Site Agreement Sample Contracts
SITE AGREEMENT By and BetweenSite Agreement • July 31st, 2000 • Somerset Power LLC • Electric services • New York
Contract Type FiledJuly 31st, 2000 Company Industry Jurisdiction
Standard Contracts
BIG4 Emu Beach Holiday Park – Site Agreement FormSite Agreement • April 23rd, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 23rd, 2018
PCS SITE AGREEMENT November 2003March 2006 Site Name Canyon Site I. D. TF102Site Agreement • November 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2020
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • July 12th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJuly 12th, 2018This Site Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of the date that both Landlord and Tenant (both as defined below) have executed this Agreement (the “Effective Date”) by Sprint Spectrum L.P, .,a Delaware limited partnership (“Tenant”), and Pueblo West Metropolitan District, a Colorado special district, (“Landlord”). Landlord acknowledges receiving One Dollar ($1.00) and other sufficient consideration for entering into this Agreement.
BIG4 Emu Beach Holiday Park – Site Agreement FormSite Agreement • November 27th, 2018
Contract Type FiledNovember 27th, 2018Please fill in answers below Name Address Mobile Number Email Address Do you require:Powered, Unpowered or Ensuite Site Check-in Date & Approx arrival time (check-in from 2pm) Check-out Date (check-out is by 10am) Number of Adults & Children Do you have:Caravan, Camper Trailer, Tent or Motorhome? Size of accommodation: (In Feet, Metres or #man tent) Do you have:Boat, Gazebo, Trailer, 2nd vehicle You agree we don’t accept pets in high season (Easter & Christmas): Any extra comments: Type your name to sign form:
Site Agreement for LIBS 668 Internship in LibrariesSite Agreement • September 7th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 7th, 2021Supervisor name: Title: Phone: Email: Highest academic degree related to your position: Total years of experience working in an information setting: Types of information workplace: Intern or volunteer supervisory experience?
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • February 14th, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 14th, 2024The located in County hereby agrees to partner with Utah Food Bank (UFB) as a distribution site for the Utah Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) under the following agreement assurances for the duration of the signed contract. The assurances are as follows:
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • May 5th, 2020 • Colorado
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020 JurisdictionPursuant to Section 39-13-104(1)(i) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, this Site Agreement is exempt from the documentary fee.
in Site AgreementsSite Agreement • October 11th, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 11th, 2018terms’ that are prohibited in site agreements. A site agreement is the contract you sign with a Park Owner to lease the land your manufactured home stands on. If any of these prohibited terms are part of your existing site agreement, that part of your site agreement is inconsistent with the new regulation and cannot be enforced against you.
RE: Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Program (PPCR) Host Site Agreement DATE: Date of last signature hereof, which is indicated below (the “Effective Date”)Site Agreement • September 11th, 2024 • Massachusetts
Contract Type FiledSeptember 11th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Site Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of the Effective Date by and between Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) – São Carlos, Brazil with a place of business at Rodovia Washington Luís, km 235 – 13565-905 São Carlos (SP), Brazil (“Host”), and President and Fellows of Harvard College (“Harvard”) on behalf of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (“HChan”) Center for Executive and Continuing Professional Education (“ECPE”) with a place of business at 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Host and HChan shall each be referred to herein as a “Party” and together as the “Parties.”
Contract Type FiledSeptember 23rd, 2008
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • February 11th, 2015
Contract Type FiledFebruary 11th, 2015The located in County hereby agrees to partner with Utah Food Bank as a distribution site for the Utah Commodity Supplemental Food Program (Utah CSFP) under the following agreement assurances for one year from the date of the signed contract. The assurances are as follows:
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • September 9th, 2014
Contract Type FiledSeptember 9th, 2014This Site Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into as of September , 2014, by PEG Bandwidth VA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Tenant”) and COUNTY OF POWHATAN (“Owner”). Owner acknowledges receiving One Dollar ($1.00) and other sufficient consideration for entering into this Agreement.
Contract Type FiledJune 13th, 2007
Site # 4BNS001A/BS57XC001 Market: New England SECOND AMENDMENT TO SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • February 1st, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 1st, 2022THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO SITE AGREEMENT (“Amendment”) is made and entered into by and between SUSA Partnership LP (“Owner”), and Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, LLC (formerly a limited partnership), successor in interest to Sprint Spectrum L.P. (“Sprint PCS”).
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • June 3rd, 2008
Contract Type FiledJune 3rd, 2008
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • September 24th, 2013
Contract Type FiledSeptember 24th, 2013WHEREAS, Developer desires approval by the County, through its designee, for a project known as: (project name), prepared by (preparer), dated (month, day, year), and all revisions thereof, (The Project), the Developer agrees to construct and install all of the physical improvements and facilities shown on the approved plans and profiles, as required by the Policies and Ordinances of the County, the approximate total cost of which improvements is estimated to be
MEMORANDUMSite Agreement • December 14th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2022Attached hereto for your consideration is a proposed Fourth Amendment to the cell tower site Agreement between the City and T-Mobile South, LLC (T-Mobile) for T-Mobile to lease space for its equipment on the rooftop of the Lakeland Electric Administration Building located at 501 E. Lemon Street.
