Grant/Cooperative Agreement Sample Contracts

Grant/Cooperative Agreement • December 5th, 2012

Grant/Cooperative Agreement 1. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESSCalifornia High-Speed Rail Authority 925 L St Ste 1425Sacramento, CA 95814-3704 2. AGREEMENT NUMBER: FR-HSR-0009-10-01-05 3. AMENDMENT NO. 5 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 09/30/2017 5. FEDERAL FUNDING PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 09/30/2017 1A. IRS/VENDOR NO. 6. ACTION Administrative Supplement/Change 1B. DUNS NO. 011075376 7. CFDA#: 20.319 9. TOTAL OF PREVIOUS AGREEMENT AND ALL AMENDMENTS 2,552,556,231.00 8. PROJECT TITLECalifornia High-Speed Train Program ARRA Grant 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR AMENDMENT 0.00 11. TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT 2,552,556,231.00 12. INCORPORATED ATTACHMENTSTHIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS, INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF:Amended Terms and Conditions, Attachment 1 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 (February 17, 2009) 14. REMARKS GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE AGENCY APPROV

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Standard Contracts

Grant/Cooperative Agreement • May 5th, 2020

Grant/Cooperative Agreement 1. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESSCalifornia High-Speed Rail Authority 2. AGREEMENT NUMBER: FR-HSR-0037-11-01-01 3. AMENDMENT NO. 1 925 L St Ste 1404 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: FROM 08/01/2011 TO 04/30/2013 Sacramento, CA 95814-3704 5. FEDERAL FUNDING PERIOD: FROM 08/01/2011 TO 04/30/2013 1A. IRS/VENDOR NO. 6. ACTION Extension With or Without Funds 1B. DUNS NO. 7. CFDA#: 9. TOTAL OF PREVIOUS AGREEMENT AND ALL AMENDMENTS 16,000,000.00 8. PROJECT TITLECalifornia High-Speed Train System – San Francisco to San Jose Project Section: Communications-Based Overlay Signal System/PTC System Project 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR AMENDMENT 0.00 11. TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT 16,000,000.00 12. INCORPORATED ATTACHMENTSTHIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS, INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF:Amended Terms and Conditions, Attachment 1 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTOmnibus Appropriations Act, 2010, Publi

Grant/Cooperative Agreement • May 5th, 2020

Grant/Cooperative Agreement 1. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESSCalifornia High-Speed Rail Authority 2. AGREEMENT NUMBER: FR-HSR-0009-10-01-02 3. AMENDMENT NO. 2 925 L St Ste 1425 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 09/30/2017 Sacramento, CA 95814-3704 5. FEDERAL FUNDING PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 09/30/2017 1A. IRS/VENDOR NO. 6. ACTION Supplement/Change for Expansion 1B. DUNS NO. 7. CFDA#: 9. TOTAL OF PREVIOUS AGREEMENT AND ALL AMENDMENTS 2,466,176,231 8. PROJECT TITLECalifornia High-Speed Train Program ARRA Grant 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR AMENDMENT 86,380,000 11. TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT 2,552,556,231 12. INCORPORATED ATTACHMENTSTHIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS, INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF:The terms of this amendment are covered in Attachment 1 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT/ COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 (February 17, 2009) 14. REMARKS GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 8th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570145 RECIPIENT NAME Ute Indian Tribe STREET ADDRESS 988 South 7500 East FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$1,418,266.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Fort Duchesne UT 84026 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$632,755.00 AWARD PERIOD 09/01/2010-08/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$2,051,021.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Fiber Optic Infrastructure Project This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 7th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570127 RECIPIENT NAME Utopia STREET ADDRESS 2175 S Redwood Rd FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$16,229,321.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Salt Lake City UT 84119-1319 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$7,842,369.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$24,071,690.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency Community Partnership Project This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accept

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570032 RECIPIENT NAME Lane Council of Government STREET ADDRESS 859 Willamette ST STE 500 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $8,325,530.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Eugene OR 97401-3174 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $2,113,505.00 AWARD PERIOD 02/01/2010-01/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $10,439,035.00 AUTHORITY This notice is issued pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009) and the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq. CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act: Oregon South Central Regional Fiber Consortium Lighting the Fiber Middle Mile Project This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570044 RECIPIENT NAME University of Illinois STREET ADDRESS 506 S. Wright St.364 Henry Admin. Bldg. FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $22,534,776.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Urbana IL 61801-3620 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $6,852,149.00 AWARD PERIOD 02/01/2010-01/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $29,386,925.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband - Below Ground (UC2B Middle Mile & Last Mile Infrastructure) This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award do

