereinafter referred to as “DISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at B.F. Darell, Bryan Adams, W.H. Adamson, Maya Angelou, David W. Carter, City Lab High School, Emmett J. Conrad, Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy, Hillcrest, IDEA-Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship Academy at James W. Fannin, Thomas Jefferson, Justin F. Kimball, Lincoln, Lincoln Humanities/Communications Magnet, James Madison, Judge Barefoot Sanders Magnet Center for Public Servic
ContractDual Credit Agreement • July 19th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJuly 19th, 2016This agreement provides an opportunity for high school students to receive transcripted college credit from Umpqua Community College through completion of high school courses that have been found to be equivalent to the corresponding UCC course. All parties involved in this agreement agree to adhere to the Oregon Dual Credit Standards. Articulation agreements are renewed each academic year.
Dual Credit Agreement Between Central Texas College and Copperas Cove Independent School DistrictDual Credit Agreement • October 7th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 7th, 2022CTC CTC CTCCredits ISD ISDCredits AGCR 2318 Soil Science 3 Advanced Plant and Soil Sc. 1.0 AGRI 1415 Horticulture 4 Horticulture Science 1.0 AGRI 1419 Introductory Animal Science 4 Adv. Animal Science 1.0 ANTH 2301 Physical Anthropology 3 Special Topics in Language and Culture 1.0 ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology 3 Discovering Languages andCultures 0.5 ARTS 1303 Art History I 3 Art I Appreciation (SEM. 1) 1.0 ARTS 1304 Art History II 3 Art I Appreciation (SEM. 2) 1.0 AUMT 1405 Introduction to Automotive Technology 4 Automotive Basics A 0.5 AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical System 4 Auto Technology I A 1.0 AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4 Practicum in Transportation Systems Ext I A 1.5 AUMT 1445 Automotive Climate Control Systems 4 Auto Technology II 1.0 AUMT 1472 Automotive Computer Systems 4 Auto Technology II A 1.0 AUMT 2305 Automotive Engine Theory 3 Automotive Basics B 0.5 AUMT 2337 Automotive Electronics 3 Auto Technology I B 1.0 AUMT 2413 Automotive Driv
AGREEMENT BETWEENDual Credit Agreement • November 12th, 2019 • Texas
Contract Type FiledNovember 12th, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of North Lake College and Brookhaven College of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Coppell Independent School District (hereinafter “Coppell ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Coppell High School, New Tech High @ Coppell and Victory Place @ Coppell (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Courses” or “Dual Credit Courses” ) enumerated in this Agreement to eligible High School students (hereinafter “Student” or “Dual Credit”) upon the following terms and conditions:
DUAL CREDIT AGREEMENT 2021-2022Dual Credit Agreement • August 4th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2021
ContractDual Credit Agreement • September 18th, 2024
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2024(Name of ISD), located at (SCHOOL ADDRESS), (*ISD) and Cisco College, located at 101 College Heights, Cisco, Texas 76437 (“Cisco”) agree to articulate for the purpose of providing dual credit courses for (*ISD) students. All communications regarding teaching requirements, schedule changes, instructional problems, or any other issues related to this agreement will be channeled through Cisco’s Director of Dual Credit Programs and the designated dual credit contact for (*ISD).
Navajo Technical University (NTU) DUAL CREDIT AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDINGDual Credit Agreement • May 3rd, 2018
Contract Type FiledMay 3rd, 2018Welcome to NTU! We are very pleased to welcome new and returning students to the NTU Dual Credit Program. It is important that you understand the responsibility accepted when enrolling in college level coursework. You, your parents, and your high school have agreed that you have the academic abilities and maturity to take a college course at Navajo Technical University.
What is Dual Credit?Dual Credit Agreement • January 11th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJanuary 11th, 2022An agreement allowing students to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously by enrolling in a single course.
Time Submitted: Sum FallDual Credit Agreement • January 11th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJanuary 11th, 2018For this packet to be accepted, the following steps must be complete. Please your write your initials by these steps as you complete them. Please fill out any information requested.
ACADEMIC AGREEMENTDual Credit Agreement • March 24th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 24th, 2024Pursuant to the rules of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as set forth in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, and Chapter 9, Subchapter H, Texas Southmost College (TSC) (hereinafter “College”) and the Santa Maria Independent School District (SMISD) (hereinafter “School District”), hereby enter into a partnership in which TSC agrees to collaborate with SMISD to provide academic and technical instruction to eligible students of the Santa Maria School District for immediate award of both college and high school credit (hereinafter “Dual Credit Program”). If a School District offers dual credit as part of an approved early college education program established under TEC Section 29.908 or an early college program as defined in Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, Rule 4.83, then the provisions under Annex A apply.
Dual Credits & Certifications 2016-17Dual Credit Agreement • July 10th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJuly 10th, 2017Program Dual Credit Agreement Certifications Possible Accounting Vincennes University:ACCT 100 Digital Applications & Responsibilities (3 credits) Advanced Manufacturing 1st Year Ivy Tech:MPRO 100 Intro Plant Floor/CNC Principles (3 credits)MPRO 106 Intro to Workplace Safety (3 credits) Industry Recognized Career Safe 10-hour OSHA Certification Advanced Manufacturing 2nd Year Ivy Tech:MPRO 102 Introduction to Print Reading (3 credits)MPRO 122 Mechatronics Electrical System (3 credits) Industry Recognized Career Safe 10-hour OSHA Certification Business Law Ivy Tech:BUSN 201 Business Law & Ethics (3 credits) Business Management BUSN 101 Principles of Business Management(3 credits) Advanced Business Management Ivy Tech:BUSN 105 Advanced Business Management Computer Applications Ivy Tech:CINS 101 Digital Applications & Responsibilities(3 credits) Microsoft Office Certification Computer Science Ivy Tech:SDEV 120 Computer Programming I (3 credits) Computer Tech Support Ivy Tech:INF
Dual Credit AgreementDual Credit Agreement • November 1st, 2016
Contract Type FiledNovember 1st, 2016
Dual Credit Agreement 2022-2023Dual Credit Agreement • August 4th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2022The purpose of the STEM Academy Dual Credit Agreement is to inform the student and parent of the dual credit policies that are established by the STEM Academy. It is imperative that parents and their students enrolled in Dual Credit College Level Courses understand that thee dual credit college courses are managed differently than high school courses. This form is your signed agreement that all parties understand and agree to the following policy.
Contract Type FiledAugust 13th, 2024High school students within the Grundy County Schools who pass the high school courses listed below may sit for the corresponding college end of course assessment(s).
Contract Type FiledOctober 21st, 2019 JurisdictionThis Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as “ Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “DCCCD”), a Texas political subdivision of higher education, on behalf of Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake and Richland Colleges of the Dallas County Community College District (hereinafter referred to as “College”) and Grand Prairie Independent School District (hereinafter “Grand Prairie ISD”), a Texas political subdivision of secondary education, on behalf of Crosswinds High School, Dubiski Career High School, Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute, Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy, Grand Prairie High School, South Grand Prairie High School, Young Women’s Leadership Academy, and Johnson DAEP, (hereinafter referred to as “High School”), hence forth individually referred to as the “Party”, collectively the “Parties”, for the College to conduct lower division courses (hereinafter “Co