Final Agreement Sample Contracts
FINAL AGREEMENTFinal Agreement • August 31st, 2024
Contract Type FiledAugust 31st, 2024The Government of the Yukon as represented by the Government Leader of the Yukon on behalf of the Yukon (hereinafter referred to as "the Yukon");
Standard Contracts
Huu-ay-ahtFinal Agreement • May 12th, 2009 • British Columbia
Contract Type FiledMay 12th, 2009 Jurisdictionself-government, and the Government of Canada has negotiated self-government in this Agreement based on its policy that the inherent right to self-government is an existing aboriginal right within section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982;
FINAL AGREEMENTFinal Agreement • October 16th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 16th, 2022This Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement has been initialled by the negotiators for the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, the Government of Canada and the Government of the Yukon, signifying their intent to recommend the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement for ratification in accordance with Chapter 2
The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh Band. It is the first Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • May 17th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 17th, 2022Federal and provincial laws will apply to all lands owned by Lheidli T’enneh. Under the treaty, Lheidli T’enneh will own two types of land. The majority of the lands, 4,275 hectares, will be called Lheidli T’enneh Lands. Lheidli T’enneh will have law-making authority over these lands. Lheidli T’enneh will have no governance authority over the remaining 55 hectares of land that will transfer to Lheidli T’enneh
The Maa-nulth Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Maa-nulth First Nations. The five Maa- nulth First Nations are Ucluelet First Nation, Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Toquaht Nation,...Final Agreement • August 18th, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 18th, 2020The Final Agreement treaty settlement land package consists of approximately 24,550 hectares of fee-simple treaty settlement land, known as Maa-nulth First Nation Lands. Each Maa-nulth First Nation government will have law-making authority over its Maa-nulth First Nation Lands, although federal and provincial laws will continue to apply. The Final Agreement clearly sets out which law will prevail if there is a conflict.
The Maa-nulth Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Maa-nulth First Nations. The five Maa- nulth First Nations are Ucluelet First Nation, Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Toquaht Nation,...Final Agreement • December 15th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2020Taxation is an important element of the Maa-nulth Final Agreement as it can contribute to the foundation for future revenue capacity for the Maa- nulth First Nation governments. The main tax-related elements addressed through the treaty are: the taxation powers of each Maa-nulth First Nation government, the tax treatment of members, and the tax treatment of Maa-nulth First Nation governments and of the various assets transferred or recognized under the treaty.
The Maa-nulth Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Maa-nulth First Nations. The five Maa- nulth First Nations are Ucluelet First Nation, Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Toquaht Nation,...Final Agreement • February 3rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 3rd, 2021The Final Agreement sets out each Maa-nulth First Nation’s rights to harvest natural resources on its treaty settlement lands, known as its Maa-nulth First Nation Lands. In some cases, these harvesting rights may be exercised in several geographic areas off Maa-nulth First Nation Lands, designated as the Domestic Fishing Area, Migratory Bird Harvest Area and Wildlife Harvest Area, and in provincial parks and protected areas as described in the Final Agreement.
FIRST NATION OF NACHO NYAK DUN FINAL AGREEMENTFinal Agreement • October 1st, 2000 • Yukon
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2000 Jurisdictionthan Entire Interest in 5.4.1 65 5.10.0 Interests in Settlement Land - Entire Interest 66 5.11.0 Land Ceasing to be Settlement Land 68 5.12.0 Reacquisition 68 5.13.0 Deregistration 69 5.14.0 Proposed Site Specific Settlement Land 70 5.15.0 Waterfront Right-of-Way 70 5.16.0 Notations for Hydro-electric and Water - x - Storage Projects 72
The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh Band. It is the first Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • September 9th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 9th, 2021The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement will operate within the framework of the Constitution of Canada, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will apply to the Lheidli T’enneh government.
Final agreement added to meeting minutes once executedFinal Agreement • April 9th, 2019
Contract Type FiledApril 9th, 2019
T L A ’ A M I N F I N A L A G R E E M E N TFinal Agreement • March 10th, 2016
Contract Type FiledMarch 10th, 2016The Tla’amin Final Agreement operates within the framework of the Constitution of Canada, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms apply to the Tla’amin government.
