Michigan Transfer Agreement Sample Contracts
What is the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)?Michigan Transfer Agreement • February 10th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 10th, 2021As a Schoolcraft College student, and with the help of your academic advisor or counselor, you select general education courses from the list below. When you transfer out to a MTA-receiving four-year college or university, your lower-level general education requirements should be satisfied! All grades must be 2.0 or above in order for the courses to transfer.
Standard Contracts
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • August 23rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2021Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy requirements at WCC and/or EMU. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to the WCC website at the link: http://www.wccnet.edu/services/transferresources/mta/ Students who do not have the MACRAO or MTA endorsement must complete EMU’s general education program.
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (33 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • February 22nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 22nd, 2022Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and a writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy degree or program requirements at WCC or EMU. Students who started before fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of August 2019. Courses approved by WCC to satisfy the MTA can be found by on Washtenaw’s website
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • January 22nd, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 22nd, 2024Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy requirements at WCC and/or EMU. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to the WCC website at the link: http://www.wccnet.edu/services/transferresources/mta/ Students who do not have the MACRAO or MTA endorsement must complete EMU’s general education program.
ContractMichigan Transfer Agreement • July 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 9th, 2020Washtenaw Community College Eastern Michigan University Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (31 credits)Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy major or minor requirements at WCC and/or EMU. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to the WCC website at the link below: http://www.wccnet.edu/services/transferresources/mta/1. A Course in English CompositionENG 111 Composition ......................................................... 4 WRTG 121 Composition II (3)+1 42. A Course in English Composition or CommunicationChoose from: COM 101, 102, 142, 183, 200, or 225 ............ 3 University Elective 33. A Course
MICHIGAN TRANSFER AGREEMENT (MTA)Michigan Transfer Agreement • February 26th, 2016
Contract Type FiledFebruary 26th, 2016Many Michigan four‐year colleges and universities are part of the Michigan Transfer Agreement. The Agreement requires completion of 30 credit hours of course work in general education areas. If a student has successfully completed the appropriate coursework, that student's transcript will be marked "MTA Satisfied". Participating four year colleges and universities will accept that as completion of 30 credits toward their general education requirements. (NOTE: Not all four year colleges and universities participate in MTA. Students intending to transfer should contact their intended transfer institution.) The MTA requires that colleges list coursework which is applicable. The following are WSCC's Designated MTA courses (by MTA area):
Michigan transfer agreement wccMichigan Transfer Agreement • January 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 12th, 2021In 2012, the Michigan legislature included language in a community college appropriations bill focused on improving the transferability of core college courses by amending the current agreement of the University of Michigan Enrollment & Admissions Association (MACRAO) and renaming it the Michigan Transition Agreement. U-M's policy on implementing the Michigan University of Michigan Transition Agreement supports the principles that undersive the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) as announced in February 2014. We value student transparency and focus as the basis for the Agreement. The University of Michigan does not have a general education requirement. MTA courses will be individually assessed for their role in meeting the degree requirements as outlined in the MTA implementation handbook. The University of Michigan will evaluate individual courses in the MTA for transfer, and if transferred will place these courses on the student transcripts as transfer credits. Michigan Transition
Contract Type FiledFebruary 9th, 2018The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is an agreement designed to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements among Michigan higher education institutions. In order to earn the “MTA Satisfied” endorsement, a student must complete 30 hours with a grade of at least 2.0 in each course according to the following distribution:
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)Michigan Transfer Agreement • September 4th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 4th, 2022The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is designed to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements between participating Michigan institutions. The agreement provides for the transferability of a block of core requirements. Students are encouraged to complete the MTA as a part of an associate degree but may achieve the distinction without completing a degree. At SMC, most Associate in Arts and all Associate in Science degrees facilitate the completion of the MTA requirements. Some Associate in Applied Science degrees at SMC also facilitate the completion of the MTA, but many more do not because the A.A.S. curriculum, by design, is more focused on helping students move toward employment opportunities rather than transferability.
MICHIGAN TRANSFER AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTSMichigan Transfer Agreement • October 26th, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2018Students may complete the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) as part of an associate degree or a stand-alone package. To fulfill the MTA minimum requirements, students must successfully complete at least 30 credits with a grade of at least 2.0 in each course. If a course is listed in more than one category, it can only be used once.
