Project Implementation Agreement Sample Contracts
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT between the International Organization for Migration and [Name of the Other Party] on [Subject of Agreement]Project Implementation Agreement • October 9th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 9th, 2024This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, a related organization of the United Nations, acting through its [insert office name, e.g., Mission in XXX], [Address of the Office], represented by [Name, Title of Director, CoM, HoO] (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”) and [Name of the Other Party], [Address], represented by [Name, Title of the representative of the Other Party] (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
Standard Contracts
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • September 18th, 2024 • California
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Project Implementation Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of (date Reserve president will be signing), by and between the Climate Action Reserve, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“Reserve”) and (project owner - entity from info request form), a (entity type - e.g. a California nonprofit corporation, etc.) (the “Project Owner”), and (grassland owner - entity from info request form), a (entity type - e.g. a California nonprofit corporation, etc.) (the “Grassland Owner”) in connection with CAR###: Project Name (“Grassland Project”), located in insert name of county(ies), province of project. The Reserve and Project Owner shall hereinafter be referred to each as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties.”
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • September 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 15th, 2022This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, an organization part of the United Nations system, Mission in [XXX], [Address of the Mission], represented by [Name, Title of Chief of Mission etc.] (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”), and [Name of the Other Party], [Address], represented by [Name, Title of the representative of the Other Party] (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • June 10th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 10th, 2022AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the Effective Date as hereinafter defined, by and among the Polk Regional Water Cooperative (“Cooperative”), whose address is
LEG-B.1. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • July 1st, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 1st, 2024NOTE: All Directors/CoMs/HoOs are accountable and responsible for personally ensuring that the instructions in IN/99 Rev. 2 on Delegation of Authority for Concluding Contracts and Agreements (“IN 99 Rev 2”), as amended by IN 288 or the Implementing Partnership Management Handbook (“IN 288”), are followed. In case of uncertainty whether the proposed contract fully aligns with an IOM template or previously approved terms and conditions, please refer the draft contract to LEG Contract Law Division (LEG CR) for advice.
Project Implementation Agreement between the International Organization for Migration and ххххххх on the Project хххххх Договір про реалізацію проєкту між Міжнародною організацією з міграції та хххххх щодо проєкту ххххххProject Implementation Agreement • June 7th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 7th, 2021This Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, an organization part of the United Nations system, Mission in Ukraine, located at 8, Mykhailivska Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine, represented by_______________, Chief of Mission, hereinafter referred to as “IOM”, and the NGO name, located at NGO address, represented by Name, Title, hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”. IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as the “Party”, and collectively - as the “Parties”. Introduction Insert brief summary of the project (1-3 paragraphs, max. 1/3 page) Цей Договір укладено між Міжнародною організацією з міграції, яка входить до системи Організації Об’єднаних Націй, Представництвом в Україні, що знаходиться за адресою: Україна, 01001, м. Київ, вул. Михайлівська, 8, в особі _______________, Голови Представництва (надалі – «МОМ») та (назва НУО), який знаходиться за адресою: адреса НУО, в особі ПІБ, посада (надалі – «Виконавчий
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT between the International Organization for Migration and [Name of the Other Party] on [Subject of Agreement]Project Implementation Agreement • July 8th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 8th, 2024This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, a related organization of the United Nations, acting through its [insert office name, e.g., Mission in XXX], [Address of the Mission], represented by [Name, Title of Director, CoM, HoO] (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”), and [Name of the Other Party], [Address], represented by [Name, Title of the representative of the Other Party] (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
Project Implementation AgreementProject Implementation Agreement • July 27th, 2024 • Minnesota
Contract Type FiledJuly 27th, 2024 Jurisdiction(the “Registry” or “CFC”), the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, an independently elected, semi-autonomous body of the City of Minneapolis, a municipal corporation,
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • May 9th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 20221, 20 by and among the City of Chula Vista, a chartered municipal corporation (“City”), the Bayfront Project Special Tax Financing District, a financing district established and existing pursuant to Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 3.61 Bayfront Project Special Tax Financing District Procedural Ordinance (the “Financing District”), the San Diego Unified Port District, a public corporation (the “Port District”), the Chula Vista Bayfront Facilities Financing Authority (the “Authority”; and, collectively with the City, the Financing District, and the Port District, the “Public Entities” or each separately, a “Public Entity”), a joint exercise of powers entity created by the City and the Port District pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (defined herein below), and RIDA Chula Vista, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (together with its permitted successors and assigns, including without limitation any Foreclosure Purchaser, the “Developer”) (collectively, the “Parties” and
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • September 19th, 2024 • California
Contract Type FiledSeptember 19th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Project Implementation Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of (date Reserve president will be signing), by and between the Climate Action Reserve, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation (“Reserve”) and (project owner - entity from info request form), a (entity type - e.g. a California nonprofit corporation, etc.) (the “Project Owner”) in connection with CAR###: Project Name (“Soil Enrichment Project”). The Reserve and Project Owner shall hereinafter be referred to each as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties.”