FINAL AGREEMENT STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF HENRY This Agreement made and entered into this 27TH day of January, 1998 by and between Killearn Properties, Inc., a Florida Corporation and Killearn Properties, Inc. of GA., a Georgia Corporation...Final Agreement • February 19th, 1998 • Killearn Properties Inc • Land subdividers & developers (no cemeteries) • Georgia
Contract Type FiledFebruary 19th, 1998 Company Industry Jurisdiction
The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh Band. It is the first Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • September 9th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 9th, 2021By initialing the Final Agreement, the chief negotiators for Canada, British Columbia and Lheidli T’enneh recommend the agreement to their respective principals for ratification.
Final AgreementFinal Agreement • October 17th, 2006
Contract Type FiledOctober 17th, 2006Treaties create the potential for prosperity, providing First Nations with the tools to improve education and health of their people, build houses, create jobs and provide economic benefits. Treaties and other lasting agreements will help improve the quality of life of Aboriginal families and provide First Nations with a promising future for generations to come.
Tsawwassen First Nation TreatyFinal Agreement • January 4th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2022The Tsawwassen First Nation Final agreement (the Treaty) is a tri-partite agreement between Canada, British Columbia, and Tsawwassen First Nation. It is a comprehensive agreement that provides for the transfer of land and self-government jurisdiction to Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN). This is a major shift in the relationship between Tsawwassen First Nation, Canada and British Columbia, and various other tools that allows Tsawwassen First Nation to succeed as a self-governing First Nation. The treaty was effective on April 3, 2009. Tsawwassen First nation was the first in B.C. to achieve a treaty under the BC treaty Process.
Final AgreementFinal Agreement • March 29th, 2007
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2007
The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh Band. It is the first Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • June 26th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2022
Blue CatfishFinal Agreement • September 24th, 2008
Contract Type FiledSeptember 24th, 2008
ContractFinal Agreement • April 26th, 2016
Contract Type FiledApril 26th, 2016resources. In some cases, such as for timber and subsurface resources, these harvesting rights apply on Lheidli T’enneh Lands. In other cases, such as for
The Tsawwassen Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and Tsawwassen First Nation. It is the second Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • December 1st, 2006
Contract Type FiledDecember 1st, 2006A treaty with Tsawwassen First Nation will bring certainty with respect to all of Tsawwassen First Nation’s Aboriginal rights throughout the Tsawwassen First Nation claimed traditional territory, which covers approximately 279,600 hectares including the waters of the
The Tsawwassen Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and Tsawwassen First Nation. The Final Agreement provides Tsawwassen First Nation with certain rights and benefits regarding land and...Final Agreement • November 23rd, 2006
Contract Type FiledNovember 23rd, 2006The Final Agreement land package consists of approximately 724 hectares of treaty settlement land for Tsawwassen First Nation.
The Maa-nulth Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Maa-nulth First Nations. The five Maa- nulth First Nations are Ucluelet First Nation, Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Toquaht Nation,...Final Agreement • September 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 16th, 2020The Maa-nulth Final Agreement represents a fundamental change in the fiscal relationship between Canada, British Columbia and the Maa-nulth First Nations. The Maa-nulth First Nation governments will have strengthened autonomy and be fully accountable to the Maa- nulth-aht (those people who are enrolled in and will benefit from the treaty) and Maa-nulth First Nation citizens for financial decisions. Each Maa-nulth First Nation government will be accountable to Canada and British Columbia for the financial transfers it
The Tsawwassen Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and Tsawwassen First Nation. It is the second Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • February 20th, 2007
Contract Type FiledFebruary 20th, 2007The Tsawwassen Final Agreement will operate within the framework of the Constitution of Canada, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will apply to the Tsawwassen First Nation government.
The Tla’amin Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and Tla’amin Nation. The Final Agreement provides Tla’amin Nation with certain rights and benefits regarding land and resources, and...Final Agreement • March 10th, 2016
Contract Type FiledMarch 10th, 2016Tla’amin Nation is one of the tribes of the northern Coast Salish. Their traditional territory covers approximately 317,000 hectares in the Sunshine Coast region. When the marine por- tion of Tla’amin’s traditional ter- ritory is included, the total area increases to approximately 609,000 hectares.
