Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) Sample Contracts

INFORMATION SHEET 7 Subject: The US FACTA Agreement Authored: December 2014 Updated: ------------------------- Company: Costas Tsielepis & Co Ltd Reference: US Treasury
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • August 4th, 2016

Cyprus and the United States of America signed on 2 December 2104, a Model 1 Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the purpose of the application of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), effective as of 1 January 2015.

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Standard Contracts

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • November 9th, 2012

Singapore, 9 November 2012...The Singapore Government is in talks with the US Department of the Treasury to conclude an IGA on the FATCA. This is in line with Singapore’s role as a responsible tax jurisdiction and our commitment to safeguard our financial system from being used to harbour illegal proceeds. A private sector advisory panel will be formed to provide industry inputs to the talks. FATCA aims to combat tax evasion by targeting non-compliance by US taxpayers using overseas accounts.

RE: Alameda Corridor Landscape Maintenance Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Renewal To: ACBID Board of Directors From: Tom Quinn, ACBID Executive Director; and Sarah Hadsall, ACBID Assistant Executive Director
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • January 31st, 2023

In 2022 the BID Board approved a Landscape Maintenance IGA with the Lakewood Reinvestment Authority (LRA) commencing on March 1, 2022. Under the IGA, the BID manages landscape maintenance on parts of the corridor with financial contributions from the LRA. Costs covered under the IGA include a set monthly maintenance charge, irrigation system repairs, and irrigation water.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • July 10th, 2024

Agenda Title: Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) No. 2024-03268, between the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) and City of Eugene.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • September 22nd, 2023
INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA)Amendment ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICESOffice of Procurement150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 530Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Contract No.: ADHS17-133164 IGA Amendment No.: 8 Procurement OfficerKristine Newton
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • April 3rd, 2020

Public Health Emergency Preparedness It is mutually agreed that the Intergovernmental Agreement referenced is amended as follows: 1. Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions, Provision Six (6) Contract Changes, Section 6.1 Amendments, Purchase Orders and Change Orders, the following changes are made under this Amendment Eight (8): 1.1 The Scope of Work is revised to include the Scope of Work of this Amendment Eight (8); 1.2 The Price Sheet is revised to include the Price Sheet of this Amendment Eight (8); and 1.3 Attachment B is added to the Scope of Work of this Amendment Eight (8). **All other provisions of this agreement remain unchanged.** Contractor Name: COCHISE COUNTY Authorized Signature Address: 1415 MELODAY LANE Print Name BISBEE ARIZONA 85603 City State Zip Title Pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952, the undersigned public agency attorney has determined that this Intergovernmental Agreement is in proper form and is within the powers and authority granted under the laws of Arizon

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • June 21st, 2022
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • August 21st, 2018
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • August 8th, 2019

THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Douglas, State of Colorado, on behalf of the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder (hereinafter referred to as the "County") and (hereinafter referred to as the “Jurisdiction") collectively as the “Parties”; and

Approved Recovery Schools Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Request for Applications (RFA) Questions and Answers
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • June 28th, 2024

Q1 Does [the proposed recovery school’s] location have to be specified in the application? A1 Attachment B Fillable Application and Certification “Section 2 - Systems, Structures”states that if no location is identified, submit location options under consideration. Q2 [Attachment B Fillable Application and Certification “Section 2 - Systems, Structures”] includes timeline for hiring and set up procedures. What is the expectation forschools already set up? A2 Attachment B Fillable Application and Certification “Section 2 - Systems, Structures” states if currently operating a recovery school, provide documentation of above (described timeline). Q3 Is it allowable for [Approved] Recovery School’s treatment/counseling space to be ina location shared with students from outside the [Approved] Recovery School? A3 Treatment and counseling space can be accessed by other students who do not attend the Approved Recovery School, when the Approved Recovery School is not in session. Students en

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • July 13th, 2018

At the May 17th, 2018 the Board was presented with the attached final version of the Arapahoe County Transportation Forum Planning IGA (Exhibit A) for review. This agreement concerns collaboration between the Denver Regional Council of Governments, Arapahoe County and all its municipalities regarding the Transportation Improvement Program allocation of federal funding for transportation-related projects.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • December 9th, 2020

• The Colorado School of Mines (Mines) has been an integral part of Golden throughout its history. Mines is a prestigious university that has not only brought students, faculty and staff to the community, but also jobs in the form of companies that have either started in Golden or relocated to Golden to be in close proximity to the talent it attracts.