DraftProject Implementation Agreement • December 29th, 2023 • Georgia
Contract Type FiledDecember 29th, 2023 JurisdictionNote to bidder: This draft project implementation agreement (PIA) is subject to potential modifications through negotiation with the winning bidder, under the premise that the final implementation agreement will be substantially based on this draft PIA.
Pilot teaching/operationProject Implementation Agreement • November 29th, 2015
Contract Type FiledNovember 29th, 2015• According to our curriculums we have no possibility to implement the same courses as in engineering universities in our project
COMBINED PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • January 30th, 2017 • Florida
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2017 JurisdictionTHIS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the Effective Date as hereinafter defined, by and among the Polk Regional Wa- ter Cooperative (“Cooperative”), whose address is 330 W. Church Street, Bartow, FL 33830 and the City of Auburndale whose address is P.O. Box 186, Auburndale, FL 33823, the City of Bartow whose address is P.O. Box 1069, Bartow, FL 33831, the City of Davenport whose ad- dress is P.O. Box 125, Davenport, FL 33836, the City of Eagle Lake whose address is P.O. Box 129, Eagle Lake, FL 33839, the City of Fort Meade whose address is P.O. Box 856, Fort Meade, FL 33841, the City of Frostproof whose address is P.O. Box 308, Frostproof, FL 33843, the City of Haines City whose address is 620 E. Main Street, Haines City, FL 33844, the City of Lake Alfred whose address is 120 E Pomelo Street, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, the City of Lakeland whose address is 228 S Massachusetts Ave., Lakeland, FL 33801, the City of Lake Wales whose address is
AGREEMENT ON PROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONProject Implementation Agreement • May 10th, 2018
Contract Type FiledMay 10th, 2018This Agreement on Project Implementation is intended to set the terms and conditions between sending organization and receiving organization in the period of implementing the project “Supporting the development of international mobility of research staff at CULS Prague (hereinafter referred as “the project”) which also concerns the mobility of Ms Markéta Zárybnická who was nominated after selection procedure by sending organization to carry out part of his/her research- oriented professional development at receiving organization. The project is funded by EU Structural and Investment Funds under Operational Programme Research Development and Education (managing authority Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Praha 1, Czech Republic).
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT BETWEENProject Implementation Agreement • December 1st, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 1st, 2020This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, an organization part of the United Nations system, Mission in Italy, via L.G. Faravelli snc, 00195 Rome represented by Laurence Hart, Director, Coordination Office for the Mediterranean, hereinafter referred to as “IOM”, and the Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies (DTASF), Passeig del Taulat, 266, 270, 08019 Barcelona, represented by Oriol Amorós i March, Secretary General of the Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies of the Generalitat De Catalunya, hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”. IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.
