Responsible Use Agreement Sample Contracts

Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • August 22nd, 2022

• I will never remove any programs that have been installed by the school unless written permission has been given by the school.

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Standard Contracts

Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • July 10th, 2020

Sacred Heart Girls’ College (SHGC) believes in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in teaching and learning. An important part of this is that we are able to show others what that responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning.

Learning with Technology: Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • December 18th, 2020

In today’s connected world, technology is essential for learning. Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools supports effective and innovative uses of technology for each and every student. This support includes a commitment to providing anytime/anywhere learning opportunities and to teach students to be Christian citizens in a digital world.

Responsible Use Agreement • August 19th, 2021
Responsible Use Agreement for MLMS Students
Responsible Use Agreement • July 9th, 2024

All use of electronic devices shall be consistent with the goals of the Logan City School District in promoting educational excellence. This Responsible Use Agreement describes the expectations for Mount Logan Middle School (MLMS) students for all use of electronic devices on campus, district provided or privately own. Along with this Responsible Use Agreement, student and parents should also be familiar with the Electronic Device Policy adopted by the Logan City School District Board of Education. The Electronic Device Policy may be accessed on the school district website at

Student and Parent/Guardian: Responsible Use Agreement for At–Home Devices
Responsible Use Agreement • August 1st, 2017

Littleton Public Schools is proud to partner with parents to extend learning opportunities and create access to resources by offering our students the opportunity to take home a district-provided computer. We are committed to make your child’s learning experiences relevant, engaging and productive, and as such, believe that technology is a key component.

Information Technology Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • July 25th, 2018

Current technology is modifying the way in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred. These changes may also alter instruction and student learning. The California Montessori Project (CMP) offers students access to technologies that may include electronic mail (through Internet access), Internet connections, and equipment, such as computers and multimedia hardware, in the classrooms.

Creighton Elementary School District Responsible Use Agreement for Students 2021-2022
Responsible Use Agreement • June 16th, 2022

Creighton students have the opportunity to use technology that facilitates creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking in a digital world. As students are expected to apply these skills, we also want them to be safe, legal, and responsible. This responsible use agreement supports our vision of technology use and upholds in our students a strong sense of digital citizenship.

Waseca Public Schools Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • May 8th, 2023

Students are given access to district technology for educational purposes in accordance with the school district’s mission, goals, and objectives. The use of the school district system is a privilege, not a right.

Bremen Public Schools Student/Parent Responsible Use Agreement and Contract
Responsible Use Agreement • April 23rd, 2024

All 3rd-12th grade students at Bremen Public Schools are issued a device for their educational use. It is our belief that if reasonable precautions and care are taken in the use of the device, the device should not experience physical damage. Each student and parent is asked to read this document carefully. Once completed with reviewing the document, the student and parent/guardian should sign on the last page indicating their understanding of the guidelines and procedures that will be in place for the use of the electronic devices.

Responsible Use Agreement:
Responsible Use Agreement • December 27th, 2021

The Norwood Public Schools (NPS) provides a wide range of technology resources for staff, teacher and student use. These technology resources are in place to support the mission and strategic goals of the Norwood Public Schools as well as achieve our vision for technology which is to create a technology-rich teaching and learning environment that encourages collaboration, communication, innovation and achieves academic and professional proficiency for all students and teachers respectively. This agreement outlines the responsible use and expectations of the network infrastructure, systems, personal and school-issued hardware and software used by district staff, teachers and students.

Information Technology Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • December 10th, 2019
EPISD Parent & Student Responsible Use Agreement for PowerUp/BYOD Devices
Responsible Use Agreement • August 20th, 2018
Swampscott Public School District Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • November 15th, 2020

The Swampscott Public School District has adopted the Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) for staff, students, and guests who have access to the school computers and devices, system network, or school accounts for Google, Aspen, Teachpoint, our website, and other software or information technology. Network access is a privilege, not a right. The use of the network must be consistent with, and directly related to, the educational objectives of the Swampscott Public Schools. This agreement is intended to ensure safety through the proper conduct of users and requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of technology.

Series 4000 – Personnel – Certified &Non-Certified
Responsible Use Agreement • February 14th, 2014
Catholic Secondary School Student Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • April 4th, 2024

Using your device is a privilege, and any privilege comes with responsibility. Here are the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario expectations for using your personal devices at school or anytime you are using school- provided devices.

Catholic Elementary School Student Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • April 4th, 2024

• I will take care of any school device I have access to. I may be responsible to pay to repair or replace devices I have damaged.

Miramar North School Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • August 25th, 2020

Miramar North School believes in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in teaching and learning. An important part of this is that we are able to show others what that responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning.

Responsible Use Agreement • August 7th, 2024

Cozad Community Schools’ information technology resources, including school-owned devices, email and Internet access, are provided for educational purposes. Cozad Community School provides computer, network, e-mail, and Internet access to individuals as part of the learning environment. The use of these resources is a privilege and not a right. While these systems have the power to deliver a vast number of resources to classrooms and enhance education, their effectiveness depends on the responsible and ethical use by every individual. Users of the Cozad Community School network and devices are required to adhere to state and federal law and board policy. The following Student/Staff Responsible Use Agreement is based on district policy and regulations. Adherence to the following policy, both at school and in online activities which relate to school, is necessary for continued access to the school's technological resources:

Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • October 21st, 2020

• I understand that the school will not repair my BYOD device hardware or operating system software, and that technical support is limited to network connection and provision of school based software.