MICHIGAN TRANSFER AGREEMENTMichigan Transfer Agreement • November 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 16th, 2020The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) allows courses to be taken at one institution which then will be accepted at other intuitions of higher education in the state. Kalamazoo Valley’s counseling department has reviewed the MTA for the most transfer friendly courses. The list below is not exhaustive and families are strongly encouraged to work with an advisor or counselor to make certain the classes will transfer to another institution.
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (31 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • December 11th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2019Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning Beyond the Classroom experience, and one writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy major requirements at WCC and/or EMU.. For MTA courses approved by WCC go to Washtenaw’s website.
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • September 12th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 12th, 2019Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one “Learning Beyond the Classroom” experience, and a writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA also satisfy major requirements at EMU. For MCCC courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to www.monroeccc.edu/academicadv- transfer/transindex.htm and click on Michigan Transfer Agreement.
Michigan Transfer AgreementMichigan Transfer Agreement • November 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2019Alpena Community College participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement between public and private community colleges and universities in Michigan. This agreement provides ACC students more assurance of having completed their general education requirements when they transfer to a participating four-year college or university. Working closely with your academic advisor is recommended to assure meeting MTA requirements. To fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement, students must successfully complete at least 30 credits, with at least a 2.0 in each course. These credits, which will be certified by a Michigan Community College, should be met according to the following distribution:
Michigan Transfer Agreement RequirementsMichigan Transfer Agreement • June 11th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJune 11th, 2024The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) was designed to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements from one institution to another. Students may complete the MTA as part of an associate’s degree or as a stand-alone package.
MICHIGAN TRANSFER AGREEMENT (MTA)Michigan Transfer Agreement • March 23rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledMarch 23rd, 2023Alpena Community College participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement between public and private community colleges and universities in Michigan. This agreement provides ACC students more assurance of having completed their general education requirements when they transfer to a participating four-year college or university. Working closely with your academic advisor is recommended to assure meeting MTA requirements.
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)Michigan Transfer Agreement • September 21st, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 21st, 2020The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is designed to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements between participating Michigan institutions. The agreement provides for the transferability of a block of core requirements. Students are encouraged to complete the MTA as a part of an associate degree but may achieve the distinction without completing a degree. At SMC, most Associate in Arts and all Associate in Science degrees facilitate the completion of the MTA requirements. Some Associate in Applied Science degrees at SMC also facilitate the completion of the MTA, but many more do not because the A.A.S. curriculum, by design, is more focused on helping students move toward employment opportunities rather than transferability.
What is the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)?Michigan Transfer Agreement • March 21st, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 21st, 2019As a Schoolcraft College student, and with the help of your academic advisor or counselor, you select general education courses from the list below. When you transfer out to a MTA-receiving four-year college or university, your lower-level general education requirements should be satisfied!
Michigan Transfer AgreementMichigan Transfer Agreement • August 15th, 2024
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2024The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) provides transferability of 30 semester credits to meet many of the general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree at participating Michigan colleges and universities.
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • October 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 18th, 2023Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy major or minor requirements at Delta and/or EMU. Students who started before Fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of summer semester 2019. For Delta courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to Delta’s website.
Michigan Transfer Agreement GuidelinesMichigan Transfer Agreement • March 16th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMarch 16th, 2023
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • May 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 6th, 2019Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and a writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy degree or program requirements at MCC or EMU. Students who started before fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of August 2019. Courses approved by MCC to satisfy the MTA can be found by on Macomb’s website.
ACADEMIC PROGRAMSMichigan Transfer Agreement • July 31st, 2019
Contract Type FiledJuly 31st, 2019Programs of study are designed to provide the educational outcomes and competencies necessary for students to obtain immediate employment or to further their education.