LEG-B.1. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • February 6th, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 6th, 2024NOTE: All Directors/CoMs/HoOs are accountable and responsible for personally ensuring that the instructions in IN/99 Rev. 2 on Delegation of Authority for Concluding Contracts and Agreements (“IN 99 Rev 2”), as amended by IN 288 or the Implementing Partnership Management Handbook (“IN 288”), are followed. In case of uncertainty whether the proposed contract fully aligns with an IOM template or previously approved terms and conditions, please refer the draft contract to LEG Contract Law Division (LEG CR) for advice.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT between the International Organization for Migration and [Name of the Other Party] on [Subject of Agreement]Project Implementation Agreement • August 20th, 2024
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2024This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, a related organization of the United Nations, acting through its [insert office name, e.g., Mission in XXX], [Address of the Office], represented by [Name, Title of Director, CoM, HoO] (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”) and [Name of the Other Party], [Address], represented by [Name, Title of the representative of the Other Party] (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2010
AGREEMENT ON PROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONProject Implementation Agreement • April 24th, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2018This Agreement on Project Implementation is intended to set the terms and conditions between sending organization and receiving organization in the period of implementing the project “Supporting the development of international mobility of research staff at CULS Prague (hereinafter referred as “the project”) which also concerns the mobility of Mr Vilem Pavlů who was nominated after selection procedure by sending organization to carry out part of his/her research-oriented professional development at receiving organization. The project is funded by EU Structural and Investment Funds under Operational Programme Research Development and Education (managing authority Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Praha 1, Czech Republic).
Pilot teaching/operationProject Implementation Agreement • November 2nd, 2015
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2015• According to our curriculums we have no possibility to implement the same courses as in engineering universities in our project
Project Implementation Agreement between the International Organization for Migration And [ORGANIZATION NAME] On Rapid Response Fund: EthiopiaProject Implementation Agreement • March 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 26th, 2019This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an organization part of the United Nations system, Mission in Ethiopia, (hereinafter the “IOM” or the “Fund Manager”) represented by Maureen Achieng, Chief of Mission and Representative to AU, UNECA and IGAD of Addis Ababa, Kirkos Sub-city, Woreda 08, Yemez Building (Behind Zequala Complex), and [ORGANIZATION NAME] (hereinafter the “Implementing Partner”) represented by [REPRESENTATIVE NAME], TITLE, ADDRESS. IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
PROJECT LT04-1-KM-K01-005Project Implementation Agreement • December 19th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2022On 25th of May, 2021 Panevėžys district municipality administration and Central Project Management Agency signed an agreement of project „Integration of the Voss model for the development of cultural accessibility and strengthening of cultural education in Panevėžys region“ implementation. This agreement was signed on the basis of a Partnership Agreement among Panevėžys district municipality administration, Panevėžys district Naujamiestis Cultural center–Art Gallery and Voss Cultural School from Norway, which, as partners, will cooperate in the project. This project is being implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 Programme „Culture“.
The Peace Agreement is an opportunity to advance in reconciliation and structural transformation of the countryside. This allows creating conditions of well-being for the rural population in the areas most affected by the conflict. It is the occasion...Project Implementation Agreement • July 16th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2022This project contributes particularly to Point 1 of the Peace Agreement: "Towards a New Colombian Countryside: Comprehensive Rural Reform" (RRI) and aligns with the more than 100 measures that incorporate the gender approach proposed in the Peace Agreement that benefits about 5 million rural women (10% of the country's population). It is in accordance with the priorities of the European Fund for Peace, to support a comprehensive rural policy and stimulate economic activity and productivity in remote rural areas, with topics such as economic initiatives, rural credit, improved trade, and women empowerment; and in reinforcing the presence of the State, reconstructing the social fabric in remote and conflictive regions through creating capacities in local leaders and institutions, reinforcing citizen participation in democratic processes, with the creation of a culture free of gender violence, with gender equality, and with the participation of women.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • August 4th, 2009 • California
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2009 JurisdictionThis Project Implementation Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of , 20 , by and between the Climate Action Reserve, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Reserve") and , a and , a (collectively, the "Forest Owner").1 The Reserve and Forest Owner shall hereinafter be referred to each as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENTProject Implementation Agreement • December 16th, 2024
Contract Type FiledDecember 16th, 2024This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, a related organization of the United Nations, acting through its [insert office name, e.g., Mission in XXX], [Address of the Office], represented by [Name, Title of Director, CoM, HoO] (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”) and [Name of the Other Party], [Address], represented by [Name, Title of the representative of the Other Party] (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
CONTRACT AGREEMENT FORMProject Implementation Agreement • February 16th, 2016
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2016
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT BETWEENProject Implementation Agreement • September 22nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2021This PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into this 15th day of September 2021 (the “Effective Date”, that is on the date that is signed by the last party to sign the Agreement) BETWEEN:
Execution Version Amended and Restated Project Implementation Agreement NG-KIH Project AMENDED AND RESTATED PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT NEXT GENERATION KENTUCKY INFORMATION HIGHWAY PROJECT KentuckyWired Infrastructure Company, Inc. (“Project Co”)...Project Implementation Agreement • May 5th, 2020 • New York
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020 JurisdictionConstruction Period ..........................................................................................24 6.3 Insufficient Insurance ........................................................................................24 6.4 Uncollectible Insurance Receivables .................................................................25 6.5 Application of Insurance Proceeds If No Termination ........................................25 6.6 Application of Insurance Proceeds In Case of Termination ...............................26 6.7 Standards of Repair, Replacement or Restoration ............................................26 6.8 Mitigation ..........................................................................................................26 6.9 Risks Becoming Uninsurable ............................................................................26 6.10 Consequences of Risks Becoming Uninsurable ................................................26 6.11 Subrogation ..................