Grant Cooperative Agreement • July 7th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570079 RECIPIENT NAME Clackamas, County of STREET ADDRESS 2051 Kaen Road FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $7,804,181.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Oregon City OR 97045-4088 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $3,344,649.00 AWARD PERIOD 07/01/2010-06/30/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $11,148,830.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009). CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Clackamas Broadband Innovation initiative This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modi

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 14th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570156 RECIPIENT NAME Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational Services STREET ADDRESS 830 S. Lincoln St. FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $100,635,190.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Longmont CO 80501-6317 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $34,665,587.00 AWARD PERIOD 09/01/2010-08/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $135,300,777.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Colorado Community Anchors Broadband Consortium - Connecting Colorado's Middle Mile This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 12th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570118 RECIPIENT NAME Nexus Systems, Inc. STREET ADDRESS 2904 Evangeline St FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$9,163,384.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Monroe LA 71201-3724 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$3,180,600.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$12,343,984.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - This private/public partnership, Louisiana "Piney Hills" Parishes Broadband Infrastructure Project, will target 331 anchor institutions in 7 rural parishes including a historically black university. This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed do

Grant Cooperative Agreement • May 23rd, 2016

FORM CD-450 GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (REV 12/14) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FEDERAL AWARD ID NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NA16NOS0120022 RECIPIENT NAMEUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE06/01/2016-05/31/2021 STREET ADDRESS8622 DISCOVERY WAY RM 116 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$2,418,098.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODELA JOLLA CA 92093-1500 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$0.00 AUTHORITY33 U.S.C. 3601-3610 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$2,418,098.00 CFDA NO. AND NAME11.012 , Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) PROJECT TITLEINTEGREATED OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM (SCCOOS) This Award Document (Form CD-450) signed by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By signing this Form CD-450, the Recipient agrees to comply with the Award provisions checked below and attached. Upon acceptance by the Recipient, the Form CD-450 must be signed by an authorized representative of the Recipient and returned to the G

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 20th, 2021

FORM CD-451 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE(REV. 11/18)AMENDMENT TO FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD ✔ GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FEDERAL AWARD ID NUMBER07-79-07550 CFDA NO. AND NAME 11.300/Public Works & Economic Development Facilities Program PROJECT TITLEStevenson Wastewater Collection System Capacity Upgrade Project RECIPIENT NAMECity of Stevenson AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 STREET ADDRESS7121 East Loop Road EFFECTIVE DATEDate of Grants Officer Signature CITY, STATE, ZIP CODEStevenson, WA 98648 EXTEND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE TO (IF APPLICABLE)NA COSTS ARE REVISED AS FOLLOWS: PREVIOUS ESTIMATED COST ADD DEDUCT TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $ 4,054,400.00 $ $ $ 4,054,400.00 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $ 1,013,600.00 $ $ $ 1,013,600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 5,068,000.00 $ $ $ 5,068,000.00 REASON(S) FOR AMENDMENT. Revision to:Specific Award Condition (SAC) #8 Project Development Time Schedule. This Amendment Document (Form CD-451) signed by the Grants Officer constitutes a

Grant Cooperative Agreement • March 30th, 2017
Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 7th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570095 RECIPIENT NAME JKM Consulting, Inc. STREET ADDRESS 100 Firethorn Lane FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$6,269,197.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Munford AL 36268-5504 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$1,930,540.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$8,199,737.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Project BEAR (Broadband for East Alabama Region) This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modification w

Grant Cooperative Agreement • May 31st, 2016

FORM CD-450 GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (REV 12/14) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FEDERAL AWARD ID NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NA16NOS0120021 RECIPIENT NAMEMONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM RESEARCH INSTITUTE PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE06/01/2016-05/31/2021 STREET ADDRESS7700 SANDHOLDT RD FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$2,403,562.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODEMOSS LANDING CA 95039-9644 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$0.00 AUTHORITY33 U.S.C. 3601-3610 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$2,403,562.00 CFDA NO. AND NAME11.012 , Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) PROJECT TITLECeNCOOS Partnership: Ocean Information for Decision Makers This Award Document (Form CD-450) signed by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By signing this Form CD-450, the Recipient agrees to comply with the Award provisions checked below and attached. Upon acceptance by the Recipient, the Form CD-450 must be signed by an authorized representative of the Recipient and returned to the Grants Officer. If not signed and returned without m

