Site Management Agreement Sample Contracts
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • November 4th, 2014
Contract Type FiledNovember 4th, 2014
Standard Contracts
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Lancaster City CouncilSite Management Agreement • May 28th, 2012
Contract Type FiledMay 28th, 2012The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate face-to-face fundraising in Lancaster city centre and Morecambe and provide balance between the rights of charities or not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • September 17th, 2013
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2013
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • April 9th, 2015
Contract Type FiledApril 9th, 2015
BELIVAH PTY LTDSite Management Agreement • August 30th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 30th, 2022
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • March 16th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 16th, 2017
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Aylesbury Vale District CouncilSite Management Agreement • November 2nd, 2011
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2011The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate face-to-face fundraising in Aylesbury town centre and provide balance between the rights of charities or not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Bracknell Forest Council.Site Management Agreement • September 23rd, 2008
Contract Type FiledSeptember 23rd, 2008The purpose and spirit of this Site Management Agreement is to facilitate Face- to-Face Fundraising in a given location and provide balance between the right of the charity to fundraise and the right of the public to go about their business without any impression of inconvenience.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • October 19th, 2015
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2015
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • August 4th, 2016
Contract Type FiledAugust 4th, 2016
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • October 28th, 2014
Contract Type FiledOctober 28th, 2014The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Bromsgrove District Council and provide a balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • January 15th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 15th, 2019
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • April 23rd, 2013
Contract Type FiledApril 23rd, 2013
RE: Proposed Agreement for Site Management at Sal Maglie Stadium (Niagara University)Site Management Agreement • May 12th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 12th, 2023As you are aware, the City has undertaken extensive renovations to the playing field at Sal Maglie Stadium in order to enhance athletic and recreational activities year-round at the facility. As the City moves forward with its plans for future operations at the Stadium, it is clear that the City will require assistance with operational oversight and management of the facility. Therefore, it will be necessary to enter into an agreement with a qualified entity that can provide this service.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • February 26th, 2014
Contract Type FiledFebruary 26th, 2014The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Hull city centre and provide balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • May 27th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2014
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Brighton and Hove City CouncilSite Management Agreement • November 21st, 2018
Contract Type FiledNovember 21st, 2018The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Brighton and Hove town centres and provide balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Cheltenham Borough CouncilSite Management Agreement • June 8th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJune 8th, 2012The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate face-to-face fundraising in Cheltenham town centre and provide balance between the rights of charities or not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • February 12th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 12th, 2013
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • November 11th, 2014
Contract Type FiledNovember 11th, 2014
SITE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTSite Management Agreement • September 10th, 2024
Contract Type FiledSeptember 10th, 2024
Site Management Agreement between PFRA and Brentwood Borough CouncilSite Management Agreement • August 20th, 2008
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2008The aim of this Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate face-to-face fundraising within Brentwood and provide a balance between the right of the charity or not-for-profit organisation to fundraise and the right of the public to go about their business without undue inconvenience.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • September 7th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 7th, 2017
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • April 12th, 2016
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2016The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Birmingham City centre and provide a balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • October 2nd, 2013
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2013
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • April 3rd, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 3rd, 2018
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • June 13th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 13th, 2017
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • July 31st, 2017
Contract Type FiledJuly 31st, 2017
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • June 24th, 2013
Contract Type FiledJune 24th, 2013
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • March 25th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMarch 25th, 2014
SITE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTSite Management Agreement • March 28th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 28th, 2024
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • April 3rd, 2014
Contract Type FiledApril 3rd, 2014
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • May 12th, 2015
Contract Type FiledMay 12th, 2015The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Brentwood town centre and provide balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Site Management AgreementSite Management Agreement • July 13th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJuly 13th, 2016The purpose and spirit of this voluntary Site Management Agreement (SMA) is to facilitate responsible face-to-face fundraising in Leeds city centre and provide balance between the duty of charities and not-for-profit organisations to fundraise and the rights of the public to go about their business without the impression of undue inconvenience. For the avoidance of doubt, this document does not constitute a legal contract.
Scots Bay SouthSite Management Agreement • May 29th, 2012
Contract Type FiledMay 29th, 2012