Economic sustainability Vzorová ustanovení

Economic sustainability. The application that runs on Android will be developed that will have two-way interface by providing pertinent information on deciding location and depth of drilling a well in any place in the project area on the one hand and also gathering the information from new water well drillings that are to be entered on the App. This will aid to further improve the accuracy of the developed AI system ensuring its sustainability. The implementation of the Project is financially dependent on the stability of financing from the sources of Foreign Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic and sufficient financial backing from the local partner institutions. The initiation of the Project reflects the long-term priorities of the Ethiopian policies in the areas of the water sector and the management of natural resources. The implementation of the Project as well as its continuity from through maintenance, scale-up and replication to other regions will be guaranteed by the concerned Government entity. Given the declared priority of the measures, it is possible to predict a high probability of their maintenance and subsequent development. The project takes into consideration the local specifications within the region, customs and other relevant factors in order to minimize possible conflicts of interest. In the long term, the Project will contribute to improving the utilization and management of information on natural resources. It will also open opportunities into more research and development by local capacity. Furthermore, increased availability of household consumption will have an impact on curbing problems of malnutritionon children with increased productivity leading to improved income and cultivation. The project was formulated on the basis of a request from the Ministry of Water and Energy of Ethiopia and Xxxx Xxxxx University as the main partners. Both institutes pledge to provide all the necessary information and cooperation in processing individual project outputs, including direct participation in the implementation of individual activities and in- kind financial support for the project's success. The in- kind contribution includes providing the available infrastructure and appropriate manpower involved in project implementation, covering the salaries and other administrative expenses of their assigned local experts in the project as well as arranging local permits and logistics as well as follow up on the work progress. An agreement between the promoter an...