FINAL AGREEMENTFinal Agreement • February 19th, 2015
Contract Type FiledFebruary 19th, 2015Designation NAME SURNAME Playing Chess(Yes/No) NATOteam (Yes/No) Date of Birth dd/mm/yyyy FIDE- ELO FIDE-ID Team Captain Team Official Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Other Other
L.E. SMITH GLASS COMPANY FINAL AGREEMENT NOVEMBER 26, 2002Final Agreement • February 14th, 2003 • Nbi Inc • Glass & glassware, pressed or blown
Contract Type FiledFebruary 14th, 2003 Company Industry
Lheidli T’enneh Final AgreementFinal Agreement • October 27th, 2006
Contract Type FiledOctober 27th, 2006
The Lheidli T’enneh Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh Band. It is the first Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • November 6th, 2006
Contract Type FiledNovember 6th, 2006The Final Agreement sets out Lheidli T’enneh’s rights to harvest natural resources. In some cases, such as for timber and subsurface resources, these harvesting rights apply on Lheidli T’enneh Lands. In other cases, such as for the harvest of wildlife or fish, these rights
SUMMARY: The document below is the fine of 29 May and 15 June 1584 by which clear title to the manor of Hayes passed from Oxford to Thomas Willows and John Pratt for 400 marks.Final Agreement • April 19th, 2007
Contract Type FiledApril 19th, 2007This is the final agreement made in the court of the Lady Queen at Westminster on the morrow of the Ascension of the Lord in the year of the reigns of Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. from the Conquest the twenty-sixth [=29 May 1584], before Edmund Anderson, Thomas Meade, Francis Wyndham & William Periam, justices, & after on the morrow of Holy Trinity in the abovesaid year of the reigns of the same Queen Elizabeth [=15 June 1584] there granted and recorded before the same justices & others faithful to the Lady Queen then there present, between Thomas Willows & John Pratt, querents, and Edward, Earl of Oxford, deforciant, of the manor of Hayes in Stow Maries alias Hayes in Stow Marsh with the appurtenances and of three messuages, one barn, one water-mill, one dovecot, one garden, one orchard, a hundred acres of arable land, forty acres of meadow, a hundred & twenty acres of pasture, six acres of wood, forty acres of fresh m
SUMMARY: The document below is the fine of 6 May 1584 by which clear title to the manors of Wivenhoe, Battleswick and Great Bentley passed from Oxford to Roger Townshend for £2513.Final Agreement • April 15th, 2007
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2007This is the final agreement made in the court of the Lady Queen at Westminster on the quindene of Easter in the year of the reigns of Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. from the Conquest the twenty- sixth [=6 May 1584], before Edmund Anderson, Thomas Meade, Francis Wyndham & William Periam, justices, & others faithful to the Lady Queen then there present, between Roger Townshend, esquire, querent, and Edward, Earl of Oxford, deforciant, of the manors of Wivenhoe, Battleswick and Great Bentley with the appurtenances and of a hundred messuages, a hundred cottages, thirty tofts, four mills, three dovecots, two hundred gardens, a thousand acres of arable land, a hundred acres of meadow, two thousand acres of pasture, three hundred acres of wood, five hundred acres of furze & heath, a hundred acres of moor, forty acres of rushes, two hundred acres of fresh marsh, three hundred acres of salt-marsh, forty acres of alder, twenty poun
Contract Type FiledAugust 6th, 2020Last June 21, the two governments signed a historic agreement in principle under which the federal government undertook to transfer $1.34 billion to Québec over the next five years. The Québec government will add $475.7 million to the funds stipulated by the transfer of the gasoline tax and to the contribution of the municipalities.
The Tsawwassen Final Agreement was negotiated by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and Tsawwassen First Nation. It is the second Final Agreement reached in the province under the British Columbia treaty process.Final Agreement • December 8th, 2006
Contract Type FiledDecember 8th, 2006By initialling the Final Agreement, the chief negotiators for Canada, British Columbia and Tsawwassen First Nation recommend the agreement to their respective principals for ratification.
FINAL AGREEMENTFinal Agreement • May 19th, 2010 • British Columbia
Contract Type FiledMay 19th, 2010 JurisdictionWhereas The Constitution Act, 1982, section 35(1) states, “The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed”;
UPEXI, INC. 17129 US Hwy 19 N. Clearwater, FL 33760Final Agreement • October 3rd, 2023 • Upexi, Inc. • Medicinal chemicals & botanical products
Contract Type FiledOctober 3rd, 2023 Company Industry· Equity Purchase Agreement, dated April 1, 2022 (the “EPA”), by and among Upexi, Inc. (f/k/a Grove, Inc., the “Buyer”), Cygnet Online, LLC (the “Company”), and Eric Hanig (the “Seller”);
PRESS RELEASE:Final Agreement • August 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2021WILMINGTON—Arnold & Porter, ACLU of Delaware, and Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. (CLASI), along with the plaintiffs, Delawareans for Educational Opportunity and the NAACP of Delaware, are thrilled to announce a final agreement with Sussex County in the Delaware Public Schools litigation.