Flowchart 1 - Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • April 30th, 2024
IGA Approved by Project Partners
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • October 17th, 2022

The Lowcountry Rapid Transit (LCRT) Multi-Party Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) has received approval from each of its project partners and will be circulated for signatures from BCDCOG, SCDOT, Charleston County and CARTA, who all serve as participating partners.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 3rd, 2022

Phoenix, AZ 85007 Contract No. 2020-3128 IGA Amendment No. 1 Contract Officer: Scott Selin The above referenced Agreement is amended as follows:

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • September 12th, 2022
Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA)
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 19th, 2021

February 1, 2021 SASED - DHH# of Students EC – 8th Grade SASED - Vision # of StudentsEC - Transition LADSE - DHH# of Students High School/Transition DWC Member Districts 57 52 37 14 Non-DWC Member Districts 0 19 5 2 Total 57 71 42 16 SASED: 128 LADSE: 58

City of Astoria
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 10th, 2016
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • September 14th, 2018
Subject: FW: Admin Meeting Date: Thursday, December 29, 2022 10:27:06 AM Attachments: Klamath Irrigation District Agreement.pdf
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • December 29th, 2022

As you are aware, Public Works has a number of IGA’s that we are working with and some of those IGA’s have time extensions written into them. The most recent one I’m working on is with the Klamath Irrigation district for purchasing material from us (see attached). In the IGA we would like to add some wording to allow the Department Head to sign on behalf of the County for the extensions only. I feel this will save time and County resources when considering the amount of meetings and staff time that is required for signing agreement extensions. I’ve consulted with Marc about it and his recommendation is seen below, that being said Jeremy would like to discuss this option for this agreement and future agreements at the next available Admin meeting.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • July 30th, 2024

This Amendment No. 5 amends Intergovernmental Agreement (“IGA”) No. 30007251, dated the 29th day of February 2020, made and entered into by and among the City of Portland, through the Office of Management and Finance (“OMF”), Office of Equity and Human Rights (“OEHR”),and Prosper Portland (“Prosper”). The term “City”, as used in this IGA, collectively refers to OMF, OEHR, and the City Attorney’s Office.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • July 1st, 2015

We have updated the Movement of Employee into the Executive Branch matrix. Please share this information with staff in your agency.

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Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • April 26th, 2016

Intergovernmental, Interagency Service, Interstate, and Joint Project Agreements (agreements with non-government agencies) are legally binding documents. ADOT primarily utilizes these as a mechanism for the exchange of funds between ADOT and other agencies or organizations, and to establish all other responsibilities for each party named. IGAs are used to document cost sharing, define operations and maintenance (O&M) responsibilities and outline provisions for specific products or materials, required or desired by the local entity. They are required for all local projects where the agency is a non-CA agency. IGAs are required on projects where maintenance responsibilities are delegated to said agencies. Agreements for federally funded projects must be signed and executed, and any matching funds received prior to the authorization of federal funds.

Requirements to Connect to Lyons Water System
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • September 1st, 2020

The 2003 IGA between Lyons and Longmont differentiates between two types of additional service connections to the water system, pre‐existing commitments and new approvals. The following page of this document is a copy of this portion of the agreement. It defines pre‐existing commitments as properties in the Lyons Service Area with a land use approval or contractual commitment existing as of the date of the 2003 IGA. New approvals are properties that receive a land use approval or contractual commitment after 2003.

INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA)Amendment ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES150 18th Ave Suite 530Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Agreement No.: CTR055218 IGA Amendment No.: 1 Procurement OfficerKarla Varela
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • December 2nd, 2021

Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program 1. Effective upon signature by all parties and pursuant to the Terms and Conditions, Provision Six (6), Contract Changes, Section 6.1, Amendments, Purchases Orders and Change Orders, it is mutually agreed that the Intergovernmental Agreement referenced is amended as follows under this Amendment One (1): 1.1. The Scope of Work is hereby revised and replaced, as a result of the addition of the Workforce Development Grant tasks and deliverables; 1.2. The Price Sheet is hereby revised and replaced, as a result of the addition of the Workforce Development Grant funding; and 1.3. Exhibit B has been added. ALL CHANGES ARE REFLECTED BELOW IN RED. All other provisions of this Agreement remain unchanged. PINAL COUNTY Contractor Name:971 North Jason Lopez Circle, Bldg. D Authorized Signature Address: FLORENCE ARIZONA 85132 Print Name City State Zip Title Pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952, the undersigned public agency attorney has determined that this

Date: January 8th, 2024
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • January 5th, 2024

RE: Consideration of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Between the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Grand and the Board of Trustees of the Town of Grand Lake Regarding the Grand County Building Department

City of Alpharetta proposal for Alpharetta Elementary School IGA – Park/Playground
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 18th, 2020

The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) would be between the City of Alpharetta and the Fulton County Board of Education with respect to Alpharetta Elementary School (AES). The City proposes to improve the area in the front portion of AES to include a new inclusive playground, improved landscaping, fencing, drainage and resurfacing the existing small track. In exchange, the area would be utilized as a city park during non-school hours.

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 8th, 2021
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 25th, 2019
SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Columbia River Gorge Commission for Land Use Review Authority of the Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement Project.
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • April 11th, 2024

The portion of the proposed Hood River-White Salmon Bridge replacement project that extends between the shorelines of Oregon and Washington is situated within the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (NSA). Most new development within the NSA, including the proposed bridge, requires planning review to make sure it conforms to the requirements of the NSA Management Plan and local zoning ordinance (HRCZO Article 75). The portion of the bridge within the NSA also falls within both Hood River County and Klickitat County. The Gorge Commission has review authority within Klickitat County. To ensure a more efficient review of the project, while maintaining the Gorge Commission's role as the appellate body for decisions within the NSA, it was decided that the Hood River County Planning Department would complete the NSA review for both jurisdictions once an application is received for the new bridge. The attached IGA lays out the roles and responsibilities for each jurisdiction, as well as

Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • January 12th, 2021
INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA)Amendment ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES150 18th Ave Suite 530Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Agreement No.: CTR055207 IGA Amendment No.: 1 Procurement OfficerKarla Varela
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • December 29th, 2021

Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program 1. Effective upon signature by all parties and pursuant to the Terms and Conditions, Provision Six (6), Contract Changes, Section 6.1, Amendments, Purchases Orders and Change Orders, it is mutually agreed that the Intergovernmental Agreement referenced is amended as follows under this Amendment One (1): 1.1. The Scope of Work is hereby revised and replaced, as a result of the addition of the Workforce Development Grant tasks and deliverables; 1.2. The Price Sheet is hereby revised and replaced, as a result of the addition of the Workforce Development Grant funding; and 1.3. Exhibit B has been added. ALL CHANGES ARE REFLECTED BELOW IN RED. All other provisions of this Agreement remain unchanged. COCHISE COUNTY Contractor Name: Authorized SignatureAnn English 1415 Melody Lane Address: Print Name Chair, Board of Supervisors Bisbee Arizona 85603 City State Zip Title Pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952, the undersigned public agency atto

West Central Public Health Partnership Intergovernmental Agreement
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • February 7th, 2024

This Intergovernmental Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement” or “IGA” is made and entered into by and among the Board of Health of Gunnison County, San Miguel County, Ouray County, Montrose County, and Delta County along with Silver Thread Public Health District, , and are collectively referred to as the “Parties”.

SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Hood River County and Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).
Intergovernmental Agreement (Iga) • September 12th, 2024

In 2023, the County was awarded a housing planning grant from DLCD to complete Phase 1 of the Odell Unincorporated Community Plan project. The grant is being administered by DLCD staff, who has requested that the attached IGA be signed to recognize each other's roles and responsibilities in completing the work involved with this project.

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