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570004 RECIPIENT NAME North Georgia Network Cooperative, Inc. STREET ADDRESS 6135 State Hwy 115 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $33,490,537.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Clarkesville GA 30523-0095 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $8,823,812.00 AWARD PERIOD 12/01/2009-11/30/2012 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $42,314,349.00 AUTHORITY Section 6001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009). CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - North Georgia Network This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not

Grant Cooperative Agreement • June 1st, 2018

FORM CD-451 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE(REV. 12-14)AMENDMENT TO FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD X GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBER20-10-S13020 CFDA NO. AND NAME11.549 - State and Local Implementation Grant Program PROJECT TITLEState of Kansas 2013 State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP) RECIPIENT NAMEKansas Office of Information and Technology Services AMENDMENT NUMBER7 STREET ADDRESSLandon State Office Building 900 SW Jackson Street, Suite 751 South EFFECTIVE DATE06/01/2018 CITY, STATE ZIP Topeka, KS 66612-1212 EXTEND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE TO(IF APPLICABLE) COSTS ARE REVISED AS FOLLOWS: PREVIOUS ESTIMATED COST ADD DEDUCT TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $1,250,790.00 $0.00 $199,256.56 $1,051,533.44 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $312,697.00 $0.00 $0.00 $312,697.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $1,563,487.00 $0.00 $199,256.56 $1,364,230.44 REASON(S) FOR AMENDMENTThis grant is hereby amended to de-obligate the remaining Federal funds in the amount of $-199,256.56 to close the

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 26th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570117 RECIPIENT NAME Oconee County STREET ADDRESS 415 S. Pine Street FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$9,604,840.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Walhalla SC 29691-2145 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$4,701,924.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$14,306,764.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Oconee FOCUS (Fiber Optics Creating Unified Solutions) This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modification

Grant/Cooperative Agreement • May 17th, 2005

In accord with the requirements of the “Environmental Programs Assistance Act of 1984” (PL-98-313), I certify that this grant/Cooperative Agreement will not:

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570018 RECIPIENT NAME Critical Hub Networks, Inc STREET ADDRESS 1314 Ponce De Leon Ave. Ste. 400 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $25,829,178.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE San Juan PR 00907-4047 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $6,718,092.00 AWARD PERIOD 04/01/2010-03/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $32,547,270.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009). CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Puerto Rico Bridge Initiative This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted wi

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 18th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570090 RECIPIENT NAME DCN, LLC STREET ADDRESS 3901 Great Plains Dr South FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$10,781,157.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Fargo ND 58104-3916 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$4,620,496.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$15,401,653.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act DCN's CCI Broadband Project This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modification within 30 days of receipt, t

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 8th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570157 RECIPIENT NAME Adams County Communications Center, Inc. STREET ADDRESS 7321 Birch Street FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $12,137,422.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Commerce City CO 80022-1446 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $5,891,647.00 AWARD PERIOD 09/01/2010-08/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $18,029,069.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - ADCOM 911/DIA Regional Broadband Public Safety Network This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not a

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Grant Cooperative Agreement • January 19th, 2017

This grant is hereby amended to 1)update the recipient Administrative Official listed under Speclaf Award Condition (SAC) No. 02;

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570050 RECIPIENT NAME Zito Media Communications II, LLC STREET ADDRESS 106 Steerbrook Road FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$6,136,904.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Coudersport PA 16915-8440 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$1,534,226.00 AWARD PERIOD 03/01/2010-02/28/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$7,671,130.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania Fiber Ring Project This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If t

Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 11th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570119 RECIPIENT NAME Horizon Telecom, Inc. STREET ADDRESS 68 E Main Street FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$66,474,247.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Chillicothe OH 45601-2503 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$28,488,963.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$94,963,210.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Connecting Appalachian Ohio Middle Mile Consortium This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modifi

Grant Cooperative Agreement • November 25th, 2019

FORM CD-451 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE‌(REV. 11/18)AMENDMENT TO FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD X GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBER20-10-S18020 CFDA NO. AND NAME11.549 - State and Local Implementation Grant Program PROJECT TITLEState of Kansas 2018 State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP) 2.0 RECIPIENT NAMEKansas Adjutant General's Department AMENDMENT NUMBER2 STREET ADDRESS2800 SW Topeka Blvd. EFFECTIVE DATE11/29/2019 CITY, STATE ZIP Topeka , KS 66611-1220 EXTEND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE TO(IF APPLICABLE)03/31/2021 COSTS ARE REVISED AS FOLLOWS: PREVIOUS ESTIMATED COST ADD DEDUCT TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $700,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700,000.00 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $175,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $875,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $875,000.00 REASON(S) FOR AMENDMENTThis award is hereby amended to: [1] authorize a 13-month no-cost extension to 03/31/2021, at no additional cost to the Federal Government in accordance with the Recipient's request