Responsible Use Agreement • August 3rd, 2021
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STUDENT CHARTER - Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • November 8th, 2019

All students using their own devices at MacGregor State High School must Respect Others and Act Responsibly (ROAR) for the purpose of supporting learning. The following are expectations of a user that is Respecting Others and Acting Responsibly. A full copy of the student charter is available on the school website. Failure to meet these expectations will be dealt with according to MacGregor’s Responsible Behaviour Plan (see school website) and may result in a student losing the privilege to use their own device.

Māngere East Primary School Staff Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • November 22nd, 2020

Māngere East Primary School (MEPS) believes in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in a teaching and learning context. A vital part of fostering this culture is the support that is provided to students in their learning by the “Guides” around them. One of the most important parts of this guidance is the modelling of good digital citizenship skills that young people observe in their day to day interactions.

Information Communication Technology Responsible Use Agreement Adopted August 2021
Responsible Use Agreement • August 28th, 2022

At ISE respectful relationships are essential therefore all online relationships (student to student, teacher to student, student to teacher) should mirror that of face-to-face relationships:

Responsible Use Agreement 2024
Responsible Use Agreement • July 8th, 2024

Remuera Intermediate believes in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in teaching and learning. An important part of this is that we are able to show others what that responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning.

Colton School District -Appropriate Use Agreement – Responsible Use of Technology
Responsible Use Agreement • October 19th, 2016

Overview. The Colton School District makes a variety of communications and information technologies available to students through computer/network/Internet access. These technologies, when properly used, promote educational excellence in the District by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, collaboration, and communication. Illegal, unethical or inappropriate use of these technologies can have dramatic consequences, harming the District, its students, and its employees. The District firmly believes that digital resources, information and interaction available on the computer/network/Internet far outweigh the disadvantages. This Responsible Use Agreement is intended to minimize the likelihood of harm by educating District students and setting standards which will serve to protect the District and its students.

Responsible Use Agreement • February 9th, 2022

You are being given access to Manor ISD’s network and technology resources. At Manor ISD, we use the network and technology resources as one way of enhancing the mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need to succeed in the global community. These technologies may include, but are not limited to, district-­‐provided equipment as well as personal devices (computers, tablets, cell phones, laptops, netbooks, e-­‐ readers, and more).

Responsible Use Agreement • January 17th, 2020

This permission form and summary material provides information regarding Highline Public Schools (HPS) processes for students using school district resources on and off school district premises.

Grouville School Responsible Use Agreement for Children in Nursery, Foundation and KS1
Responsible Use Agreement • June 1st, 2017

Well-being and achievement are at the heart of Grouville School so that we can all develop as Life Long Learners and take responsibility for ourselves and the community.

Blue Valley School District Student Device Responsible Use Agreement
Responsible Use Agreement • August 8th, 2020

Blue Valley School District will assign students an electronic device for use both at school and at home. Use of this device is a privilege and not a right. The device is provided for educational purposes only.

Responsible Use Agreement • June 15th, 2021

At Manor ISD, we use technology as one way of enhancing the mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need to succeed in the global community. These technologies may include, but are not limited to, district-provided equipment as well as personal devices (computers, tablets, cell phones, laptops, netbooks, e-readers, and more).

Responsible Use Agreement and Contract
Responsible Use Agreement • October 6th, 2020

All 9th-12th grade students at Wheatland High School are issued a technology device (laptop and/or tablet) for their educational use. It is our belief that if reasonable precautions and care are taken in the use of these devices, they should not experience physical damage. Each student and parent is asked to read this document carefully. Once completed with reviewing the document, the student and parent/guardian should complete the authorization agreement on the homepage website indicating their understanding of the guidelines and procedures that will be in place for the use of electronic devices.

Responsible Use Agreement • March 19th, 2024

Mana College is committed to providing a safe and productive digital learning environment for all students. To ensure responsible use of technology, we have established the following guidelines. By adhering to these rules, students contribute to a positive and secure online experience.

Information Technology (IT) Responsible Use Agreement (RUA) for Lower School
Responsible Use Agreement • March 6th, 2024

Mobile devices are increasingly present in the lives of our students. ISE has been a cutting-edge school for many years and is recognized for its technology integration practices in the classroom. ISE is a 1-1 iPad school, since 2012, providing every teacher and every student from Reception to Grade 12 with an iPad, in order to support inquiry and personalized learning. More than half of our classrooms are equipped with Apple TV’s. Teachers and students also have access to our Library and Computer Cafe iMacs for lessons as well a set of school owned Laptops that can be used either on campus or borrowed for home use, under certain circumstances. The school offers a robust wireless network that is capable of supporting the full spectrum of devices currently available to students. ISE is a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school and provides all students starting from Grade 3 to Grade 12 with an ISE email account to use in and outside campus for educational purposes. Appropriate restricti

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