Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement Sample Contracts
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ML#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 16th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2021, hereinafter referred to as “Property”, said Property being described in the attached addendum, which, when reviewed and signed by Seller, will become part of this Agreement. Seller agrees that within days Seller will review and approve the accuracy of the Property listing as it appears in the MY State MLS. A copy of the Property listing will be provided by the Principal Broker via fax, email or mail and Seller will advise the Principal Broker of any necessary changes.
Standard Contracts
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 13th, 2013
Contract Type FiledJuly 13th, 2013
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • August 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2021
MLS EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT WITH AGENCYExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • June 20th, 2024 • Alabama
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2024 Jurisdiction(Listing grants to ("Broker Company Name, hereinafter referred to as “Broker”) the sole and") the exclusive right to sell, trade, convey, or exchange the Property (as hereinafter defined) upon the terms and conditions set forth below. Seller and hereby appoints Broker as Seller's exclusive agent to represent Seller as Client andauthorized to market the Property to all potential buyers, including both customers and/or clients of Broker, subject to the terms of this Agreement. Broker is the owner of all property listings data and information subject to copyrights written by Broker or its associates, and Broker is entitled to and shall own all copyright rights therein and all other intellectual or other property rights in or relating thereto. Such right, title, and interest shall be deemed assigned as of the moment of creation without the necessity of any further action on the part of either party.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ML#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • June 18th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2012Seller authorizes Principal Broker to submit this listing information to the NY State MLS, a multiple listing service, within 48 hours of the start date of the contract and to make an offer of cooperation to all participants in the NY State MLS and to any other licensed broker(s) with whom the Principal Broker deems that cooperation is in the Seller’s interest.
Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • May 23rd, 2009
Contract Type FiledMay 23rd, 2009The Real Estate commission and the MLS require that we have a listing agreement to place your property in the MLS, and that if there is a buyers agent involved in the sale of your property you will pay a commission to a “Cooperating Broker/Selling agent or office.”
Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • May 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 4th, 2024property includes but is not limited to the following: all buildings, gas, oil, and mineral rights owned by seller; built-in appliances; water softener (unless rented) water pumps and pressure tanks; stationary laundry tubs; radio and television antennas and any mechanical controls; shades, shutters, window blinds, and curtain and drapery rods; attached floor coverings; attached fireplace doors and screens; garage door opener and controls; screens, storm windows and doors & other related fixtures unless noted on the listing.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • September 27th, 2015
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2015referred to in this agreement as Owner. For and in consideration of services to be performed by Broker, Owner employs Broker to exclusively list for sale a certain parcel or real property known as:
Date of Agreement:Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 18th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJuly 18th, 2009
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT MLS#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 5th, 2016
Contract Type FiledOctober 5th, 2016the attached addendum, which when reviewed and signed by Seller becomes part of this agreement. Seller agrees that within days they will review and approve the accuracy of the MLS listings as it appears on the service. A copy of the listing will be provided by the Principal Broker via fax, email or mail and the seller will advise the Principal Broker of any necessary changes. Information on said addendum is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by the Seller’s representative. The Listing price of subject property shall be
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT – MLS LISTING ONLYExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2019For the purposes of this Agreement, Discount Realty, LLC will be referred to hereinafter as “Agency”. In consideration of Agency’s agreement to list Seller(s) property, situated in the municipality of
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • March 6th, 2011
Contract Type FiledMarch 6th, 2011The undersigned (“Owners”) hereby appoint the undersigned broker (“Broker”) to sell the property (“Property”) identified below and in the Property Profile (“Profile”) hereby tendered (the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference hereto).
Nc Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • February 25th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 25th, 2022Legitimately exuvial, Nevile tittivated plank-beds and unhelm chancelleries. Spirillar Sheffield engineer homologous while Jody always creosoting his expounders outbids monetarily, he dirty so uncandidly. Cyclopean and feudal Guthry maculating her ranas kiln-dry papistically or municipalize materially, is Alexis cased?
Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement MLS Listing OnlyExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • January 4th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2012Seller(s) acknowledges and agrees that Agency does NOT represent the Seller(s) as a CLIENT in connection to the sale of this property. Agency does NOT provide brokerage services to the Seller, except for a MLS Listing.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 25th, 2004
Contract Type FiledOctober 25th, 2004Owned by: to the Greater Hudson Valley Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (GHVMLS), under the terms of its Multiple Listing Rules and Regulations, and in further consideration of said Broker undertaking to find a purchaser for said property, the undersigned, (Owner), gives to Broker the sole and exclusive right to sell said property under the following terms and conditions:
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • March 17th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 17th, 2017This agreement shall be in effect for not less than 6 months commencing on February 17th, 2017 and ending at the end of the business day August 17th, 2017 unless cancelled by SELLER upon written notice thereof by SELLER to BROKER (including e-mail notice). SELLER acknowledges and agrees that the real estate agent:
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ML#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 16th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2021, hereinafter referred to as “Property”, said Property being described in the attached addendum, which, when reviewed and signed by Seller, will become part of this Agreement. Seller agrees that within days Seller will review and approve the accuracy of the Property listing as it appears in the MY State MLS. A copy of the Property listing will be provided by the Principal Broker via fax, email or mail and Seller will advise the Principal Broker of any necessary changes.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ML#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 16th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2021, hereinafter referred to as “Property”, said Property being described in the attached addendum, which, when reviewed and signed by Seller, will become part of this Agreement. Seller agrees that within days Seller will review and approve the accuracy of the Property listing as it appears in the MY State MLS. A copy of the Property listing will be provided by the Principal Broker via fax, email or mail and Seller will advise the Principal Broker of any necessary changes.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • September 29th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2021and ending on , unless cancelled by Seller upon written notice thereof by Seller to Broker(including e-mail notice). This Agreement will automatically renew for consecutive 6 month periods unless canceled by Seller with a 30 day written notice. Seller acknowledges and agrees that the real estate agent:
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT (EA)Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • March 20th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 20th, 2019
Exclusive Agreement and Authorization to List Property on GNIAR® Multiple Listing ServiceExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • September 20th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2017
CENTURY 21 Teran Realty LLCExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • September 18th, 2007
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2007
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • June 24th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJune 24th, 2024The undersigned ("Seller") hereby grants to B("roker") the exclusive right to sell, trade, convey, or exchange the Property (as hereinafter defined) upon the terms and conditions set forth below. Seller and hereby appoints Broker as Seller's exclusive agent authorized to market the Property to all potential buyers, including both customers and/or clients of Broker, subject to the terms of this Agreement.
Exclusive-Agency Listing AgreementExclusive-Agency Listing Agreement • January 4th, 2013
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2013Listing Broker is [ x ] is not [ ] a REALTOR and member of the National Association of REALTORS. Seller is aware that the National of REALTORS holds its members accountable for their actions through a strict Professional Code of Ethics, which includes a grievance system to address complaints. Non-members are not required to participate in the grievance system.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ANDExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 16th, 2022 • Utah
Contract Type FiledOctober 16th, 2022 JurisdictionThis Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into and effective this day of , 20 , (the “Effective Date”) by and between The Flat Rate Group, Inc., a Utah corporation, dba Flat Rate Homes (hereinafter referred to as the “Brokerage”) and (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) (together the “Parties”) (the above date and Seller information to be applied from the Listing Intake Form) for the provision of brokerage services related to the selling and/or marketing of real estate in the State of Utah.
The Realty Dot, Inc. (Form 1)-Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement-Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • February 16th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2022
Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • April 23rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 23rd, 2021I/We: (“Owner”) hereby grant to the undersigned broker (“Broker”), a real estate broker licensed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY to sell the property which address is:
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT – MLS LISTING ONLYExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2019For the purposes of this Agreement, Discount Realty, LLC will be referred to hereinafter as “Agency”. In consideration of Agency’s agreement to list Seller(s) property, situated in the municipality of
Exclusive agency listing agreement formExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • November 13th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 13th, 2020The special agency listing agreement comes when a seller agrees to commit a real estate agency to the market and sell his property with the condition that, if the seller finds a buyer, the agent is not owed the commission. If the seller contacts another real estate agent, according to most real estate commissions, the seller should refer the agent to his listing agent. It ultimately depends on what is written into the listing agreement and the laws in the state. Under a particular agency, the seller retains the right to market the property to find a buyer. Agency Disclosure Form – Most states need to be linked to the listing agreement to be signed by the seller and inform the seller of their rights and agent responsibilities. Lead-based paint disclosure – If the property was constructed before 1978, the seller is required to complete the form of this one (1) page in accordance with federal law. Property Disclosure Details – Often completed at the same time as the listing agreement, it
Date of Agreement:Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 18th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJuly 18th, 2009
Book] Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • November 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2020This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this exclusive agency listing agreement by online. You might not require more epoch to spend to go to the books foundation as with ease as search for them. In some cases, you likewise accomplish not discover the revelation exclusive agency listing agreement that you are looking for. It will totally squander the time. However below, following you visit this web page, it will be thus no question easy to get as with ease as download guide exclusive agency listing agreement
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT ML#Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement • July 16th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2021, hereinafter referred to as “Property”, said Property being described in the attached addendum, which, when reviewed and signed by Seller, will become part of this Agreement. Seller agrees that within days Seller will review and approve the accuracy of the Property listing as it appears in the MY State MLS. A copy of the Property listing will be provided by the Principal Broker via fax, email or mail and Seller will advise the Principal Broker of any necessary changes.
Exclusive Agency Listing AgreementExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • February 6th, 2016
Contract Type FiledFebruary 6th, 2016is not[ ] a REALTOR and member of the National Association of REALTORS. Seller is aware that the National Association of REALTORS holds its members accountable for their actions through a strict Professional Code of Ethics, which includes a grievance system to address complaints. Non- members are not required to participate in the grievance system.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENT MLS LISTING ONLYExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • October 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2019Seller(s) acknowledges and agrees that Agency does NOT represent the Seller(s) as a CLIENT in connection to the sale of this property. Agency does NOT provide brokerage services to the Seller, except for a MLS Listing.
EXCLUSIVE AGENCY LISTING AGREEMENTExclusive Agency Listing Agreement • May 8th, 2010 • Colorado
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2010 Jurisdiction