Grant Cooperative Agreement • July 29th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570069 RECIPIENT NAME Iowa Communications Network STREET ADDRESS Camp Dodge Bldg, W-4 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $16,230,118.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Johnston IA 50131-9000 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $7,637,426.00 AWARD PERIOD 07/01/2010-06/30/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $23,867,544.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Bridging the Digital Divide for Iowa's Communities This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not ac

Grant Cooperative Agreement • September 30th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570080 RECIPIENT NAME ONWAV INC. STREET ADDRESS 1609 Fairway Drive FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$5,184,447.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Cookeville TN 38501-2024 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$1,317,548.00 AWARD PERIOD 09/01/2010-08/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$6,501,995.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Five County Broadband Interconnected Training Access This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modification w

Grant Cooperative Agreement • January 7th, 2016
Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 20th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570108 RECIPIENT NAME Central Management Services, Illinois Department of STREET ADDRESS 120 W Jefferson St, FL 2 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $61,895,282.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Springfield IL 62702-5103 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $34,486,746.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $96,382,028.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-5 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Illinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership East Central Region This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If

Grant Cooperative Agreement • August 31st, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AWARD NUMBER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD NT10BIX5570040 RECIPIENT NAME Level 3 EON, LLC STREET ADDRESS 1025 Eldorado Blvd FEDERAL SHARE OF COST$1,427,310.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Broomfield CO 80021 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST$475,770.00 AWARD PERIOD 02/01/2010-01/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST$1,903,080.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009) CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - Expanding broadband access across Georgia This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is not accepted without modificatio

Grant Cooperative Agreement • July 19th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570070 RECIPIENT NAME Massachusetts Technology Park STREET ADDRESS 75 North Drive FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $45,445,444.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Westborough MA 01581-3335 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $26,200,000.00 AWARD PERIOD 07/01/2010-06/30/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $71,645,444.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, 123 Stat. 115 (2009). CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - The Massachusetts Broadband Institute MassBroadband 123 This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your files. If this award offer is

Grant Cooperative Agreement • November 15th, 2018
Grant Cooperative Agreement • October 27th, 2010

FORM CD-450 (REV 01/09) U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AWARD NUMBERNT10BIX5570102 RECIPIENT NAME University of Arkansas System STREET ADDRESS 4301 W. Markham St, ST63 FEDERAL SHARE OF COST $102,131,393.00 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Little Rock AR 72205-7101 RECIPIENT SHARE OF COST $26,450,427.00 AWARD PERIOD 08/01/2010-07/31/2013 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $128,581,820.00 AUTHORITY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, P.L. 111-5. CFDA NO. AND PROJECT TITLE11.557 Recovery Act - The Arkansas Healthcare, Higher Education, Public Safety, & Research Integrated Broadband Initiative This award offer approved by the Grants Officer constitutes an obligation of Federal funding. By accepting this award offer, the Recipient agrees to comply with the award Terms and Conditions checked below. If this was a paper issued award offer, please send two signed documents to the Grants Officer and retain one set of signed award documents for your f

Grant/Cooperative Agreement • May 5th, 2020

Grant/Cooperative Agreement 1. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESSCalifornia High-Speed Rail Authority 2. AGREEMENT NUMBER: FR-HSR-0009-10-01-00 3. AMENDMENT NO. 0 925 L St Ste 1425 4. PROJECT PERFORMANCE PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 12/31/2012 Sacramento, CA 95814-3704 5. FEDERAL FUNDING PERIOD: FROM 08/17/2010 TO 12/31/2012 1A. IRS/VENDOR NO. 6. ACTION New 1B. DUNS NO. 7. CFDA#: 9. TOTAL OF PREVIOUS AGREEMENT AND ALL AMENDMENTS 0 8. PROJECT TITLEPhase 1 California High Speed Train Program –PE/NEPA/CEQA 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR AMENDMENT 194,000,000 11. TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT 194,000,000 12. INCORPORATED ATTACHMENTSTHIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS, INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF:Special Provisions, Attachment 1Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, Attachment 1A American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Attachment 1B General Provisions, Attachment 2Statement of Work, Attachment 3Quarterly Progress Report for F

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