SITE FOR PARK HOME,Site Agreement • May 22nd, 2018
Contract Type FiledMay 22nd, 2018Occupying possibly one of the best locations within Trowbridge Lodge Park, this plot is quietly tucked away towards the end of one of the cul-de-sac's. The plot will accommodate a single unit up to a maximum of 40' x 20' and the site owners, Tindene, are happy to provide details of the type of units available from their extensive range. Alternatively you can visit their web site and click 'Residential Park Homes'. Tingdene will also consider providing an alternative, smaller unit on the site if preferred.
SITE AGREEMENT 2017-18Site Agreement • June 27th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 27th, 2017student’s sense of belonging to the school community, and developing skills for successful completion of high school and beyond.
Site AgreementSite Agreement • November 30th, 2017
Contract Type FiledNovember 30th, 2017The Illinois State Board of Education has contracted with AMTC & Associates to provide A&M Resources abstinence education programs for Illinois schools serving grades 6-12. This document provides the terms and conditions of the program. This agreement is effective from the date signed and may be cancelled by either party with a 14-day written notice. There is no cost to the school. In order to participate in this program, schools agree to the following:
SITE AGREEMENT FORMSite Agreement • March 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2021
Manchester Community College Cooperative Education Office Site Agreement Student Information Student Name Position Title Start Date/End DateSite Agreement • March 7th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 7th, 2022
SITE AGREEMENT – 20AC220606Site Agreement • June 9th, 2020 • Idaho
Contract Type FiledJune 9th, 2020 JurisdictionThis site agreement is effective the date of last signature and is between the Regents of the University of Idaho, a public university of the state of Idaho (“UI”), and (“Site Partner”). UI and Program Site may be referred to individually as “party” or collectively as “parties.”
Contract Type FiledMarch 9th, 2023
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2015
SITE AGREEMENT FORMSite Agreement • October 18th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 18th, 2021
SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • September 27th, 2012 • Kansas
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2012 JurisdictionTHIS Site Agreement is made this day of , 2012, by and between the City of Lawrence, Kansas, a municipal corporation, and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
Just TransitionSite Agreement • May 2nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 2nd, 2022• BASF SE in Ludwigshafen has had a site agreement for many years. A new one was agreed in 2020 also addressing the Green Deal. Two main objectives are pursued with the site agreements: firstly, to provide a reliable and resilient development perspective with investments for the Ludwigshafen site. Secondly, to establish protective mechanisms for employees. The overriding goal is to safeguard jobs; redundancies are ruled out until 2025.
Site AgreementSite Agreement • June 23rd, 2016
Contract Type FiledJune 23rd, 2016The on-site supervisor agrees to provide meaningful assignments and guidance related to the academic program of the student and to assist the student achieve learning objectives for the work experience. The site will allow visits by the student’s academic advisor as needed and agrees to complete an evaluation form provided by the college that will assist the instructor in assigning a grade. In addition, the site agrees to adhere to all federal and state regulations regarding employment, safety, worker’s compensation, child labor laws, minimum wage, and other applicable regulations pertaining to employment of a student.
Site Agreement Form 2007–2008Site Agreement • September 11th, 2007
Contract Type FiledSeptember 11th, 2007Community Works is a comprehensive program designed to engage young people in a lifelong commitment to enhancing their communities by reducing youth victimization through education and service. The program is administered by the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
ContractSite Agreement • August 12th, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2005Instructions:Complete this form with the Site Host and obtain required signatures. Print form. Form cannot be saved.Due: ACD/EDC: End of 10th week of term prior; SCG: End of 1st week of term in which registered for clinical. Student Demographic Information Name: UFID: Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone UF Email: Clinical Term Information Semester: . Year: . . Clinical Experience: Date Term Begins: Date Term Ends: Clinical Course: . Group Supervision Course: . Site Host Information Site Hosts must be a professional employed at the site and meet the following criteria: (a) has academic and professional credentials exceeding those of the student (i.e., earned masters or doctorate in counseling or related field) and (b) agrees to coordinate, manage, and/or administrate the student’s professional activities at the site. Professionals who serve as site hosts automatically receive a University of Florida tuition waiver voucher for providing this service. University of Florida employees
APPENDIX B: SITE AGREEMENTSite Agreement • June 18th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2022
FoodCorps Site AgreementSite Agreement • May 9th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2024This Site Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between FoodCorps, Inc., a 501(c)(3) New York not-for-profit corporation, FEIN: 27-3990987 (“FoodCorps”) and (“Site”),
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2020• The WMS site will assign an employee who will act as a mentor. The student can shadow during the normal work duties, and will be trained by the Life Skills Itinerant Teacher