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT between the International Organization for Migration and Centrum pro cizince Jihomoravského kraje, z. ú. onProject Implementation Agreement • December 19th, 2024
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2024This Project Implementation Agreement is entered into by the International Organization for Migration, a related organization of the United Nations, acting through its Mission in Czechia, Prvního pluku 621/8A, 186 00, Prague 8, represented by xxxxxxxxx, Head of Office (hereinafter referred to as “IOM”) and Centrum pro cizince Jihomoravského kraje, z. ú., Žerotínovo náměstí 3, 602 00 Brno, Id. No 17456517, represented by xxxxxxxxxxx, director (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner”). IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT BETWEENProject Implementation Agreement • April 15th, 2011
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2011The Government of State of , acting through [ ***** ] , (hereinafter referred to as “State Govt.”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, mean and include its successors and assigns) of the FIRST PART
Argo-Poland projectProject Implementation Agreement • April 28th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 28th, 2023● August 10, 2022 - AGREEMENT No. 2022/WK/04 for the implementation of a project under the program "Support for the participation of Polish research teams in international research infrastructure projects„ (Ministry of Education and Science)
AGREEMENT NUMBER ………….Project Implementation Agreement • March 18th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 18th, 2022This AGREEMENT is made on the …….day of the month of ……2005 between_________________________ (PROJECT IMPLEMENTING AGENCY, HEREIN AFTER CALLED THE PIA OR THE FIRST PARTY), having its registered office at ……………..which unless repugnant to the contrary shall include its successors, administrators, heirs, assigns and nominees of FIRST PARTY
MEMORANDUMProject Implementation Agreement • January 30th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2017The City of Lake Wales through the Polk Regional Water Cooperative (the “Cooperative” or “PRWC”) is being asked to participate in Phase 1 of the development of three potential Alternative Water Supply projects to meet the Cooperative’s and the City’s projected water supply needs as projected through the year 2035. The proposed agreement governs the management and cost sharing for Phase 1 of these projects through the Cooperative. At the end of Phase 1, the City has the option to continue to participate in the development of any or all of the proposed projects or to opt out. The PRWC Board approved this agreement on January 24, 2017.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT CONCERNING IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT NO ......................... “...........................” ___ March 2018 No ____ VilniusProject Implementation Agreement • March 1st, 2018
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2018The Public Institution Central Project Management Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “CPMA”), represented by the Deputy Director of the CPMA Rasa Suraučienė, acting in accordance with powers granted to her by the legal acts,
PROJECT LT04-1-KM-K01-005Project Implementation Agreement • August 25th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 25th, 2021On 25th of May, 2021 Panevėžys district municipality administration and Central Project Management Agency signed an agreement of project „Integration of the Voss model for the development of cultural accessibility and strengthening of cultural education in Panevėžys region“ implementation. This agreement was signed on the basis of a Partnership Agreement among Panevėžys district municipality administration, Panevėžys district Naujamiestis Cultural center–Art Gallery and Voss Cultural School from Norway, which, as partners, will cooperate in the project. This project is being implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 Programme