Michigan transfer agreement occMichigan Transfer Agreement • October 29th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 29th, 2020The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is designed to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements from one institution to another. Students can complete the MTA as part of a staff degree or as a standalone package. The intention is that the 30 credits of basic college courses will most likely meet all or most of the student's lower-level general education requirements at the host institution, though students will always discuss transfer options with a counselor as requirements may vary at school. MTA approval is required for students to meet the requirements for each category and successfully complete at least 30 credits. All courses used to meet the requirements of the MTA must be completed at grade 2.0 or higher for each course. Courses awarded from the College Examination Programme (CLEP), the DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) shall not be used to meet MTA requirements. If all categories have been completed and at least 30 c
Henry Ford College Courses: Transfer to Eastern Michigan University as: Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core...Michigan Transfer Agreement • September 26th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 26th, 2017
Michigan Transfer AgreementMichigan Transfer Agreement • April 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 20th, 2020The Michigan Transfer Agreement facilitates the transfer of students from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities in Michigan. By carefully choosing courses, students can earn an associate degree from Kirtland and complete the Michigan Transfer Agreement; however, students do not need to obtain a degree in order to earn the MTA designation. If students want to request the “MTA Satisfied” on their transcript, they should contact the Registrar’s office.
Michigan Transfer Agreement GuidelinesMichigan Transfer Agreement • October 26th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 26th, 2022
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • March 1st, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2024Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy requirements at WCC and/or EMU. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to the WCC website at the link: http://www.wccnet.edu/services/transferresources/mta/ Students who do not have the MACRAO or MTA endorsement must complete EMU’s general education program.
Michigan Transfer AgreementMichigan Transfer Agreement • May 9th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2017Effective for the fall 2014 term, the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) will replace the MACRAO Transfer Agreement for new students whose first time enrollment is in the 2014-2015 academic year. This agreement provides for transferability of 30 semester credits to meet many (and in some cases all) of the general education requirements
Michigan Transfer Agreement GuidelinesMichigan Transfer Agreement • October 1st, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2019
ContractMichigan Transfer Agreement • July 13th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 13th, 2020Washtenaw Community College Eastern Michigan University Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (30 credits)Students with the MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the EMU General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and one Writing Intensive course in the major. Specific courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy major or minor requirements at WCC and/or EMU. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to the WCC website http://www.wccnet.edu/services/transferresources/mta/1. A Course in English CompositionChoose from the approved MTA list .............................................4 University Elective 42. A Course in English Composition or CommunicationChoose a Communications course from the approved MTA list...3 University Elective 3COM 101, 102, 142, 183, 200, 210 or 2253.
Michigan Transfer Agreement/Dual Enrollment WorksheetMichigan Transfer Agreement • February 4th, 2019
Contract Type FiledFebruary 4th, 2019Always check with the receiving college/university as to how credits will transfer or count towards your program of study!
Transferring from a Michigan college or university made simple and easy.Michigan Transfer Agreement • March 5th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2019The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) simplifies the process of transferring your general education credits from other Michigan institutions to Baker College. This agreement is designed to ensure that most, if not all, of your general education requirements are met when transferring between Michigan colleges and universities. The MTA increases the likelihood that the courses you've successfully completed at other institutions in the state will apply toward your degree here at Baker.
Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (36-38 credits)Michigan Transfer Agreement • June 5th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJune 5th, 2018Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and a writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy degree or program requirements at LCC or EMU. Students who started before fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of August 2019. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to https://www.lcc.edu/transfer/mta.aspx
ContractMichigan Transfer Agreement • March 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMarch 16th, 2020Henry Ford College Courses: Transfer to Eastern Michigan University as: Michigan Transfer Agreement Requirements (Credits: 30)Students with an MTA endorsement on their community college transcript have satisfied EMU’s General Education Core Requirements and will be required to complete only the General Education Application Requirements of one Perspectives on a Diverse World course, one Learning beyond the Classroom experience, and a writing intensive course in the major. Courses listed below for the MTA will also satisfy degree or program requirements at HFC or EMU. Students who started before fall 2014 may continue to follow the MACRAO Agreement until the end of August 2019. MACRAO versions of articulation guides are posted online at www.emich.edu/ccr/artguide.php. For courses approved to satisfy the MTA go to https://www.hfcc.edu/registration-and-records/mta/hfc-agreement.1. A course in English CompositionChoose from the approved MTA list........................................... 3